Sequel: Midnight
Status: Moved from of my accounts on Q!Zilla

Take it Back, Jacob Black.


The heat from the fire was warm, but the arm around my shoulders was even warmer. I leaned into the warmth and Jacob smiled, tightening his arms around me. I resisted the urge to giggle like an idiot and went for a half smile instead. Billy Black, Jacob's dad, was sitting next to the other elders of the tribe, telling the legends of the Quileutes.

While staring at the dance flames, I listened to his deep voice. It painted a picture, and it was like the flames shifted...making real what was considered folklore. I stared at the flames and let out an awestruck breath. I don't know how long I sat there, mouth ajar and mind entranced, but Jacob shook my shoulders. “Ryder? You okay?” He asked, kneeling in front of me. He blocked my view of the fire and I blinked, looking up at his concerned face.

“Uh...Yeah. I'm fine, just thinking is all.” I said, standing up and dusting off the back of my board shorts. I reached into my bag and pulled out the pants. I should be dry enough by now to put my clothes back on. I put them and the sundress back on.

Jacob grabbed something of the ground and held his palm up. “You dropped this.” He said.

I blushed, grabbing my phone and sticking it in my back pocket. “Thanks.” I said.

He nodded and we walked over to his newly finished truck. He'd said that this had been his dad's but he got it for his birthday. “Come on, I want to show you something.” He said cryptically.

I quirked an eyebrow as I got in the truck. “You're not going to take me to some field and hack me into tiny little pieces, are you?” I inquired, only half joking.

He chuckled, starting the truck and back up. “No, just feed you to the wolves.”

I snorted. “Wolves don't eat people. Bite, sure, eat? No.” I said, looking out the window as the trees passed by at incredible speeds. I sighed, remembering how descriptive Billy was about how the spirit warriors were. Imagine if that was real. I thought, That would be so awesome. You know, except for the whole having to choose between a wolf or human.

“What are you thinking about?”

The question was innocent enough, but I was embarrassed to say what I was really thinking. He'd probably think I was insane. Still, the question popped out of my mouth before I could stop it, “Why do they have to choose?”


“The legends – you know, the spirit warriors.” I said, wishing I could just drop it. Curiosity seemed to have control of my actions at the moment.

He shrugged his shoulders. “Everyone gets old eventually,” He said. A tic worked in his jaw and I wondered what was bothering him, “it depends on how you want to spend your years. My guess is that the Creator gave them a choice because they deserved some sort of say in their destiny.”

“Which would you choose?”

He seemed shocked at the question. “Well, it depends if I had something to live for.” His voice had grown soft and a small smile played at his lips as he stared straight ahead. “I think I would choose my human form.”

“Hm, I guess. If I were one of those warriors, I'd be a wolf.” I said, sighing, “You'd have a pack – someone to care for you. You'd have family. You'd get to run for as long as you could. Hear for miles, smell scents humans can't, see things humans can't.”

“If you had someone you loved, someone human, and they loved you- you wouldn't give up something you loved for them?” He asked.

I swallowed the rock in my throat. “I wouldn't find anything like that,” I said honestly, “I can't bring myself to believe that kind of love actually exists.”

“What about the people that get married?”

I sighed, “I believe that they believe they are in love.” I said. “Where are we going?” I asked, attempting to change the subject.

He turned off onto a gravel path and parked the truck. He came around the truck and opened the door. I blushed, thanked him, and walked beside him down the rest of the path. It came out to a cliff. It was one I hadn't seen before. It was covered in thick, tall grass framed by trees. You could hear the ocean.

Jacob sat back in the grass, grabbing my hand and pulling me down with him. I landed on his chest and he smiled up at me. I returned it and rolled onto my back. One of my arms was thrown lazily over his bare abdomen and my head was resting on his chest.

His heart thumped against my ear, causing me to smile. There was something soothing about it. I blinked, concentrating. His heart was beating in time with my own! “See those stars?” He asked, pointing to the sky. I leaned back to look at the sky. “They've got nothing on you.”

I blushed and looked at him. He couldn't be serious. He looked over at me and smiled. Yes, he was serious. “Thanks.” I said, flattered by his cheesy compliment.

He grinned and winked at me. I laughed, resting my head back on his chest. His hand went to play with my hair. I blinked against the lulling and turned to lay on my stomach and stare at him. “Why'd you bring me out here?” I asked.

He shrugged. “I thought you'd like it. I come out here to get away from everyone. Nobody knows it's here but me.”

“And me!” I piped.

He laughed and reached up to hold my cheek in his palm. I swallowed the rock in my throat and willed the butterflies in my stomach to stop their incessant fluttering. Even my heart was betraying me, racing at speeds incredible. He sat up, forcing me into a sitting position and leaned forward.

The air between us seemed to become electrified and I was hyper aware of every movement he made. I waited, knowing full well what was about to happen.

The moment our skin came in contact, all hesitation was gone. It somehow felt right to be with Jacob like this. I was scared to death of that feeling, that warmth growing in my chest. Still, one of my hands went to run through his hair.

His hot hand rested on my back as we fell backwards, hitting the ground with an audible thump. We broke the kiss, laughing and left in a tangle of awkward and gangly limbs. “Did you know you taste like mint and chocolate chip?” He asked.

I laughed, “That's probably my chap stick.” I said.

“Ah,” He captured my lips with his own yet again. The kiss was slow and intense and somehow...timid at the same time. I've never kissed anyone quite like that and, when I felt my lips part, I was slightly afraid. I'd always found French kissing gross..but not now. Not with Jacob.

And suddenly, the kiss quickened. Becoming urgent, hungry, passionate. My hands secured him to me while his did the same to me. My hands tangled in his hair and his arms were like a vice around me as he moved us so that his entire weight was resting on top of me.

I pulled away and fell on my back, at a loss for words. I'd never lost control like that. Ever. I...wasn't sure. My thoughts were all jumbled in a tangle of words and actions. Should I run? Should I stay? Should I apologize? Should I go back for more?

“Jacob,” I said, my voice shaking, “take me home.”

“What?” He asked, shocked, “Why?”

“Just...” I swallowed the rock in my throat, afraid that I was losing my mind, “take me home, please.” I said.

He stood up and held out his hand. I grabbed it and let go as soon as I was standing. I couldn't have gotten away from him fast enough. It seemed like every five of my steps was one of his. My hands trembled as I opened the door of the truck and fished my phone out of my pocket.

I looked at the screen and saw I had three new text messages. One of them was from Trace, asking when I was going to be home. The other two were from Marcella, wondering why the hell I haven't been around this weekend. I cleared the screen and dropped my phone in my pocket, unable to hold it any longer.

When we pulled up to my door, I hopped out of the truck. “Wait,” Jacob called, getting out of the truck. It was still running. He crushed me to his chest and tilted my chin up. I swallowed, but couldn't grow the balls to tell him to stop. He placed a soft kiss on my lips before letting me go. “Goodnight, Ryder. Sweet dreams.”

“Y-you too.” I muttered before racing inside. I shut the door, turned, and slipped on a piece of paper. I cursed, ripped it up, stood up and ran to my room completely unaware of the couple practically going at it on the living room couch.