Sequel: Midnight
Status: Moved from of my accounts on Q!Zilla

Take it Back, Jacob Black.


“You were one all this time and you tell me now?”

I'd passed out, yes, and it was embarrassing to be carried twice because I was unconscious. Only, this time it hadn't taken quite so long to come around. When I did,I was sitting in Jacob's lap on a couch surrounded by sixteen concerned, confused, and inquisitive faces. Four of them were unexpected.

Trace, Mom, Marcella, and Gabriel all looked guilty. Somehow, I felt betrayed that everyone knew this except me. Especially Trace and, worst of all, my mother. Mom had gotten here yesterday, what did she know? How could she know? “Sweetheart, calm down before you have an attack. There's more you need to know before tonight is over with.” Mom said, tucking her dark hair behind her ears.

Skylar's sleeping form was next to me and, when he shifted in his sleep, his foot jabbed into my side. I grimaced and stood up so that I wouldn't wake him. “What else could there be, Mom? Wait, don't tell me, unicorns and fairies that shit rainbows and sparkly dust?” I asked sarcastically.

She narrowed her eyes, “Don't take that tone with me, young lady.” She scolded.

I clenched my teeth, but it slipped out before I could stop it, “I've been without a mom for over half of my life, I don't need you acting like one now.” I snapped.

She was hurt and I wanted to take it back, but I didn't. She didn't have the right to waltz in here and expect to pick up where she left off as a mother. Honestly, I wasn't the type of person to “forgive and forget”. “Ryder.” Jacob chided.

I glared, “And you! Playing mister innocent and lying! And Marcella! I've known you all of your life – you turn into a fucking dog and suddenly sisters doesn't mean anything. Trace didn't even tell me so if I can't trust you people to tell me something this important, what's to say anything else you do or say is the truth? And I'm guessing the Indian lady was a vampire, is that why you've all been so busy? You know...seeing as how you wouldn't have known about it without my telling Jacob, I think I deserved to know before, I don't know, I lost everyone I know.”- I paused to breathe - “So, you know what? I don't give a damn if you turn into wolves or some chick with a thirst for blood is around, or about any of this!”

Jacob moved to touch me, but I sidestepped him. “R-”

“No, Jacob, don't. I can't,” Spit it out, I thought to myself, “I can't be with somebody that has so many secrets so, I'm sorry.” I said, turning on my heel and walking out the door. I didn't really think that through, but just as I was about to make the embarrassing return to get a ride home, a cold hand touched my arm.

I went to turn to see who it was, and the hands stopped me. “Ah, ah, ah, I cannot have you ruining the surprise just yet, darling.” The whisper against my neck was definitely male and was thickly accented. Amazingly, it wasn't French. It sounded Egyptian. A part of me told me that this was the voice of my stalker. This was the person that haunted me...

His long arms wrapped around my waist and his chin rested on my shoulder. I was too terrified to turn my head. His arms tightened around me as the front door opened and Jacob began shouting. The stalker trilled a musical laugh into the air, almost challenging Jacob who, by now, had turned into a horse sized wolf. Just as he lunged for us, the world seemed to tilt and fly past us. We were spiraling through a tunnel that seemed to have no oxygen. I began to feel light headed and, as my knees would have gone weak, we came out to a large house with a wrap around porch. “Do you like?” He inquired, moving far enough ahead of me so that I couldn't see his face.

His build was muscular and he wore black slacks and a red button down shirt. It seemed to be made of silk with the way it reflected the moonlight. His hair was long, wavy, and black. His skin was a rich caramel color. “I am sorry I took you from your...friends. I was under the impression you no longer wanted to be there.”

I fought with myself. I hated the way this stranger spun his voice to make him seem like the good guy. “N-no.” I whispered, “Take me back. You have to.” I affirmed, trying to sound stronger than I actually felt.

His shoulders slumped and he let out a resigned sigh, “Love, I cannot do that,” He said, his heels crunching into the gravel walkway that led to the porch. His face was astonishing. The Cullens seemed ogres compared to his beauty. His features were set and defined. Taut, flawless skin covered every part of his visible body and he screamed lethality and confidence.

I fought another, stranger urge. The urge to wrap my arms around him and not let go. “And why not?” My voice didn't sound very irritated, but I was irritated.

A blinding smile lit up his dark face and he was suddenly in front of me, running the pad of his thump down the length of my face, “Because you are mine. Your little wolf did not appreciate you as I will.”

“You aren't all the way there.” I spoke quietly, half way hoping he didn't hear me.

His rich, brown eyes grew dark with defiance and indignation, “Insanity came and left me, Ryder, dearest, please...Let us talk about this in the morning.”

I looked behind me, futilely hoping that one of them would come flying out of the forest to save me. No one came.