Sequel: Midnight
Status: Moved from of my accounts on Q!Zilla

Take it Back, Jacob Black.



“There's no use in destroying her room!”

The incredulous and worn voice of Trace Greer shouted at me from the hallway. I shook my head at him, there was. She'd spoken of getting letters and trinkets...and the room had a faint hint of bloodsucker. I lifted the edge of her bed to find nothing but shoes and journals. I looked around the room for another place she could have put them.

I threw open the closet door and smiled in satisfaction at the large box labeled: Creepy Stalker Gifts. Ryder was a strange girl. I picked up the box and brushed past her brother and the others. Downstairs, I dumped the box on the dining room table. “What's-”

“This is all the gifts that psycho parasite gave her. All the letters, too.” I answered, not bothering to look at Sam. There were various baubles here ranging from expensive jewelry, to blank journals with ornate patterns, even books by all of her favorite poets.

A feral growl erupted from deep within me as I began to shake. “Calm yourself, Jake, you aren't going to be of any good to her if your mind is clouded by rage.” Sam said quietly as the rest of the pack came around to examine the contents of the box. I grabbed the closest envelope and pulled the letter out of it.

You seem different than most humans, less worried about others. I wonder, do people call you conceited? Your going to need me soon and, unlike your friends and family, I promise to be there. Your human, Angela, seems to be intrigued with the idea of a secret admirer. She has the right frame of mind, ma chére.

Keep watch and, perhaps, you would like to ask your mother about the family secret?

Yours eternally,

votre tutrice ange

“None of you noticed this?” Diana, Ryder's mom, asked in disbelief.

Trace touched her shoulder. “She hasn't exactly been forthcoming with information.” He said. There was something in the way her mother held herself that made me weary of her. The note had said something about a family secret...

I stood up and turned to her, holding up the letter, “You have information that's likely to help us in finding Ryder.” I said.

She didn't try to deny the statement and, instead, sighed heavily. “It was only a matter of time before it came up. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.”

Trace quirked a dark eyebrow. “What are you talking about, Mom?” He inquired. I pulled a chair from the dining room table and set it down against the wall.

“Sit,” I demanded. Diana sat and looked up at me with fearful eyes, “Tell us everything.”


I was beginning to think that I was right all along. That something bad was about to happen. I was sitting in a bedroom, on a king sized bed with nothing but blue sheets on them. It was a four-poster bed straight from a Jane Austen novel. I sighed, leaning back and closing my eyes.

Now was a time I wish I could be with Jacob. Have him wrap his arms around me and hold me tight, have him kiss me with such an intensity it made my bones grow weak. I wanted to inhale the scent of his skin, memorizing the planes of his face with my fingertips one more time. I wanted to hear him laugh or patronize me, even toss me into the freezing water of the Pacific Ocean. I wanted our limbs to tangle together as we fell from the cliffs, or sat by the bonfires and listen to stories and music played by the members of the tribe that came.

I just wanted Jacob and, as weird as this was, no one else. All I needed was Jacob Ephraim Black. I could almost feel him, if I thought about it. Sighing, I tried futilely to stop thinking about the strange boy. He wasn't even human.

But then...I guess I didn't really care. I loved him either way. Yes, I loved him. Loved with him all my heart and that terrified me. I didn't want to feel this, it was all consuming. It felt like something was trying to pull me to him from somewhere inside me. I was restless unless I knew how he was, was he okay? Was he thinking about me? Was he trying to save me?

My eyes drifted closed and I was sucked into oblivion...Or so I thought.

The wind howled and the skies threatened to unleash their bounty upon the celebration. I inhaled sharply and turned to look at the face of Angela Weber. She shook her head at me and motioned for me peak around the rosebushes.

The procession of people seated somewhat comfortably in white chairs chatted amongst themselves. The path, made of cobblestone and lined with gardenias, seemed to glitter from the minimal amount of sunlight that leaked through scattered holes in the dense overcast.

None of that mattered as my eyes locked with Jacob's. His handsome face lit up, a bright smile stretching across his face. “I love you,” He mouthed discretely.

A smile etched it's way across my features, as well as a blush, “I love you too.” I mouthed back. His smile grew wider. I leaned back and Angela gave me a reassuring smile as she disappeared from behind the bushes.

Claire and Raina both scurried down the path, tossing flower petals every which way. The guests laughed in good nature and I stiffened at the sound of the Wedding March. This is it, I thought and placed my bare feet against the smooth, cold, cobblestone. As everyone turned to watch me, thunder shook the heavens and lightning struck in a far away field.

Rain fell from the sky mercilessly. The rain stained my lavender colored dress red with blood. I screamed in horror, looking back to Jacob for answers and a sense of safety. I was met with the sight of a hundred bodies scattered around the field. All of them with familiar faces.

“Ry...” Trace's strained voice called from the front row. I rushed to his body and found him still. Lifeless.

“Ryder!” Jacob's voice lured me to where he and his groomsmen lay bloodied and ravaged. I rolled Jacob onto his back to see his face contorted in pain. “Ry, you have to..” He trailed off, coughing.

“I have to what, baby? Tell me.” I coaxed, smoothing his stained red hair away from his beautiful face.

“You have to,” He paused and chuckled darkly, coughing, and morphing into the face of my stalker, “stop being so gullible.”

My lungs filled with an immense amount of icy air that burned my throat as I bolted upright in bed. I wiped the cold sweat from my face and fought to catch my breath. I wiped the tears from my face, but it proved useless. I was still sobbing. “Jacob...” I whispered, catching a glimpse and holding onto it, of the full moon outside my window, “...please hurry.”