Sequel: Midnight
Status: Moved from of my accounts on Q!Zilla

Take it Back, Jacob Black.


"You don't need a bathing suit, geez, you're such a girl sometimes!"

Marcella's hands wrapped around my wrist and she pulled me through the forest to one of the sets of cliffs. I rubbed my wrists after she let go of them and started taking off my shoes. "You've got towels." I said.

She nodded and I unbuttoned my pants, dropping them to the ground and pulling my tee shirt over my head. "Put some clothes on, you whores!" A male voice said.

My stomach fluttered and Marcella rolled her eyes. "So gross." She muttered and slid off her bracelets. I made sure my phone was tucked safely in my shoe and cracked my knuckles nervously. "On three." She said.

I jumped and laughed at the welcomed feeling of adrenaline rushing through my veins. My heart raced and my mind was completely void of anything except the wind rushing around me. I forced myself upright and hit the water feet-first. Bubbles filled the water around me and I smiled, spinning around and blinking against the water at my eyes.

I came back up and exhaled, wiping the water from my eyes. Gabriel's dark brown hair was the first thing I saw, followed by his coffee colored skin and then his light brown eyes...I turned away before he could realize I was staring, or I did something embarrassing. Whichever came first. I swam away from him and toward shore. I rung out my hair and leaned back, putting my hands behind my head.

I heard giggling and then my face was drenched with salty sea water. I coughed and spluttered as I shot to my feet. "I'm going to fucking castrate you both!" I screamed, blinking against the stinging in my eyes.

Marcella gasped and pointed to her brother. "It was his idea, I swear!" She said.

"I love you to, Marcie." He said, looking at me wearily.

I gave him my best smile. I'd get him back later, I was going over to Marcella's house this weekend anyhow. I was about to sit back down when the most embarrassing thing happened. Something hit me straight in the back of the head. Something hard. I didn't fall, but I stumbled. I grabbed the soccer ball and tucked it under my arm. "Oh, hell." Marcella and Gabriel chorused, "They are about to be ki-lled." They sang the latter just as I turned around.

A group of incredibly large, shirtless, and muscular Natives stood in a circle. Most of them avoided eye contact with the exception of one. I chose him for my target. I wasn't stupid, I knew I wouldn't do much physical damage to him so I grabbed a thick piece of driftwood and walked towards the group.

They stared at me. Waiting.

I let the ball drop and kicked it toward the ocean. "Ohhh shit." A few of them whispered as I lifted the hefty piece of driftwood over my head. I stomped on the boy's foot with my heel and, when he doubled over, I smashed the piece of wood over his back.

"Jackass." I muttered.

So it was harsh...

I could have a concussion, guys!

He got up, not seeming to be hurt too bad. He stared at me and, for a second, I thought I was a goner but his face softened and he smiled. "I'm sorry."


My mouth sort of just hung open in shock and I was overcome by guilt. "N-no," I stammered, and I got this weird feeling in my chest. It wasn't that fluttering effect that Gabriel usually had. No, this was more of a warmth that pulsed and grew bigger...and bigger until I thought my heart was about to explode out of my chest, "I shouldn't have...Um," I said.

He chuckled and my face turned a million shades of red. "How about I let you make it up to me? Meet me by Carvers Diner tomorrow around four and you can take me to see a movie." He said.

"Um..." I could hear Marcella telling me to hurry my butt up, so I just nodded and sprinted back to my friends.

"What was that?" Marcella asked.

I didn't answer first, because I was still trying to figure it out myself. I had with a complete and total stranger. I mean, he was a cute stranger...but a stranger nonetheless.