Sequel: Midnight
Status: Moved from of my accounts on Q!Zilla

Take it Back, Jacob Black.


I could feel the raw strength he was obviously holding back as I was jerked out of the water and tossed onto the banks. I groaned as the oxygen left my lungs with the force of the landing. Somehow, I found the strength to pull myself to my knees. It was a short lived victory, because the back of Lucien’s hand hit me so hard I literally spun around. I was surprised, partly, that my neck didn’t break.

Gasping, I clutched my head between my hands. Don’t show him it hurts, Chrissy. I stiffened as the intrusion of my mind echoed. It was the voice of my father. Swallowing the bile in my throat, I clenched my teeth and stood up. Lucien laughed, “Ah, ah, ah,” He scolded, obviously amused. His foot went to smash into my side, but my hand reached out and gripped it with a vice.

Kick the other leg.

I followed my Dad’s/Hallucination’s order, kicking Lucien’s other leg from under him and digging the heel of my bare foot into his throat. Finish it! The hallucination growled. I froze as Lucien’s eyes widened, “P-please,” He stuttered, sounding eerily like Jacob.

My blood ran cold. Ignore him, baby, it’s just a trick his filthy kind use.The voice warned. I bit my lip and, as my heel would’ve smashed his windpipe, his hand gripped my ankle and I was suddenly airborne.

The tree broke my fall and my heard snapped back. Black spots blurred my vision and I tasted blood. I swallowed against the metallic liquid and looked for a place to hide. The only place I might have a chance is too far away. Get back to the cabin. Douse everything in gasoline – check the cabinet; there are matches as well – and once he’s in, sneak out the back and toss the match through the window.

It was a good plan. There were just a few problems. One, I was sure Lucien ran faster than me. In my injured and delirious state, it would only increase his advantage. Two, the cabin was on the other side of the creek. Three, how the hell was I suppose to trap him? I didn’t even know what he was. “Come, darling, let us finish breakfast. You must be starving. I know I am.” The suggestive lilt in his tone was enough to set my resolve firmly in place. I let the psychopath guide me threw the creek and back into the cabin.

Lucien watched me warily. My heart thudded against my ribcage as I slyly glanced around the open kitchen/dining room/den to see where the gasoline and matches could possibly be kept. I stood up and Lucien hissed as he slapping me and setting me roughly back in the chair. Tears stung my eyes and I bit my lower lip so hard I began to taste blood.

“I have to use the bathroom.” I said, hating how my voice wasn’t as strong as I’d hoped. No, instead it sounded almost as crazy as Lucien really was. It shook and my lips quivered.

He said nothing and continued to stare at me while his hands, almost on autopilot, searched for bowls and utensils. “Very well.” He said finally.

I exhaled, realizing I had been holding my breath the entire time. I stood up slowly, sore and still reeling from the ass whipping I’d just received. I controlled my breathing when Lucien’s eyes shot over to me. I fought to stand straight and made my way into the hallway. Being as quiet as humanly possible, I opened the door next to the bathroom. It was a small door, as if it was a dumbwaiter.

Luck would have it; there was a series of shelves. It was mostly what one would expect to find in an outdoorsman’s home. Greased wrenches, jumper cables, gasoline, matches, a first aid kit…a grease rag. The Powers that Be must’ve been smiling down on me, because it was here. Just like my Hallucination-Dad said it would be. I grabbed the gasoline canister and the box of matches and carried them quickly, but silently, into the room I’d been locked into. Floorboards…The voice wasn’t quite as loud as before. It sounded weak and as if its owner was in a tunnel.

I moved my foot to see one of the floorboards shift slightly. I sighed, using my nails to pluck it from its place. I shoved the stuff into the floorboard and pushed it back into place. “What are you doing, ma chér?” Lucien’s voice was suspicious. I looked up almost too quickly and heat filled my face.

He assumed it was because I was embarrassed, and smiled. No, that wasn’t it in the slightest. My face was red from the beating. My face was red because I wasn’t expecting to get caught. He was suspicious, yes, but seemed to care more about the fact that my girls were showing a bit more than usual because of my position.

Huffing, I stood up and glared. Lucien’s eyes were dark with lust. I gulped, the last thing I needed was for him to get any ideas. “What?” I snapped.

Lucien sighed and moved to twirl a lock of my hair around his index finger. I swatted his hand away and he glowered, his hand clamping painfully on my shoulder. “No need to be rude, love, your breakfast is ready. Or, perhaps I should call it your lunch.” He said, smiling. His smile faded when I didn’t laugh at his attempt at humor. He maneuvered himself so that he was behind me. For a moment, I was scared.

I relaxed when he shoved me over the sill of the door and down the hallway. The door to the cabinet was closed and I panicked. Had I closed it and not realized it?

I tried to push that to the back of my mind. I couldn’t afford distractions, I needed to figure out the rest of the plan and I needed to figure it out now.


It had been almost 46 hours since we’d left to search for Ryder. Everyone was restless and tired. They were hungry and thirsty. Leah and I, having done it before, hunted like real wolves. The others were less willing. Let them starve; they already wanted to bail out.

I dipped my muzzle into the stream to clean the blood from it. I did the same to my paws and turned around to look at everyone. Some of them were nestled against fallen trees, their eyes closed and their chests rising in falling with the even breaths of sleep. The others were nodding off against the ones already asleep.

Embry trotted over, being the most recent person to hunt. He’d taken down a wild boar and offered to share it with the others. Of course, no one took him up on the offer except Leah and I. He lapped at the stream before stretching out and resting his big head on his front paws. How do you know she’s still a-

I just know,
I thought. My tone was a little sharper than I’d meant it to be…but I couldn’t stand the thought of Ryder being dead. I just couldn’t picture her being a lifeless, pale, corpse. I couldn’t see her not calling someone a candy ass or watch the smile on her face whenever someone mentioned gummy candies…or hearing her laugh, seeing her face, inhaling her scent…My heart clenched and I buckled under the weight of pain of not being with her.

Embry whimpered, feeling my pain firsthand. He sneezed and rolled onto his side.;i] How can you stand it? Being imprinted, I mean.

I looked over at him, It’s really not that bad. To know who the person is you’re meant to spend the rest of your life with. I…I don’t know what I would have done had I not imprinted on Ryder.

Embry rolled his eyes and I growled at his thoughts. I didn’t even want to think about that leech lover. Embry whined at my anger in shock, What if you hadn’t imprinted on her, Jake? What if you’d fallen for and imprinted on someone else. It’s happened before. He said, looking over at Sam.

I nodded, knowing full well the story between the Alpha and the only female in the pack; the fairytale romance with the horror story ending. She was alone. Half the pack hated her, and she couldn’t get pregnant…which meant she’d never know the joy of imprinting.

But even I noticed something different about her lately. She was nicer to everyone, she smiled a lot more. She only grimaced when someone mentioned her past relationship with Sam. I would put money on it being because Ryder’s brother, Trace, but I was flat broke.

If that would’ve happened…I don’t know what I would’ve done. I’m sure I would fight the imprint. I’d want to be with Ryder, because she’s just…She’s different. Cliché, I know, but true. She’s just so full of life it’s…
I trailed off, at a loss for words. Imprinting isn’t forced, Embry, despite what it seems like in the stories. It’s just the Creator showing you who you’re suppose to be with. The rest is up to you.