Sequel: Midnight
Status: Moved from of my accounts on Q!Zilla

Take it Back, Jacob Black.


The door creaked loudly as I stumbled out of it. I wiped my tear and blood stained face with the back of my hand and fought back the sobs. I couldn't believe I let myself be vulnerable. I couldn't believe...

“What are you doing?”

His hands gripped my wrists violently and he reached into the cabinet below the sink to pull out a roll of duct tape. He made easy work of taping my wrists and mouth. Still, I struggled with my feet. It resulted in a sharp pang in my side. I screamed internally as most of my body became so numb I couldn't move. I could still feel his hands on me as he dragged me to the back room and tossed me onto the bed.

I tripped over a root and hit the ground. Hard. I wanted to kill that bastard. Taking the one thing from me that was mine; the only thing that I had control over. He would burn a thousand times over for what he did and I would make damn sure he felt every bit of pain as I did. The ground was damp, as if from a recent rain though there hadn't been for days.

Just a few feet in front of me stood a cluster of flowers. I recognized them from a trip in Biology. They were grass peas, a close relative to the sweet pea. . .and they were highly toxic. I ripped two of the bundles from the Earth and made my way back. I was tired of waiting around to be saved, dammit. I was taking fate into my own hands. Literally.

I eased back into the cabin, making my way to the kitchen and taking a knife to dice up and smash the plant into a fine paste. I went over to the fridge and pulled out the bottle of Merlot wine. I poured it in a big glass and mixed it carefully, making sure that most of it was blended. Just do it quickly, Ryder, get it over with and you won't be tormented by this asshole, My conscience egged me on, fueled by adrenaline, and I went into the room where Lucien slept.

His mouth was closed. I cursed internally and went to the side of the bed, waiting. His eyebrow twitched and, lo and behold, his mouth parted. It was only open a few centimeters so it didn't give me much to work with. I suppose the powers that be can only help you so far. I tilted the class back, carefully pouring it into his mouth. Most of it, anyway. Some managed to get onto his chin and the blanket around it.

He spluttered and his hand went out to grab my throat. I mashed my lips and teeth together in case he tried to kiss me again. “Don't ever. Do that. Again.” He growled, his eyes blazing a fire primal. I nodded my head and back away once I wriggled out of his grasp. He paused, licking his lips. “You bitch! You poison me after all I've done for you?” He sounded disgusted, appalled, hurt, and a tinsy bit angry.

This was working out just according to plan.

He stood up, revealing him in his entire all naturalness, and grabbed me roughly by the hair. I grimaced, but remained relatively silent. “You put something in the wine.” He stated.

I couldn't stop the satisfied smile on my face. Oh, how I wish I could have taken that smile back.