Sequel: Midnight
Status: Moved from of my accounts on Q!Zilla

Take it Back, Jacob Black.


I was at a loss at what to say when Trace had told me the family secret. I mean, what was I suppose to say? “Oh, dearest brother, I find it wonderful to be a fucking bird.” But we all know that's not something I would do. Ever.

I zipped up my backpack and got out of the car, trying to ignore the shocked looks and whispers as I crossed the parking lot of Forks High School. This place seemed so foreign that I nearly convinced myself to turn around and just not come back. Just as I was about to turn around, a set of hands latched onto my sides and lifted me in the air. “Don't even think about it, missy.”

Austin Hart crushed me to his chest, laughing. His hair had gotten longer and, maybe he dyed it, but it was a honey brown now. I blushed at being caught, but had to ask, “How did you know?” I asked, referring to me about to book it. He shrugged his shoulders.

“I know that look is all.” He said, draping an arm around my shoulders. I grimaced, hating someone to touch me. I still wasn't over the Lucian thing and what he did to me, and I seriously hoped it felt every bit of the flames searing his flesh and burning him alive, but I knew Austin would never try anything with me. We were friends, but it seemed like we'd drifted around eighth grade.

The bell to go to class rang and he removed his arm, “Later, Ryder, it's good to have you back.” He said, disappearing down a hall. I went to the building marked OFFICE and Mrs. Cope stared up at me. I shifted uncomfortably under he speculative stare.

“My goodness, girl, ditch much?” She exclaimed, giving me a hug. I laughed, returning it. Being around normal, human, people made me feel, well, normal. “What can I do you for?”

“Um, I need a note for all of my teachers saying I can get all my make up work.” I said. She nodded and went to her computer. She typed a couple of things, hit enter a few hundred times, and went over to the printer. Seven pieces of paper came out and she handed them to me. “Thanks, Mrs. Cope.”

“No problem, dear, if you have any trouble from those teachers, you call me.” She said. I nodded and left, walking to my first period class. Mr. Gresham, my literature teacher, looked shocked when I came into the classroom.

“Long time no see, Miss Greer.” He said, putting the note I gave him on his desk and opening his drawer. He pulled out a thick portfolio folder and set it on the edge of his desk. I stared at it with my eyes wide. Fuck me running,I thought incredulously. A few people sniggered and I shot glares at them.

He put two books on top of that, one of them being Othello and the other The Freedom Writers. I sighed, grabbing the stuff and moving to the back of the class. Just as I was putting my insanely large amount of make-up work into my empty backpack, the door burst open and some blonde kid was standing there breathless. “Ah, Mr. Vincent, you're late again. What's your excuse this time?” Mr. Gresham asked him.

The kid shrugged his shoulders, “I had to take a leak.” He said, shutting the door and taking the seat behind a girl named Lauren McKinley. She hung out with Jessica, and both of them were major biznatches.

The rest of class was just me getting started on my make-up work and everyone else watching the movie to Freedom Writers. I'd already seen it, so I ignored it. By the time the bell rang, I'd barely made a dent in the work. I sighed and gathered my things. Today was going to be a really, really long day.


“It couldn't have been that bad.”

Jacob's soft voice and warm breath tickled my ear, I turned over on my bed, grabbing a pillow and shoving it under my head. “You seriously underestimate those teachers.” I groaned, yawning. I was worn out. It didn't help that the Vincent kid had stared at me as if I'd had sixty heads.

“If it helps any, Paul and Jared got into it.”

I creaked one eye open and looked up at him. “Did Jared rip him a new one?” I asked.

Jacob answered with a lopsided, cheeky grin. I rolled my eyes at his silliness and snuggled against his chest. He laughed, “Stop that,” He said, “It tickles.” I rolled my eyes, draping an arm across his abdomen. He squeezed me to his body and kissed my forehead. “I missed you so much, Ry,” He said, staring up at me with a peculiar look in his eyes. That look made my stomach muscles clench and my heart go like a freaking NASCAR race. I swallowed the rock in my throat and tried to push the fact that, suddenly, I was hyper aware of him. He rolled us over and his hand went to hold the back of my neck.

I stared up at him, silent and confused. His lips brushed mine ever so slightly. Jacob pulled back to gauge my reaction. When I didn't punch him in the face, he attacked me. That was probably the best way to describe it. His hands scooped me up and his lips ravished my own as he pulled us into a sitting position. His tongue slipped past my lips and his hands eased up my shirt, one hand securing me impossibly close to him – it was almost painful – and the other tracing small circles in my back.

My blood began to boil in my veins and the room became incredibly warm, my hands knotted themselves in his hair and, while my mind was unresponsive, my body moved to push him backwards so that I straddled his hips. He gasped, pulling away from me and fought for breath. His hands, vices on my hips, began to be painful, but I didn't complain. “Don't move.” He hissed, his voice strained.

I grimaced, “Jacob, I kind of have to. What if Trace comes in and-” I made the mistake of adjusting the way I was sitting so that I was more comfortable (if you can be comfortable half way off the bed and having someone trying to crush your waist) and he bit his lip, seeming to be in pain. I quirked an eyebrow, W.T.F.

I heard footsteps on the stairs and quickly got off of Jacob, straightening my clothes and hair. My lips, which were probably a bit swollen from the pressure and intensity of his kiss, I couldn't do anything about. I turned and grabbed the copy of Othello from my nightstand. I'd halfway finished it, so, I mean, it kind of looked like I was actually reading it.

The footsteps passed and I let out a sigh of relief, and I got up to lock my door. No need for any walk-ins. Jacob was still sitting the same way. I walked over to the end of the bed and moved his hair out of his face. “You okay?” I asked, slightly concerned.

He raised an eyebrow, “Yeah,” He said sarcastically, “I could drive a fucking nail with this thing and you ask if I'm okay?” He rolled his eyes. I looked in the direction of his, um, manhood and blushed, Oh...

“Well...” What's one supposed to do in a situation like this? “Um...”

Smooth, Ryder, real smooth.

“I'm going to go before I do something stupid.” He said finally, standing up. I bit back the profusion of giggles that were trying to come out.

“You trying to call me stupid, Black?” I questioned. Oh my God, am I flirting? Oh, hell! It's a sign of the apocalypse.

He smirked and held out his hands, I grabbed them and he pulled me off the floor to his chest. He kissed me a couple of times – nothing major like that make out session – and went over to the window. He disappeared and I ran over to the window. He looked up, muttered something while shaking his head, and jogged into the forest. I couldn't stop smiling. Grinning would be more like it. Sighing, I cleared my throat and unlocked my door.

Heading downstairs, I began to dance around like a spaz. I twirled into the kitchen and moon walked to the fridge, grabbing a Vault and opening it. I downed half the bottle before moon walking into the family room. “You look happy.” I screamed, not knowing the Trace had been downstairs.

Skylar looked over at me and grinned, as if he knew what I had been up to. I scoffed internally, that was absurd. Completely and ridiculously....absurd. “Guess what!” He exclaimed. “Mama's coming back!”

I looked over at Trace for confirmation. When he nodded, my blood ran cold and my good mood was gone almost immediately. “Why?” I questioned.

He looked uncomfortable as he answered, “She has some bad news, Ryder, and it involves all of us.”

“Getting grounded bad, or end of the world bad?” I asked.

He scratched the back of his neck nervously, something he'd picked up from the Pack. He paused before talking. “End of the world bad.”