Sequel: Midnight
Status: Moved from of my accounts on Q!Zilla

Take it Back, Jacob Black.


"And you said yes?"

Marcella's incredulous face stared at me from beneath her multi-colored bangs. I averted my eyes to the floor and my face scrunched up. "Well, I mean, it's a new experience." I said half-heartedly.

"Yeah," She said, "one that could very well be your last new experience." She exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air. I rolled my eyes and spun my locker combination in. I threw my books in my locker and slung my almost empty backpack onto my shoulders. She shook her head at me and followed me out to my car. She worked at Carvers so I was just going to drop her off.


The rain began to fall. It almost blacked out the rest of the world. The inside of my Jeep Liberty had grown cold, so I turned on the heater and slid in my mixed CD. The CD itself was important to me because it was sort of like my life in a small, flat, circular disc. The first song to come on was A Vain Attempt's "I Can't Escape".

I turned it up and adjusted the bass so that it thudded throughout the car. The clock on my CD player said four ten. I yawned and put my foot down on the break before shifting into reverse. I began to back up just as the passenger door opened. "Run someone over why don't you." It was the Stranger Boy.

He reached up and restarted the song, bobbing his head to it. "This is good, who is it?"

"A Vain Attempt." I said quietly, pulling out onto the main road. I braked and put the car in drive, letting one hand drop and rest on the console next to me. "What's your name?" I asked.

"Jacob Black. Yours?" He looked over at me and his dark brown eyes were bright with curiosity.

I reached up to turn off the heat because it had become incredibly hot for some reason. "Ryder Blake." My arm brushed against his and I realized what it was. He had to be over a hundred degrees. I pretended not to notice and made my way to movie theater. There wasn't anything good so we settled for a horror movie.

We got out of the jeep and I lingered in the rain whilst Jacob rushed for cover inside. I slid my phone in my pocket and looked to the sky, inhaling. "Ryder, what the hell are you doing? You're going to catch a cold!"

I gasped as a memory flooded my thoughts.

"Chrissy, baby, come inside. Do you want to catch a cold?" The voice of my worried mother made me turn around. I tucked my soaked locks of dark brown hair behind my ears and rolled my eyes.

"Please, Mom, I'm not going to get sick." Of course, my six year old self didn't know any better. All I knew then was that the rain felt good against my skin and that it made me feel like nothing could ever hurt me.

My mother's youthful face smiled and her eyes crinkled as her smile grew. "You are definitely your father's kid." She'd said, setting her book face down on the porch swing and coming out into the pouring rain. She picked me up and spun me around. "I suppose this once won't hurt anyone."

I was sick with a cold for three days after that. But, then, so was she. While Dad was at work, we use to sit cuddled by the fire in the living room. Classical music played softly in the back ground and mugs of hot chocolate were tucked between our palms. No matter how many covers we had, we never seemed to warm up. Mom told me all sorts of stories from her childhood those three days. When Dad came home, all three of us indulged in a little relaxation and down time.

A burning hand on my shoulder brought me out of my thoughts and Jacob stared down at me. "You all right?" He asked, guiding me up the steps and into the theater. I nodded and rung out my hair much to the displeasure of the people working here.

"What are we watching?" I inquired.

"The Devil's Crosshairs." He said ominously. I laughed in spite of myself and followed him into the theater. We were practically the only one's in here. I kicked my feet up onto the back of the seat in front of me and yawned. "Can I ask you a question?"

"No, I will not take off my clothes."


"Nothing." I smirked at his bewildered expression and yawned again. "What did you want to ask?"

"Why'd you agree to go on a date with me? I mean, you don't know me or anything." He said.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. You seem nice enough." I said honestly. He scoffed and stretched his long legs. He had to be almost seven feet, if not taller.

"I could be some kind of serial rapist murderer." He said.

I tucked my left leg beneath me and turned to face him. "Jacob Black, do you plan on raping me, axing me to death, or any sort of violent - or otherwise inappropriate action - against or to me?" I asked seriously.

He grinned and shook his head, "Naw. I mean, considering when you first saw me you nearly bludgeoned me to death with a piece of driftwood, my safest bet would be stay on your good side." He said.

I laughed, finding it weird that I was so comfortable around him and I didn't even know the first thing about him. I mean, if you didn't count his name. Once the movie started, we focused our attention on it. I tried to get into the movie, I swear I did, but it was so cliche that it wasn't even funny. Both Jacob and I figured this was a sucky way to spend a date so we left and drove around until we came to a parking lot of Wal Mart. "So how old are you?" He asked.

"Seventeen. Yourself? Wait, no, let me guess...Twenty...nine." I locked the doors.

He grinned and shook his head, "Nope, I'm only eighteen."

I was shocked. He seemed older. Much older. We sat in silence until his stomach starting growling. I laughed, getting out of the car. He did too and I relocked the cars. I was sad to realize that it had stopped raining. I pocketed my keys and we entered Wal Mart through the grocery store side. "How much money do you have on you?"

"Thirty-two dollars and...seventy-seven cents." He said. I grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him over to the chip aisle once we got a buggy. We grabbed two big bags of chips. I reached into the buggy and grabbed the Cheetos Puffs. I opened them and pointed it at Jacob. He stared at me as if I'd gone crazy. "I don't think you can do that." He said.

Around a mouthful of Cheetos, I asked, "Why not? I'm going to buy them." I swallowed and went for another handful of puffs. He laughed and got a handful for himself. I set the bag of Cheetos in the front part of the buggy (where you put the toddlers at) and we strolled the grocery side of the story.

Jacob turned around once we'd gotten half way through the drink aisle. He had a twenty four case of Coke in one hand and a twenty four case of Faygo root beer. I grabbed the Faygo (I mean, Faygo is the bomb) and put it beside the Cheetos and opened the case up. I gave Jacob a can and I got one. We both popped the tabs. Mine started fizzing so I hurried slurped up all the fizz. He stared at me with an unfathomable expression and I stared back innocently, wiping my chin. "What?" I asked. The fizz is the best part!

He shook his head, but he had a goofy smile on his face. "Nothing," He said.

I shrugged and took another swallow of my root beer. "Ooo, grapes!" I exclaimed, racing over to the stand to pluck a big bag of white grapes from their place. I unzipped it and bit into one. I sighed and licked my lips, offering the bag to Jacob. "These are so good." I said, eating another one.

"You know," He said, swallowing a mouthful of grapes, "this is probably the weirdest date I've ever been on." He said.

I paused, mid-chew and quirked an eyebrow. He held up his hands as if he thought I was going to strike him with my half empty can of Faygo. "I never said it was bad...Just weird."

I smirked and took another swallow of my drink. I hiccuped and some of it spilled from my mouth. I wiped my chin and tried to stop my laughter...but the lady with the Wal Mart apron one looked at me with a hateful glare and she took the mop back out of the bucket to mop up my mess. "Sorry..." I said, backing up.

Jacob's loud laughter echoed from the shelves and brought people's attention to us. "Yeah," I said, hiccuping, "I'm the Queen of Weird." I said, popping another grape in my mouth.

He stared at me from the top of his drink and quirked a dark eyebrow. "I think I like weird."