Sequel: Midnight
Status: Moved from of my accounts on Q!Zilla

Take it Back, Jacob Black.


It's Thursday and I have an exam over Romeo and Juliet. It really wouldn't be that bad if it weren't for the fact that I can't seem to concentrate on anything but Jacob Black. He was right about one thing. Yesterday definitely was a strange date...if that's what you would call it. Trace would probably kick my behind if he knew I went out on a date with a stranger.

Marcella even thought I was crazy and she does some pretty off the wall things herself sometimes. I pushed the boy to the back of my head for the fifteen minutes it took to answer the hundred and something questions. I answered them all to the best of my ability and put my pen back in my backpack. I glanced up at the clock and frowned. One more class period until I was free for the day.

Just as Mr. Mosely began to take up the tests, I was overcome by a wave of nausea. I gripped the edges of my desk so hard I thought my knuckles were going to break through my skin. Mr. Mosely looked down at me with a fearful expression. "Do you need to see a nurse, Miss Greer?" He asked.

I swallowed back against the uncomfortable feeling in my stomach and shook my head. "N-no, I just need to get some water. That's all." I said half heartedly.

He nodded and I stood up, all but sprinting out the door to get to the water fountain down the hall. I took in the icy water and swallowed. So the nausea goes away, but an equally violent bout of dizziness came over me. I hit the ground before I even thought about moving. I moaned and curled into a ball.

The sound of heavy footsteps made my ears hurt and I recoiled as if someone had slapped me. I guess Jacob was all right after all. I would get sick. Mom was right about me, I was stubborn. "Here, let me take you to the nurse." The voice was male and, when the arms picked me up, I wanted to cringe against the icy temperature of their skin. The voice sighed, "Sorry. I've got poor blood circulation." He sounded genuinely apologetic.

I opened my eyes to see Emmett Cullen staring down at me. My eyebrows furrowed. The Cullens were...weird and never really talked to anyone that didn't come up to them first. Emmett was the more sociable, besides his fiance' Rosalie. I made a sound of protest and wiggled out of his grasp, dropping to the floor. "I can walk." I snapped.

"Sorry," He said again. I shook my head and grabbed his arm as the world began to spin again. I exhaled and felt his arms go around me when I started to sway. "Let me just take you the nurse, all right?" He said.

"Whatever." I said, yawning. I leaned against him and let him guide me through the halls of the main building, under the covered walkway, and into one of the outlying buildings. He opened the door and the nurse led me to the cot.

She stuck a strip to my forehead and tsked. "102F. This is not good. Do you have anyone I can call, sugar?" She spoke with a thick southern drawl.

I nodded. "My brother. He's off work today." I said. She gave me the phone and I dialed the number. She told me that he was on his way.

"Ah, Mr. Cullen, would you be so kind as to get Miss Greer's things from her class?" She asked. He nodded and disappeared. She smiled and handed me a glass of water and two Tylenol. I took them and sighed, resting against the sea foam green walls.

Chills rocked through me, but I managed to begin to drift into a semi-sleep state. I heard my brother's concerned voice ask if I was okay, and felt him lift me up. He wasn't even winded. That's what I liked about my brother. He was like Batman without the catch phrases and tight spandex costume. "Thanks, man." I heard my brother say as he shifted me so that I was sort of cradled to his chest. He used to be in the army, but he got discharged.

I heard him say something and heard the familiar jingle of my keys. "I'll follow you." The voice belonged to Emmett Cullen. I assumed he was bringing my car back to the house.

I yawned and tried to open my eyes, but my brain said no and I began to drift fully asleep.


I was wearing a white dress. It was a silk dress that came just beneath my knees, and was covered by a lighter, sheer ivory fabric. The dress flowed with all of my movements. I was walking away from a bonfire. I was humming a familiar, yet unidentifiable, song. I entered the forest and felt someone approaching. I let out a light, airy laugh and came out at the cliffs. "Ryder?" The voice belonged to Jacob. I turned and gave him a smile, waving delicately before falling backwards from the cliff...falling...falling...

Being enveloped by the black ocean and swallowed whole. Something cold wrapped around my ankle and I wriggled free of it's grasp. There was something shimmering at the bottom. Half of it was obscured by the went sand...the other half was lit up by an unseen, silver light. I turned against the current and swam to the bottom, grabbing the shiny bobble in my hand. It was attached to something. I pulled at it and a skull broke free from the sand.

I scrambled away from it, screaming. Water filled my lungs and the sound of people shouting filled my ears. I sunk, caressing the bottom. I could feel the soft, somehow dry sand rubbing against my soft skin. My eyes drifted clothes and my lungs burned for oxygen.
Don't you die on me, RyRy, don't you die...

The voice repeated the words over and over, but it was no use. I could see Mom and Dad at the end of the incandescent tunnel. They were waving me to them. I was walking toward them and the more I walked, the more I could feel my life slipping away.