Sequel: Midnight
Status: Moved from of my accounts on Q!Zilla

Take it Back, Jacob Black.


The first time I woke up, there was a doctor sitting on the edge of my bed. Trace was standing next to him. He looked different somehow. His hair was cut short, typical for an ex-army man. His pale skin had a sun kissed glow. How he got it, I hadn't the faintest idea. He wore a tight black tee shirt that fit snugly over his chest. His black, dark wash jeans were in much needed of repair because tiny holes were scattered from his knees to his pockets, and on his feet were black, steel toed boots. Had I not known any better, I'd sworn he was going for the semi-Goth look.

The doctor was familiar. His name was Dr. Gerandy. He was a tall, Japanese man in his early thirties. He instructed me to go through the basic motions, mumbling an "Mhm.." or an "Ah.." every once in awhile. He looked to Trace and scribbled a prescription out in illegible chicken scratch. "It's the flu. It's just started making it's go-round. She should be safe to be around others in about three days, but I recommend she get plenty of rest." He said. He turned to me before leaving, "I hope you feel better, Christina."

It's RYDER! I wanted to say. Of course, I was too tired. I looked up at my brother as he sat down and smoothed my hair out of my face. "You know," I whispered sleepily, "I could 'mhm' and 'ah' and make a bunch of money too."

He laughed and told me to keep some sleep before kissing my forehead and leaving the room. He left the door cracked and the lights off. I fell back asleep almost immediately and, this time, my dreams weren't plagued with nightmarish events. I was sipping pina coladas of the coast of Aruba with Hugh Dancey.

The second time I woke up, it was because I was too hot. I groaned, violently kicking the covers away from me. I was panting and covered in a thin layer of sticky sweat. I got up, half asleep and went to turn the air conditioner on. I pulled off my pants and tee shirt to reveal a pair of boxers and a tank top. I crawled back under one of the sheets and got into a semi-sleep state when I heard someone move near my bed. I opened my eyes to see Jacob sitting cross legged with his head propped on his hands. "What are you doing here?" I mumbled, yawning and tucking my arms under the pillow for support.

He smiled. "I was going to surprise you after school but your friend Marcie said that you'd left. She told me where you lived so I stopped by to see how you were. Your brother had to go out to get Skylar and some stuff for you and asked me to keep an eye on you." He explained.

"Oh." was all I could say. It was all I had the energy for. I sighed, exhausted, and blinked. "That's kind of creepy." I whispered.

He chuckled. "You wouldn't want any serial rapists coming to get you, would you?" He inquired.

I shook my head and moved one of my arms to grab the cover. It was difficult since I was lying on my stomach and they were all the way at the end of my bed. I sighed and turned my head back to look at him. "You were right, you know." I said, feeling my eyes begin to drift close. I fought against them.

"I almost always am. Go to sleep, RyRy, I'll be here when you wake up." He said. I attempted to roll my eyes but it must have made me look crazy because it made him laugh. It reverberated off the walls and I swear the windows shook a little bit.

I fell asleep. Just like that. With a creepy, gorgeous, stalker boy watching me.