Sequel: Midnight
Status: Moved from of my accounts on Q!Zilla

Take it Back, Jacob Black.


It seemed the weather saw it fit to fit my mood to the tee. I woke up feeling tired and irritable. It was a little after two o'clock in the morning and I could hear the rain pelting the windows. I could hear the thunder shake the world and the lightning illuminate the skies. Unable to sleep, and restless, I stood up. I was alone, I knew as much because the room was so cold. Somehow, probably his wicked heat, Jacob had warmed the room.

I eased out my room and down the stairs to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I searched the numerous Tub-a-Ware containers for something edible. No such luck. I settled for the box of Apple Jacks. Yes, we keep our cereal in the fridge. I grabbed it and the milk, setting them on the island. I shut the fridge door with my foot while I got a spoon and bowl from the dishwasher.

I made my cereal and went into the living room. When I tried turning on the television, it didn't work. I looked to the outlet to see it wasn't plugged up. I groaned, that was just so much work! I set my food on the coffee table and bent to plug it back up. I sighed, grabbed the remote and my bowl, and crashed on the couch.

Television in early morning was boring, so I had to settle for Adult Swim. I suppose it wasn't all that bad, because Naruto was on. Yes, I have a thing for them...Especially Kakashi. Second only to Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender, he was the finest piece of anime ass I'd ever seen.

I sighed, proceeding to stuff my face. I tilted the bowl up and slurped the milk. Setting it on the coffee table, I laid out on the couch, covering up with the afghan that rested over the side of the couch, and resting my head on a throw pillow. I put the remote on the ground and fell back asleep.


"RyRy, wake up!"

What is with that dreaded nickname?!

I peeked from under the covers to look up at Trace. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head, curling into a ball on the couch. "Listen, Skylar's got the flu too," He said, "Can you look after him while I'm at work? I said I would cover Jody's shift at work so I won't be back until one." He said.

"Sure," I muttered, yawning. It's not like I'm sick or anything, I thought, but kept it to myself. Skylar was five. He didn't know how to take care of himself when he was sick.

"Thanks a lot. I'll be sure to have you some gummy bears when I get home!" He called from the front door.

"You'd better!" I shouted, throwing back the covers and standing up. I knew he'd have a killer headache when he woke up, so I grabbed two Children's Tylenol tablets and a juice box of Juicy Juice berry flavor. He was addicted to those things. I went up the stairs to his room and put them on his nightstand.

He looked like a young Trace, except he had dimples. I pulled the covers back over him and made sure he was breathing. It was a compulsive habit of mine. I left the room, leaving his door ajar. When I rounded the corner to come back into the living room, Gabriel was sitting in my spot with something on his lap. It was a satchel. "Hey..." I said.

He stood up and held the satchel out, careful not to get too close. "Marcie told me to give this to you." He said, "It's your make up work."

I nodded and grabbed the bag. "Wait, isn't she at school?"

He shook his head. "They canceled school today because the weather's too bad."

I scoffed. "Really? It rains almost sixty percent of the year and they say the weather's too bad now?" It was really more to myself than him, but he answered anyway.

"I have a theory about that. I think they're all sipping Pina Colodas in Aruba right now." He said.

I laughed, not because of his theory but because of my Aruba vacation dream with Hugh Dancy as the male love interest. "Thanks for my school work," I said, looking in the cupboard. "Do you think you could head to the store to get some Chicken Noodle Soup and crackers? Skylar's got the bug too." I added, turning around.

"Sure, no problem, but I've got to go pick up my check first." He said, leaning against the counter.

I nodded and leaned against the other counter. "Well..."

He took that as his cue, so he headed for the door. I walked with him to the front porch and gave him a hug. He didn't let go. "Um...You know you're going to get sick, right?" I asked, feeling not at all uncomfortable.

He laughed and his warm breath tickled my ear. "No, stupid, I'm not. I've already gotten it. You know, you probably got it from me."

Probably. He gave one last squeeze before pulling away. And then, the most incredible thing happened. He kissed me. Okay, so, it was on the cheek but still it counts! I blushed, causing him to chuckle, and watched as he drove away. I was giddy for all of three seconds before this feeling of guilt came over me.

My eyebrows furrowed and I didn't realize I was being watched until that chill went down my spine. First instinct told me it was Jacob. I mean, he had been stalking me since we met. "Dammit, Jacob, are you that desperate to hid in the bushes?" I asked no one.

From the bushes, out popped a squirrel. I blushed, least no one heard that. I turned and went back inside. My cheek tingled a little bit. "I swear to Gummy Worms, those boys will be the death of me."