Sequel: Midnight
Status: Moved from of my accounts on Q!Zilla

Take it Back, Jacob Black.


"Sissy? Who's that man?"

"What man, Sky?"

"The dark one walkin' up the steps..."

Mirroring Skylar's position, I leaned up against the kitchen window, my nose pressed against it. I expected Jacob, but it wasn't him. Now I'm becoming obsessed...I thought, moving my little brother out of the way so that I could open the door. I wiped my blue hands on my jeans and shook my head so that my bangs weren't in the way. "Can I help you?" I asked.

"Yeah, are you Ryder?" He asked. He was tall, about 7'1" with short brown hair. He wore no shirt and no shoes, and his sweats had debris on them. Leaves and dirt.

I nodded. "Yeah, who are you?"

"Sam Uley, Jacob's brother, we're having a surprise birthday party for his eighteenth birthday. He talks about you a lot so we figured he'd like it if you came."

"Isn't he already 18?"

Sam shook his head and pulled a folded up piece of paper out of his pocket. "Here's all the details and you can bring as many people as you want."

"Cool...Um, how did you know where I live?"

"My wife sort of, uh, got Jake to spill his guts about everything. I have to say...You're definitely better than his last girlfriend."

"But I'm not-"

"Sure you aren't. Hope to see you there, Ryder." He said, winking, and turning around. Did he walk all the way here? I shut the door and unfolded the paper. I wasn't surprised to find the address to be on the reservation. It was a cookout and it (Saturday) at four. I sighed, not too sure that Trace would let me go.

I picked up the phone and called Marcella. "Yo, yo, yiggady yo."

"Wanna go to a party tomorrow?"

"Your mystery man's party?"

"Oh and bring some Band-Aids because I'm so kicking your butt for giving him my address!" I put the dyed blue sugar cookies in the oven and jumped onto the counter. I could hear Skylar in the living room watching the Fairy Odd Parents.

Marcella laughed, "Whatever, you know you don't mind. Anything to get your fix, huh?"

I snorted. "You make me seem like a junkie. It's perfectly natural to love doing things that give you a rush."

"You should know all about that." She said, her voice taking on a suggestive lilt.

"Be ashamed, Marcie, I haven't done anything like that!"

"Mhm," She said, not believing me at all, "You mean to tell me you and Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome have nothing going on?"

When I didn't say anything, she laughed and took that as her victory. I hung up the phone, annoyed, and went to watch television with my brother. Marcella was absolutely ridiculous. There was nothing going on between me and Jacob. I just found him to be intriguing and beautiful...and funny and sweet...and...Yeah, so nothing was going on. Besides, things were looking up with Gabriel. I knew Gabriel like I knew the back of my hand. I wasn't about to give that up for someone I barely knew.

I mean, what did I know about Jacob? I knew his name, that he was turning eighteen, and that he lived on the Quileute reservation. I couldn't feel anything for this stranger. And yet...I knew it was stupid to deny the fact that I at least liked the boy/man/thing. I could give him a shot, right? What harm could come from that?

Sighing, I kicked my feet onto the coffee table and nestled into the couch beside my little brother. I was tired of boy problems and it was my first round of boy problems since fifth grade. I just needed to forget about it all, right? Right.

"Can I come to the party, Sissy?" Skylar asked. I smiled, nodding my head.

"Sure. Why don't you go make a present?"

He nodded and ran up the stairs. He ran back down and cocked his head to the side. "Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Boy," I said, laughing. He nodded and raced back up the stairs. I stood up and went to my room. I figured I'd just make him a copy of my Life Story CD since he seemed to like it so much. I turned on my computer and went to the media player. Because I was a smart cookie, I'd saved the playlist so all I had to do was drag it and drop it. I clicked the 'Burn CD' button and went to pick out an outfit. It wasn't that hard to do. I folded them and set the on my desk.

Despite having the flu, I felt great. Almost great enough to start doing round off back handspring tucks. I picked up my cell phone and called my brothers' work. He said I could go and I told him the address. He said he'd be there later. I thanked him, went downstairs to take the cookies out of the oven, and went upstairs to pull on my outfit.

Skylar came downstairs in a SpongeBob shirt and jean shorts. "Ready to see what I made?"