Status: Three-shot completed

I've Wasted My Time


May 2009

Andrew and I have been doing well except for the past two months. I don’t know what has been going on but he has been very distant. I want to make love, he says ‘I’m tired or I’m not in the mood.’ What guy isn’t in the mood? I can’t help but think I have done something wrong. Andrew was out with Versteeg, Kane, Sharp, Burish, and Toews. He said he would be home at midnight but it is two-thirty in the morning now. I decided I’d call Abby, Sharpy’s Fiancé.

“Hello?” Abby said groggily

“Hey Abby” I said a little sadness along in my voice.

“Hey Becca, what’s up?” I seriously loved this girl, so sweet and always there for me. I don’t know what I’d do without her.

“Is Sharpy home yet? Andrew isn’t and I’m worried.”

“Babe he came home at midnight, let me go ask him if he knows where Andrew is, one second.”
I sat there waiting almost to tears because this is the fourth time this has happened. I had reason to believe he was cheating and I prayed to god that wasn’t what he was doing.

“Becca, Andrew didn’t leave with the guys. I’m so sorry, want Sharpy to kick his ass?” I laughed through my tears. I said goodnight to Abby and right then Andrew walked through the door wasted. “Andrew where have you been?” I said walking up to him.

“Out like I told you.” He spoke slurring his words.

“Yes but you were suppose to be home at midnight not two thirty in the morning!” I yelled

“Shit Becca why are you on my case anyway?” he asked falling on to the couch.

“Because I love you and I have reason to believe your cheating when your out this late!” I screamed with a tear stained face.

“Don’t yell, and Why would I be cheating anyway when I just have a slut like you here to give me what I want.” His words stung, I couldn’t help but think if this was just the alcohol.

“Is that what I am to you, a slut? I gave you all of me and you call me a slut! Andrew what is happening to us?”

I could tell he has sobered up just a bit from the look he was giving me. “I want to break-up.” That’s all he said. “Why?” was all I could ask. Iloved love him and want to marry him why would he do this. “I don’t love you anymore and I have been seeing someone else.”

“If you wanted out you should’ve just told me. I wouldn’t have kept you waiting.” I snarled.

“DON’T BE A FUCKING BITCH YOU KNEW THIS WASN’T GOING TO LAST! I LOVE THIS OTHER GIRL AND SHE IS A LOT BETTER OF A FUCK! GET THE FUCK OUT NOW!” I couldn’t believe the way he was screaming at me, this was not the Andrew I fell in love with.

I just did what he asked not wanting to make anything worse. I turned to him as I had my things in my hand. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be good enough for you.” I said with sarcasm drenched in the words. The only place I could think of to go was Abby and Sharp’s place. I know what he said was wrong and what he did was wrong but I still love him.