Status: Baby I look like an outlaw

I see dead people... Oh I know so cliche

I see dead poeple... Oh I know so cliche

Chapter Two

Somethings never change

The brotherhood have always watched me, waiting for me to screw up. See the problem is that I wake to early... Like I was to be dead before I would actually do or become something. Now I didn't have a problem with it... sure I never get any time alone because people are always around even when it looks like I'm alone and there are some things normal teenagers never have to deal with, but I am not normal by any means. But back to the brotherhood they are the people of the dead, zombies, vampire's, shape shifters, moon children, and many more there are so many races that live with us and other that you see every day. There are at lest 300 out of the 1000 kids at my school one of these races. It amazes me how they keep it so covered up never telling one of you normals. So just imagine how many are in the world if there are just 300 teens at my old school. They keep everyone in cheek pretty much everyone is under there jurisdiction. But if you ask most 'people' about them they will have no idea what your talking about. There is good reason for this. They have more power when there is unknown factors because fear of the unknown is in all races and kinds.

So we did not meet on good terms by any means... No no no. Thank god for Jesse though or I would have been dead girl walking. They told me I was to give everything up... Life it self was to be given up or suffer some great thing that I just zoned out the rest of the time. At the time I really didn't care I was in a year of seeing these people and things that I couldn't not tell a soul about it, with out being thrown in to the loony bin.. where I did end up for a few months before I convened to them I was 'normal'. I have no idea why they gave up... Well I wouldn't say they gave up. I know they watch me still as I write this to you I know they are scanning my every move to make sure I don't tell something great about there little club.

As soon as the brotherhood left me alone I got involved with this women named Jane. She is the leader of all vampric clans I rose through the ranks quickly making it to the fourth in command in no time at all. I fought in the name of Jane while I was there killing as many people as she told me before I started to enjoy it just for the screams they would make before they would die. I met my friend Mel then she gos went to my old school... Jane's favorite which I have no problem with I just hate Jane changing me in to that blood thirsty little girl. Mel was converted into a vampire at the age of 14 or something... She also had the chance of joining the moon children side where she declined because of there way of life. After about a year with Jane we both escaped her hold on us. Mel creating her own clan while I drifted around doing as I please... that was until I joined her clan for a reason unknown to me. Well I was in some serious trouble with many and when you don't have the protection of anything its hard to fight of an army when your only one if you know what I mean.

Her clan consisted of mostly men. Her two dead uncles, Adam, Edd, and a bunch of other guys I don't remembered, but should. I left her clan after six months after because I hate someone controlling me to be quite honest. Now that is not saying anything because Mel and I have been on many adventurers she is my partner in crime... We share a brain! But I was causing a lot of trouble for her. I wanted to get things done and she wanted to stay out of the light. Now in that time I almost got my self killed countless times found a couple of followers and have tried to keep my self under control. We still met on the subject of the clan trying to help one another out. Epically when I did away with Jane. Her son took over Vladamir we were on good terms... because of an arraigned marriage by his mother which we both ended not because we didn't have an attraction to one another but, because we weren't ready for anything like that. Mel was still doing odd jobs at that time before she went on total lock down. We were still great friends still are, but shes on the DL so I can say no more of her where about's at all because then I would have to deal with Mel... Who can throw a mean punch and a bunch of other dead guys or girls. I am just to tired to care what happens if they piss me off.

I have just recently started to get in more trouble... some of it my doing some of it not, but I would sure as hell like to know is playing Shelby for this long so I can carve out there heart. Lets go on though when Jane kicked the bucket and Vaddy became king he made a sorta jail to keep all the criminals that are real bad. Like some badder then me and I am a bad ass let me tell you. People utter my name and it send fear in to there hearts... which I guess is a bad thing on some levels but, I could care less what is done is done yes. My best friend Mel use to be the warden of the jail until she got tired of baling me out of there and found a replacement of who I hate with a passion. Vladimir still get me out though never letting me rot there but, he sends me to his office to have a talk like always. Either trying to convince me to join the army again or to marry him depending on the month he asks. Every time saying no to him and going on my marry way. Prying not to get caught again every time because when you have to walk the long hall to your cell you see a lot of people that just hate your guts if ya know what I'm talking about people. Once I get out of jail I have a few more fights under my belt and a heck of a bruise.

Just to tell you this is probably more like a 'what not to do' if your every in my situation because it one hell of a way down the rabbit hole and theirs no way you can climb back up, already tried that. So if you ever see one of those nasty things that go bump in the night just turn the other way and keep walking until you are at home safe in bed where you can hear your mothers snore and your fathers sleep talking or even your brothers click on the computer to what ever he is looking up at that time of night because it sure as hell better then being chased down by a pack of hungry wolves after you just scared off there kill. Enough of the that this book is very good if ya want to stay out of the light by taking what I do and doing a different thing... do as Mel dose.

I have been living in the real world with to vampire men... I bet your wonder this... “What the hell happened to her family?” Well Some people threaten them so after I took care of it I left them traveling around before Vladimir sent some close friends of his to watch over me. I now live in New Orland's pretty cool there we live in a house old time kinda thing, me finishing my schooling to dedicate to the business I am now running. I am like an killer for hire actually an anything for hire... 'nothing to big that I can't take care of' the motto or '(inset god('s) or goddess choosing) dammit! Not blood on the new shirt again' but to know how to get to me or know of me, you have to know someone else... kinda like that mafia thing you humans have. Everyone knows em but no one will talk about em.

The guys I live with Jean-Claude and Brett. Jean-Claude looks like hes about 25 and always wanted a kid so Vladimir said he had a friend who need help and he was all over it. For a thousand year old guy I thought he be more lied back but, he made me go to school every day if I can walk. I think he likes the idea of me learning something but, I keep telling him that it would do nothing for me. Hes there when I am about to die either in this world or the under world he is always there along with Jesse. That dude never leaves my side. Brett is about the age of 19 and plays the roll of overprotective brother. He is the kind of guy who would go to every rave in the state with only a glow stick on. I don't have to worried when some guy tries to hit on me when hes with me. All he as to do is put on the glare of 'bitch I will rip you eyes out if you don't look away' and I got no problems there. Its my little make shift family that I would never give up even though we have only been like this for not so long.

I think that is about it so I will start actually telling you my story while I'm on the battle field but until then you know nothing....
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I edited it the best of my ability and spaced for you peoples hope you like it