Status: Going on a lake trip, for 3 days

Monster Next Door

Chapter 4

I am alive.

I lived through the first day of school. Luckily, I didn’t have anymore classes with Zach after lunch, instead I found out I had a class with Delilah and Lydia, and two classes with the twins. That brightened up my day immensely.

Putting my back pack next to the pile of textbooks that my teachers made us get, I jumped onto my bed and gave a sigh of contentment. Remembering Delilah’s story of what Jack did when she finally caught up to him, made me laugh.

She caught up to him and pounced on him, literally. Even though he was a good 5 to 6 inches taller than she was, she could still jump like a kangaroo. When she got her backpack, she glared at Jack, but proceeded to showing him where their Bio class was. As they were walking, Jack continued to tease her. When they got into the classroom, she took a seat next to the window, but Jack would then sit next to her. Then she would change seats and he would follow, this continued for a few minutes until she finally gave up.

“Persistent Dickhead.” Was what Delilah called him.

It was a tale to laugh about, since I retold the story to Lydia who laughed her head off as well, while Jack just grinned. They definitely cheered up my day.

With a smile on my face, I stood up and proceeded to take off the blue and red striped button up shirt that looked hideous on me. I didn’t mean to wear it today, it was the first thing I saw in my closet and I didn’t feel like taking 30 minutes on choosing an outfit. As I threw the shirt onto my bed, I heard footsteps coming towards my door, probably my mom.

I heard my door open and whirled around, expecting to see my mother with a plate of whatever she made.

It definitely wasn’t my mother.

Standing in front of me was Zach, his shock face reflecting my own. We stood there for 5 seconds longer, before I grabbed the closest thing and threw it at him with amazing accuracy.

“Shit.” Zach caught the blue elephant. “Damn Carrot-top what the hell?”

“What the hell? Are you seriously asking me that? You pervert!” I grabbed my shoe and threw it, he caught it.

“I‘m not a pervert! You didn‘t lock your door.”

“Its my house! I don’t have to lock my door. You shouldn’t even be in my house!” Trying desperately to cover myself up, I grabbed the stripe shirt from the bed. “Why the hell are you even in my room?”

“Mom told me to come over to talk to your mother about the menu of the party. Your mother told me you had it.” He looked me up and down, causing a blush to form on my face. “If I knew I was going to get a demonstration, I would have came over sooner.”

“You vile, conniving, dick!” I glared, buttoning the shirt all the way and walked over to him, intent on bringing him harm.

“What? You can’t seriously blame me, you have amazing tits.” He said with a grin, catching my fist. I never thought I would hear those words coming out of his mouth, remembering when I was 15 and haven’t even developed my breasts yet; he made fun of me saying that I would be a flat-chest for the rest of my life. I proved him wrong, growing from an A-cup to a C-cup.

“Though, that shirt is really ugly on you.”

I raised my other hand, which he also caught. My smoky grey eyes went to steel and thinking of the only maneuver that will cause him immense pain; I lifted my knee up, hard, aiming straight at his penis.

With a howl of pain, he let go of me and holding onto his crotch, he fell to the floor slowly. Pain registering on his face, and blue eyes glaring at me.

“Honey, what was that noise?” My mother called from downstairs.

“Nothing mom!” I said, desperately covering up my giggles.

“Alright dear! Oh darling, play nicely with Mrs. Snyder’s son! Mama is just going to go to the grocery store.”

Play nicely with Zach? Too late for that.

“Um, alright mom! Have fun.”

“Thank you darling! Adieu!”

Waiting until I heard the car engine going off, I burst into laughter at Zach in pain “Hmm, I’ll just leave you here, while you grovel like the bastard you really are.”

“Bitch.” He said, between his teeth.

“Thank you for the compliment.” Still laughing, I stepped over him.

I got that bastard, I got him good. Hopefully he can’t have any kids, wait no that’s a bit far. Hopefully, he couldn’t walk for…


The heavy weight on top of me was crushing my boobs against the floor. Blowing the strands that spilled over my face when he tackled me to the floor. The muscular arms, that were wrapped around my waist, constricted my movements as I tried to wiggle my way out. His long body covered mine, from head to toe. His hot breath on my neck was making me extremely uncomfortable, intensifying my need to get out from under him. I couldn’t redo the maneuver I did earlier since my legs were locked between his.

“Damn it Zach, get off of me!” I said, ready to use my elbow on his nose.

“Hell no, you almost paralyzed me from the waist down.”

“I was trying to!” I growled at him, as I tried to worm my way out, he tightened his hold on my waist. “Get off of me! Now Snyder!”

“Give me a kiss.”

I turned my head to face him. My eyes widening at the horrifying request. I was clearly going deaf or he was speaking another language. He laughed at my shock expression.

“Its not that bad, hell every girl at the school wants a kiss from the Golden Boy.”

“Not every girl had lived next door to you.” I glared at him. “And I’m not giving you a goddamn kiss. Get one of your ex girlfriends to do it.”

“Hell, if I wanted a kiss from them it would be a snap. I want a kiss from you. You’re the-hard-to-get type of girl.”

“I’ll be the kicking-your-pompous-ass type of girl if you don’t get off of me.” I snapped at him, but he only laughed at my puny threat.

“I wouldn’t be making any threats if I was in your position, you’re at a disadvantage right now Carrot-top.”

“Go screw…” Before I could finish my comment, his lips closed over mine. The shock of it left my mouth open, which he happily stuck his tongue in. His tongue worked wonders in my mouth, probing into places no one else had ever probed. His “kiss” sent shivers down my spine, it warmed my insides and before I knew it I was kissing him back.

Holy shit! I’ve been kissed before, but nothing of the past could compare to the present. His kiss went from a gentle caress to a rough invasion, our tongues continuously sparing with one another.

A few seconds later, I found myself laying on my back, his body pressing against mine. My hands around his neck, his tangled with my hair. I gave a groan as his lips left mine, but he pressed small kisses to my neck. And I have to admit, that felt good.

The sound of a car engine coming onto my driveway caught my attention. Zach must have heard it too, since he stopped his kissing and swore. I pushed him off of me as my senses came back. I covered my mouth with both hands.

Oh my god! Oh my god! OH MY GOD!

I just kissed my neighbor.

I just kissed Golden Boy.

I just kissed Zachery Snyder.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is Chapter 4
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