Status: Re-edit new chapters comming soon.

The Slytherin Princess


Chapter 7: Silence

Hermione and Ron were sitting beside each other on one side of the compartment and Harry and Ginny were on the other side with Heather in the middle of both seats with her back against the wall and her legs out in front of her. She was on the floor because she didn’t want to be squashed. They had been seated on the train for at least an hour or more since they bored the train. Heather was already in a bad mood. The fact that she had to leave home was one, but having to see Professor Snape, (the number one teacher who she assumed hated her.), plus seeing Draco Malfoy was a major disappointment. She didn’t even know who the hell Samantha was, who’s Draco’s wife. Wasn’t that a little young to commit yourself, especially since Draco would have sex with any Slytherin girl that would think he was hot. Even Ron and Harry thought it was suspicious. To top it off her head was hurting. Chatter was buzzing in the compartment for the others. They were talking about their summer and going back to school, Heather slouched and slide, were she is flat on her back in the floor. She let her hands cover her eyes; Ron leaned over his knees glancing down at her. “You alright down there?” Ron asked. All the attention was now on Heather, who was sprawled out in between every one. “Yeah…I’m fine just a minor head ach.” She said rubbing her temples. “You should have eaten breakfast; your anxiety is coming to hunt you.” Hermione said folding her arms. Heather opened her eyes and glared at her older sister. “I don’t have anxiety, I am fine.” Heather snapped. Harry, Ginny, and Ron were all looking at each other. Every one got silent after that. “I still don’t understand why Dumbledore would have sent Snape to get you!” Harry said. Hermione’s expression went from appeased to frustrate. “I mean your dad has always brought you to the train. He’s been to school even.” Harry added. Ginny was lying on Harry’s lap and he was stroking her hair. Heather still had her arms covering her eyes from the light. She also thought it was strange and it confused her. Hermione could tell her sister wasn’t doing to well and was annoyed and no one said anything. Heather squinted her eyes open and saw that she was alone in her compartment. Sitting up right and fixing her hair, she took in the empty atmosphere. Muffled voices from other parts of the train could be heard. Where are the others? Turing her back and gazing up at an angle the once blue sky was now black crimson. Heather pushed herself up and fixed her jeans and shirt. A black figure shifted across the hallway. Heather fell back in alarm and exhaled loudly. A wave of fear swept through her. Something was wrong; moments later after all the muffled voices had faded it went to pure silence. The lights subsided for a few brief moments. Heather was struck into her own fear. She couldn’t comprehend what was happening. Breaking out of her own trap she jolted for the door and stumbled into the passage way. As soon she did step out of her compartment the door closed behind her. It was like a barrier was broke and every thing came back to life, went back to play. Heather looked around frantically, what had happened?