When the Dream Becomes Reality

one of one

I sat on the plane hugging my newborn daughter closer to my chest than I had to. We were on a direct flight from Vancouver to Philadelphia. I didn’t even really have to hold her, my boyfriend’s mom was with me so we’d share, but I couldn’t get enough of my little girl. Zoe Belle Seabrook was born on May 29. The little piece of heaven finally decided to grace me with her presence, although her daddy couldn’t have been with us.

“Brent, she’ll be here when you finish the playoffs. You don’t have to be.....here. God that hurt,” I said into the phone.

“I’ll charter a jet and fly up. I’ll be there in three hours tops,” He said.

“Don’t even think about it. Your team needs you. I’ve got your mom and my mom so I’m more than fine.”

“But I want to be there,” He whined.

“Did you just whine? Shut up and get ready! I’ll talk to you after the game, and your mom will text you throughout the game,”

“Ok, I’ll talk to you soon. I love you Danielle.”

“I love you too, Brent. Score me a goal would ya?” I laughed.

He let out a hearty laugh and I knew he was smiling from ear to ear. “I’ll do my best,”

“I still can’t get over how much she looks like Brent,” His mom smiled.

“I know. I think she looks like the both of us though,” I smiled, looking down at the sleeping baby in my arms.

She had a head full of dark brown hair and the Seabrook bone structure. I loved how she looked like the female version of him, but had this set of ice blue eyes. The doctors said that they might change, but I hoped to God that they didn’t.

“She’s perfect. Brent’s going to lose his mind when he sees you guys. He has no idea that you’re coming, yet everyone else on the team and in the organization does,” She smiled, taking Zoe out of my arms and gently rocking her back to sleep. I took the opportunity that placed itself in front of me and took a nap as well. I hadn’t been sleeping as often as I should have, but as soon as I put my feet up I was gone.

I must have slept for a while because I woke up when the plane touched down in Philadelphia. As soon as I made eye contact with Brent’s mom I got nervous. Today would be the first time he would get to meet his little girl. I knew he would love her and cherish her no matter what, but I was still scared that he would run from us and not be a part of her life.

“Get those dirty thoughts out of your head,” Suzanne smiled as she stood and put Zoe in her car seat. “I know you’re thinking that Brent’s going to bail on you, but he won’t. He loves you
both way to much to do anything stupid like that.”

“I know, I think it’s just my hormones playing tricks on me.”

Suzanne and I had this all planned out. We had picked the flight that would land about two hours before the game started. It would give us enough time to get down to the arena and get seated without Brent noticing that his dad had gone missing.

His dad Gary met us at the airport and brought us to the arena. We parked the rental vehicle and made our way in to the arena. They were sitting down close to the ice with Keith, while Zoe and I would head further up in the stands to sit with Patrick Sharp’s fiancée, Abby and some of the other girls.

“OH my god, I can’t believe you’re here,” Carli Fraser cried when she spotted me.

“I know, it was a last minute thing. I was waiting for Zoe to get clearance to fly before we made solid plans,” I smiled, hugging her tightly and sitting down in my seat.

“She’s absolutely beautiful. Who knew that Seabs could make cute a baby,” Ben’s girlfriend Alyssa called.

“Meh, she gets her looks from me. She just has all of his mannerisms,” I smiled, picking her up and handing her to Carmen Brower.

The game was a total nail biter. I think I had my eyes closed through most of it. But, in the end, little Patty Kane scored and we won. Brent could now say he was a member of the triple gold club. He won the World Juniors, the Olympics, and now had a Stanley Cup. I couldn’t begin to know the elation and happiness that he was feeling, but I hoped that it would be even better when he got to meet Zoe.

Once we got the go ahead, the girls and I headed down to ice level. The boys had already done their laps with the Cup and were either being interviewed or hugged by their families. I locked eyes with Suzanne and began sliding over to them, Zoe tucked safely in my arms.

I stopped right behind Brent and tapped him lightly on the shoulder. He turned around, locked eyes with me, and started to cry once again.

“Oh, Baby, what’s the matter?” I asked, handing Zoe to Gary and stepping into Brent’s open arms.

“I won the Cup. Danny, I won the Cup!” He cried, burying his head into my shoulder.

“I know. I’m so proud of you,” I said, tears starting to fall from my eyes. “There’s someone I want you to meet,”

I took Zoe out of Gary’s arms and cradled her gently in my arms. “This is your daughter. Zoe Belle Seabrook. Say hi to Daddy, Sweetheart,”

Brent placed an arm around me and gently laid his hand on top of Zoe’s head.

“She’s perfect. Absolutely perfect,” He smiled, gently moving to take her out of my arms.

Zoe opened her eyes and stared into her father’s chocolate brown ones. The two created a bond instantly and I knew that Zoe had him wrapped around her little finger.

Brent and I cuddled together as our new family as he was being interviewed by various newspapers and television stations. The boys had their picture with the Cup and I think that that was the only time he didn’t have Zoe in his arms.

The arena slowly cleared out and some of the boys had gone back to the locker room to call home and get changed. Brent and I were left with Jonathan Toews, Duncan Keith, and Andrew Ladd. Most of the Chicago fans were still in the stands but had gone eerily quiet.

``Guys, what the hell did you do? Why is it so quiet?” I asked, handing Zoe over to Andrew for a cuddle.

“They know something important’s about to happen and that they need to be quiet. They’re like well trained animals.”

“Anyway, I’ve got to ask you something,” Brent whispered. “Danny, I love you. I’ve loved you since the first time I laid eyes on you. I knew that we’d be together. I love you and I can’t thank you enough for giving me Zoe. So, I need to know if you feel the same. Danielle Lee Caine, will you marry me?” He whispered, lowering himself down onto one knee and opening the black box that Jon handed him.

My hands flew up to my mouth and I gasped. I had expected to be the surprise for him, not to turn it around and surprise me. “Of course, I would want nothing more than to be your wife,”

He smiled and slid the ring gently onto my finger. He got back onto his feet and hugged me as tight as his hockey gear would allow.

Sharpie left the Cup on the ice so we could have our first family photo. We placed Zoe gently in the bowl and stood behind her. Brent then gently scooped her up and we made our way to the locker room where the boys quickly finished their celebration so we could head home.

The plane ride seemed to quiet down as soon as all of the kids fell asleep. Zoe was resting comfortably in the big arms of Dustin Byfuglien. Brent and I had some alone time where we could finally cuddle and talk about Zoe’s first two weeks of life.

“I can’t believe I missed everything,” Brent huffed, hugging me closer to him.

“You didn’t miss much, baby. We’re together now and that’s how we’re going to stay. Stop being so hard on yourself. If you had left and been there for her birth, and you guys didn’t end up winning the Cup, I’d never forgive myself. I love you and I’m so proud of you.
Although, I seriously think we could use the nap now. Grab Zoe from Buff so we can nap,”

Brent smiled and gently snatched his baby girl from the big guys arms. The three of us settled into our seats and started to drift off.

“I love you girls. I love you so much,” Brent yawned before hugging Zoe tighter to his chest and me closer to his side.

“We love you too,” I smiled, kissing Brent’s cheek before settling down and falling asleep.
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You have no idea how hard this was for me to write. It took me forever to bring myself to write it after the bad luck that I've been having. Hopefully I'll win this time

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