Status: Active

Within Shades of Grey Exists a Place... Where Beauty and Pain Reside

Alice Leaving Jasper


4 years before Beauty is born.

I watched Alice and Chris hug and kiss each other. I was still jealous of them, but I accepted the fact that Alice wasn’t mine anymore. I think I will never get over her and this torching heartbreak. I just couldn’t watch anymore of this, so I ran up stair and into my room. I could hear what they were saying about me.

“Oh I do hope he gets someone special to fix that heartbreak.” Esme, my mother said.

“Yeah me too.” Chris said.

“Yeah Jasper isn’t fun to annoy anymore.” Emmett joked. Then 4 hard slaps could be heard.

"Shut up Emmett." Rosalie said.

I thought it would be better if I went off by myself for awhile.

Edward do NOT say anything! I said to him, knowing that he is listening.

I quickly wrote a note to everyone explaining why I left. So then I jumped out of my window and ran away. Away from my family, away from the memories, and most of all away from the heartbreak.

10 years later

I decide to move back to my family. Even though I haven’t gotten over the heartbreak, I think I will live. When I think about it, I put my family down. I do hope they will still have faith in me and except me as a brother once again. I slowed my pace down as I got closer to home.

I went to the front door and knocked.The door slowly opened. Carlisle was the one to open the door.

“Jasper!” Carlisle exclaimed surprising.

“Jasper? Jasper! Jazz?!” was heard throughout the house.

Esme came rushing towards me with teary looking eyes, but no tears came down.

“Don’t you ever runaway on me again! You hear young man?” Esme said.

“Yes mother. I’m sorry for making you worry.” I replied.

“Hey man.” Emmett said then pulled me into one of his famous bear hugs.

“Hello Jasper.” Alice said from next to Chris.

“Hello Alice.” I replied.

Then Esme pushed me towards the stairs and directed me back up to my old room. Then everyone left me alone to get reorganized. I laid down on the bed, even though I don’t sleep, and though of the wonderful family I have.

The next morning I headed downstairs to talk to everyone.

"Jasper were going to have a family meeting in a couple of hours." Carlisle told me when I got to the bottom step.

I just nodded and started walking towards the deck.

“Jasper.” A voice whispered. I knew the voice, it belonged to Alice.

So I headed over towards the voice. I found her outside near our old meeting place.

“Yes, Alice?”

“Jasper I know you probably hate me, but I am warning you about something in the future that you will want to know. Whatever happens in the future do NOT run away from it. Stay and find out what it is.” Alice said before disappearing.

I just stood there for a good 3 hours wondering what in the world she meant. Then I decided to head back. By the time I got home everyone was getting ready for the family meeting.

"Okay, everyone, Esme and I have discussed the idea of moving back to Forks. So we were wondering what you guys thought of it?" Carlisle said.

"I think its a wonderful idea, Carlisle." Rosalie said.

"I don't see any disturbance in the moving." Alice told everyone.

It was pretty clear that everyone agreed.

"Okay then we move in 2 days so start packing."

After the meeting we all got up and went to our rooms to get all the stuff in order. All I had was 3 big boxes then 4 small ones. Most of my stuff was when I was human.

2 Days Later

We were moving today and everything was already in Forks, so we decided that we'll run there since it was only 2 states away.

While we were running I thought back to when I was running away from my heartbreak.

I had been running for 5 days never stopped to feed. My eyes were probably pitch black. Then suddenly the scent of fresh animal blood filled my nostrils, I changed my direction and started to run towards the scent. I came upon a recently dead deer, I personal don't like dead meat but I was hungry so I stuck my fangs in and drank.

I had just noticed that we stopped and looked at the old white house that we lived in before.

"Home Sweet Home." Rosalie said.

"Come on. Lets get everything in its place." Alice said jumping up and down, while pulling Chris along.

Alice and new home/old home always meant redecorating to the fashion now.

I picked a room facing the forest. The color was a navyish.

I'm gonna need to change this color. I thought.

By the time everyone was finished, we started to get ready for school. Carlisle signed us all up for school. Edward, Alice, and Chris were juniors while Rosalie, Emmett, and I were seniors.

Then we all got in our cars and speed off to school.
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