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Within Shades of Grey Exists a Place... Where Beauty and Pain Reside

My First Friend



As I got ready to go to school, Monster by Skillet filled the room. As I hopped downstairs I smelled egg omelets.


“Yeah, I’m in the kitchen.”

“You cook? Since when?”

“Since you decided to start giving me hints that you would be moving in with me.” Said Derek.

After our delightful conservation, we hopped in Derek’s car and drove to forks, Washington high school. The closer we got, the more nerves I got. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Derek stealing glances at me.

“Beauty you will be just fine.” Derek said.

“How do you know?” Getting nerves again


Soon we were at Forks High School. As I stepped out of the car everyone’s head whipped towards me, I figure that much. Derek came to my side trying to comfort me in a brotherly way.

“Hey Derek.” As I walked with him to the school.

“Does everyone know…”

“Yeah.” Whispering spread throughout the crowd. I just keep walking to the school, Derek left to go and see his buddies. When I found the office, there was a small lady sitting around like she had better things to do than in a high school office. Once she saw me she put a nice look on her face.

“Hi Sweetie. What can I do for you today?” She said in a sweet voice.

“I am new here.”

“Oh, What’s your name dear?”

“Beauty Hines”

“Wait here Beauty. Let me get your stuff.” After she found it, she explained how to find the classes and that there was a slip that I need every teacher to get signed and bring back at the end of the day.

“Have a nice day!” the women said before I left. I quickly glanced at my schedule, I had
AP Language Arts
AP Math

Soon I spotted Derek with his buddies. I quickly ran over to see him.

“Derek! How could you just leave me to fend for myself?”

“Well sorry Beauty.”

“That’s ok. What classes do you have?” After comparing classes; I had lunch, science, French, and PE with him. Derek then introduces me to his buddies.

I went to my first class which was history. Five minutes in class, there was a boy who came in. Mrs. David looked over to him.

“Mr. Hale, Why are you late to class?”

“Sorry Mrs. David I had some car trouble.”

“Well I will let this pass but don’t let it happen again.”

“Yes, Mrs. David.”

I was so bored already that I just sat there doodling. Then after awhile I noticed that the only empty seat was right next to me. Great. I thought. I watched him come closer, with each step he got tenser. By the time he sat down all of his muscles were locked. He was sitting as far as away from me as possible.

Weird boy.I thought, then the bell rang and Mr. Hale ran out in an inhuman way. And they just get weirder and weirder by the seconds.

Next I had AP Language Arts, when I got there first thing I noticed was one girl, who had pale skin and the same topaz color eyes as Mr. Hale.

I quickly made my way over to Mr. Green to get the slip signed.

“Hello, Ms…”


“Well Ms. Hines you can sit next to Ms. Hale.”


“Ms. Hale please raise your hand.”

As I made my way over to Ms. Hale I saw how beautiful she looked. So I quickly walked to my seat and sat down. Mr. Green talked about what we should know some stuff then gave a brief intro on stuff. I just tuned him out for I had already learned all of the stuff. As class came to the end, everyone was getting annoyed by Mr. Green. Music was next and I couldn’t wait. Rosalie kept giving me glares throughout the class. What I didn’t get was that I just met her and not spoken a WORD to her.


Everyone rushed out before Mr. Green could say another word.

Last period

Soon I found the music room, and when I entered I had yet saw another person with very pale skin and topaz eyes.

Miss Rose signed my slip and told me to sit next to Edward Cullen. When I sat down ALL the girls sent death glares.

Weird girls too. People shouldn’t judge other people. I thought. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Edward nodded ever so slightly. I didn’t bother saying hi knowing it would only make matters worse.

After awhile having girls glare at you for the whole day it starts to get really annoying. Then Edward suddenly turned towards me.

“Hi, I’m Edward Cullen. You must be Beauty, I believe you’ve met some of my brothers and sister.”

“Yeah, but I prefer Traci.”

“How was your day been so far?”

“Fine, except with all the girls glaring at me and then the Hales don’t like me.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Mr. Hale—“

“It’s Jasper.”

“Oh you know them?”

“Yeah I guess you could say that, were brother and sister.”

“Oh, my I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“Don’t worry I won’t say anything.”

Then the door opened and revealed Jasper Hale, and once again the only available seat was next to me. When he got closer he tensed up again, when he sat down he once again sat as far as possible.

“Well Jasper is not really a people person.” Edward told me.

“It’s okay, I not really a people person either. You know what?”


“I think this conversation is forming a beautiful friendship.” Probably the only one. I murmured under my breath.

“I think so too. I am very grateful to be considered to be your first friend.”


“Bye Edward.”

“Bye Traci.”

As class ended I couldn’t stop smiling because I made my first friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
Monster by Skillet

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