‹ Prequel: Summer Angel

Angel no more.

As Kay gets over the past of a summer gone all right then wrong, she meets a new boy, but can she let another one in. Will her heart be able to bear more pain?
  1. Home Free
    It was a long summer for Kay so recovery should be long too, right?
  2. Rid of him
    Kay was rid of Cain and every trace of his part in her life.
  3. Dreams
    Kay has dreams of everything from her times with Cain to when she was an angel and the crash that made her that way. Then the accident that made her normal.
  4. Flirt Mode
    Now that Kay is trying to get over Cain, it's times to makes some changes in her apperance, but are they good?
  5. Hurt mode
    Kay goes down a path of not so happiness while needing an escape from the past.
  6. The Boys Next Door
    Should she meet the guys her brothers just couldn't get enough of?
  7. Dez
    This new kid, was turning out to be a lot like her brother's said.
  8. Princesses, Cars and Staples.
    A short trip to Staples was one experience.
  9. Football and dinner with a new family.
    After a game of football with the boys and a dinner with Dez and Daniel as a part of the family, a tour of the house brings back a little hint of what Kay has been hiding.
  10. Tree house secrets
    A trip up to the tree house with Dez could be the alone time they needed, for Kay to explain who she used to be.
  11. All of the past.
    Kay tells all.
  12. A burning of memories.
    The boys come to Kays family's anual bonfire.
  13. Waking on the beach
    After a bonfire the night before, this day is bound to be good.
  14. A boardwalk for memories of you and me.
    Life seems just too good to be true to Kay and it's on the boardwalk new memories are made.
  15. Treasures
  16. Love me you do?
    Kay questions Dez's love for her.
  17. Lovebirds.
  18. Rise and Shine
  19. Did someone hear wedding bells?