‹ Prequel: Summer Angel

Angel no more.

Did someone hear wedding bells?

It was 2 days after the picnic and Kay was sitting in the goofy little treehouse reading a summer novel when she heard someone coming up the ladder. She opened the door in the floor and smiled when she saw Dez's shinning blue eyes looking up at her. She let him in and closed the door behind her.
"What are you up to?" He asked
"Oh just reading another romance."
"why would you read about it, you have all the romance you need right here."
"that's true." She replied. "So what bring you to my tiny runaway home?" Kay asked him
"Well I was hoping I could ask you something.."
"ok, shoot."
"well, um...this isn't easy, but I just....the moment I laid eyes on you Kay, I knew there was something special about you and I was right. You're that little piece of heaven that I've been looking for. You're so amazing to me and I wouldn't want to spend a day without you. I want to be here for you and with you forever babe, so ummm" Dez cleared his throat while rumaging through his pocket for something as Kay's heart pounded so hard and fast she was suprised he couln't hear it.
The she say it, the little black box and then, "so Kay, will you marry me?" The ring sparkled, A single diamond on a gold band with flowers on either side.
Kay's eyes shone in the small sliver of light entering the tree house and her hands flew to her mouth to keep in the small shriek of excitement. She nodded her head and Dez slid the ring on her ring finger and she began to cry.
"I know that it's so soon and we've barely had time to...
But before he could finish, Kay's lips pressed against his sending a mini shock wave down his back.