Status: not finished =(

Unnoticed Got Me Killed



I remember waking up. It was like someone pulled me out from underneath of the waves of depression that were drowning me. I wasn't depressed. I couldn't remember why I was even depressed in the first place. I didn't even know my own name. I started to freak out. Who wouldn't. One minute your being stabbed to death and the next your somewhere else. Then I looked up.

His eyes were gorgous. Big, Bright and Purple. Then all of a sudden it all came back to me. The hurt of the death of my boyfriend. The denial of being the only goth at Ruesville High. The excitment in meeting Angel, my very own vampire guardian. And the pain of being stabbed by Remm. I fainted. It's a lot to go from not even knowing your own name to remembering being stabbed. I looked up at Angel. I'm sorry was all he said. Then he fell forward.

At first I didn't understand. But then I realized that he gave the very soul of his own existence to keep me alive. He was destoryed forever. My beautiful dark Angel. The one I spent so many nights cradled in his strong caring arms. The one that would do anything to keep me out of harms way. Oh Angel. Why did you have to leave me. I'm all alone. Stuck in this dark unhappy world without any piece of light to hold on to for hope. He had to save me. Because I'm the last of the Photas. A Phota is a daughter of light. Phos is the greek word for light. Oh I love you Angel. Please come back to me.