Status: not finished =(

Unnoticed Got Me Killed

The Dark Night

CHAPTER ONE; The Dark Night

I'm Luna and I am the last Phota. I'm a daugher of good, made of the light, with one purpose. To destory as many forms of dark and evil as I can find. Right now my mission in progress is to kill Remm. Remm is the leader of the dark. He killed me. How am I alive? Vampires. Vampires are not blood sucking demons, they used to be creatures of the night. Slaves of Remm. But one of them meet Artemis, the so called goddess or angel of light. She made the vampire feel feelings that he had never the chance to feel before. She made him feel happy and loved. He told the other slaves about his amazing encounter with the angel (or goddess) and they decided to revolt against Remm. The revolt failed, but Artemis was watching from her seat in Heaven. She took pity on them and made Remm fall into a very deep sleep before he could punish his slaves. The vampires took this time to make their escape. They followed Artemis into heaven, and became creatures of light. But black magic was still buried deep down inside them waiting for a chance to put the vampires back into the hands of misery. Then one of the vampire's messed up. He attacked a soul trying to get into Heaven. Artemis got very mad. She made the vampire and all of his family indebted to her. That was how I got my Angel. He was the grandchild of the vampire who messed up. When Artemis discovered that one of her Photas was reborn (me), she sent Angel to protect me until I rediscovered all my powers.

So now I'm not sure what to do. Angel is gone. I'm alone on the Earth Plane with a demented Remm trying to steal my soul. I'm not even close to controling my powers. So what am I supposed to do now?