Status: not finished =(

Unnoticed Got Me Killed

My Dark Angel


I meet Angel at the funeral of my boyfriend. My boyfriend was a victim of drunk driving. His name was Tim. He was the only other goth at Ruesville High. He had moved to Ruesville two months before he died. We clicked as soon as we saw eachother. Not just because we both were goths stuck in a sea of pink preps, but because when I first looked him in the eyes, I saw deep into the very core of his being. I knew that he was unlike anyone I ever had met. We started dating. It was perfect except for one little thing. He was a horrible alcoholic. The night he died was a horrible day for me. We were fighting about the stupid party that he was going to. I didn't want him to go because I wouldn't be there to drive him home safely. I also knew that none of his friends would be sober enough to drive. He promised that he wasn't going to go. But I guess broken promises always lead to broken hearts. Anyways, the funeral was one of the most depressing times in my life. I had to look at Tim's pale peaceful, face for the last time. I cried so many tears that I could have caused another great flood. He didn't look like he had been in a crash. He looked like he was in a dreamless sleep. I guess thats why they call death the eternal sleep. I saw Angel right after they lowered Tim's coffin into that pit they call a grave. He was beautiful. With his huge purple eyes.