Status: not finished =(

Unnoticed Got Me Killed

School Sucks...

CHAPTER THREE; School Sucks...

I woke up screaming. Every time I closed my eyes I saw Tim's face. It didnt look like it did when he was alive. Instead it was almost blue and his eyes were glazed over. It had been two weeks since the funeral, and my parents decided that it was time for me to go back to school. I got up and got dressed. I didnt put any make up on and I didnt brush my hair either. Why should I? Everything that mattered to me had been taken away. I would have went in my pjs too, if it wasn't against the school dress code. It was raining. My mom told me to take the car, but I told her no. She told me that I was going to get sick if I walked in the freezing rain. Once again why should I care? If I got sick and died I would just get to see Tim that much sooner. When I walked through the school door dripping wet, everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me. No they weren't looking at me, they were looking behind me. I turned around and saw the guy with the beautiful purple eyes walking through the door. I froze for a second thinking about how eyes could be purple, and remembered contacts. Then I labled him as a fake and walked away.

I got to English right before the bell rang. All the desks were taken except one by the guy with the fake eyes, of course. So I sat down, and once again, noticed how beautiful his eyes were. There was something about him that was drawing me into him. I was horrified. Tim just died, and here I was daydreaming about how totally sexy this guy I didn't even know was. I was so mad at myself that I stood up and ran out of the room. I stopped when I got around the corner. I turned around and walked directly into purple eyes. He caught me when i fell backwards. I sensed something dark inside him as I stared into his purple eyes. Something that scared me, but also intrigued me.