Status: not finished =(

Unnoticed Got Me Killed

Falling For My Already Fallen Angel


I was so mad at myself that I stood up and ran out of the room. I stopped when I got around the corner. I turned around and walked directly into purple eyes. He caught me when i fell backwards. I sensed something dark inside him as I stared into his purple eyes. Something that scared me, but also intrigued me.

Then he dropped me and spun around. He was quick, way too quick for anything close to human. Then I saw it. A dark figure came flying, litteraly flying, down the hallway. It attacked the guy with the sexy eyes. I remember screaming so loud that I thought my ear drums would burst.

"For Artemis's sake would you shut up!" purpley eyes yelled at me, "if you attract attention someone might get hurt." Then I realized that he knew what he was doing. He had the dark thing in a headlock. They fought for a couple for more minutes, while I sat there frozen. Then purple eyes pulled out a pointed stake of some brown crystal and stabbed dark thing in the back.

The dark thing vanished like smoke in the wind. Then purple eyes turned towards me and I realized that his eyes weren't so purpley anymore. They were a vivid red. The color of blood, but they reminded me more of a blooming rose. And as he walked toward me slowly, like he was scared that I'd run away, I watched the roses turn back into their former lilac state. He stopped about 4 feet away from me.

"What the hell was that?" I asked in a suprisingly calm voice. "That was a form of darkness, of evil," he said back just as calmly. It sounded like we were having a normal conversation about normal things, not some hell monster thing that had randomly attacked rainbow eyes. "And why was that "Darkness" after you," I asked in a semi-annoyed voice. "It wasn't," he said. That did it. Why did he think that he could brush off my questions after all the weirdness he just put me through. "Well okay. So would you care to freaking enlighten me on who that shadow thing was after!" I screamed at him. "You," he said,"You're the last of the Photas and it wanted to eat your soul." Then he started to walk away.

So I did what any normal person would do. I passed out.
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I hope you all like this. I'm just randomly making it up. please tell me what you think about it =) I'll try to write more tomorrow.