Status: not finished =(

Unnoticed Got Me Killed

Dumped in the Cemetery


So I did what any normal person would do. I passed out.

I woke up, and completely freaked out. I had no idea where I was. So I closed my eyes and took a couple of deep calming breaths. When I felt in control of my fear again, I opened them, and took in my surrondings. It was dark, so that meant that it was night, but the moon was full so I could see okay. There were a bunch of tall shadows around me. For a moment I almost flipped out again, remembering the thing that had attacked "me" at school today. Then I realized that they weren't moving at all.

I stood up. I didn't feel too bad, just a little dizzy. I walked up to the closest shadow, and discoverd that I was in a graveyard. Okay so great, I'm in a graveyard. Does that mean I'm dead? No, I answered my own question, if I was dead I'd be in Heaven.

"You!' yelled a familiar voice, "Come here!" I figured that if whatever brought me here wanted to kill me it would've already. So I went.

When I got to the gate, I saw rainbow eyes waiting. I got really mad all of a sudden. Why in the hell did he bring me here of all places. So I stopped and just stared at him. "Are you coming?" he said. "Why should I? I don't even know your name," I answered him coldly. "Angel," he said. "What?" "My name is Angel," he said, "and if you want to keep breathing you'll follow me." Then he started walking away again. What was with this guy and dumping scary vital info, and just walking away?

Normally I would've have gotten even madder, but I was really scared and he had protected me before. So I followed him into the woods.

We stopped about 15 minutes into the woods. "So what are you?" I asked. He smiled and I saw his fangs. "Okay, so are you going to eat me now?" I asked in a small voice. He laughed. "No, I'm actually hear to protect you," he said. "From Shadows?" I asked. "Yes, I was hoping I could keep you safe while you finished high school, but clearly that's not an option now." I was scared, but I wasn't insayne enough to run away with a creepy guy I just met. "So you want me to trust you and leave with you?" I asked, "Because that is not happening. I have to take care of me mom, and I'm not giving up my life." "If you don't go your mom might get hurt," he said. "DON'T YOU DARE THREATEN MY MOTHER!" I screamed. " I wasn't. I was talking about the "Shadows", and look what you did now."
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