Status: Compleated

Changing Shapes


I had been running through the woods for some time before I came to a field, the field was beautiful, and proof that spring was finally here, filled with daffodils, violets and snowdrops. There was a fallen tree that worked as a bench, and I sat down on it and drifted away...

I was almost asleep when I saw a small ball of blue light coming out of a daffodil about 100 feet in front of me. Taking its time it bobbed slowly towards me, and I suddenly had the strangest feeling that I was rising above my body, I suddenly lost my sight and then hit something.

Regaining my sight I looked around, and caught sight of myself, looking at the sun. I started trying to talk to my former self but realised that no sound was coming out, so I tried to walk up to myself which I found wasn’t possible either.

Then I decide that I must be a daffodil. Yes I was a daffodil which was why I had seen that strange blue light, the blue light was the inside of the daffodil, which now was in me.

That was by far the most logical explanation, I decided. But I wasn’t sure why I was a daffodil, and then I got the strange idea: maybe I was dead and this was heaven.

If this was heaven then heaven wasn’t so much fun. I couldn’t move or talk or do much more than think, I couldn’t sleep or eat either. This definitely was not what I thought heaven would be like at all.
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Wrote This For English Years Ago...
