Status: One Shot.

Sometimes Love Can Leave You Blind

Sonny and Matt

"Emily shut up. Ugh" Matt yells at her.

"Matt, you shut up. Sonny can just quit the group. I have eating out of my hand. You'll see. He'll do whatever I say."

"Your just a stupid slutty whore."

"Your just jealous, you gay fag!"

Matt gasps. "You bitch! How dare you?"

"Well, your just jealous I'm with Sonny. Your practically in love with him. Everyone can see it." Matt huffs out of the house to the deck.............

A couple of months later, the guys are touring warped for the first 4 weeks. Sonny looks out to the crowd. Matt knew it was coming.

"Smiles and her laughs...." Matt couldn't stand it anymore. He dropped his guitar and walked off the stage. Sonny looks over. Everyone stopped in concern of Matt. "Uh.... Sorry but the concert is over for us. We'll be out at are booth after we check out Matt." Sonny states as he walks off the stage with his band. Matt grabs his stuff out of the tour van as Sonny runs up to him and grabs his bags. "No."

"Sonny, I'm sorry. I'm quitting the band."

"What?!?!?!" The bands says.Matt looks at each of them. "You heard me." He looks at Sonny. "Your so blind." Matt takes off down the street, power walking. Sonny looks at Derek, Travis, and Jon.

" What is he talking about?"

"Oh. Are you serious, Sonny?" Derek says.

"Yeah. I mean, its so obvious. You see how he reacts to Emily's song."Jon says. Sonny looks confused.

"Your going to go stop him. NOW." Travis yells pushing Sonny in the direction of the way Matt went. Sonny's eyes went wide and runs after Matt. By the time he caught up to Matt, he was balling his eyes out.

"Matt, don't, go. Please." Sonny says through sobs. " I see it now. Please come back. I won't sing Emily anymore. I swear. I love you so much. Come back. Please. Oh god don't go." Sonny grabs Matt and hugs him. "I'm not letting you go, Matt. Never ever."

"Well, your gonna have to. or else you can't sing."

"I ain't singing with out you."

"Well, that's the end of From First to Last." Sonny's eyes wide and he cries again.

"No. No.Don't say that, Matt.Your coming back. Please come back. We need you. I need you. So much."

"No you don't." Matt pushes him off. " No. you have Emily." He snaps and keeps walking. Sonny looks at him and falls.

"No. Mattie, please.I'll do anything."

Matt turns in anger. "Sonny, you can't do anything. you can't love me like I love you."

"Matt, I um..." He looks down and mutters, " I already do."


" I do Matt. I love you. I love Matt Good so much. My Heart aches because I couldn't tell you. When Emily came I had to make sure. And it was true.I love you."

Matt's eyes become saddened. Then angry. " Your lying."

" No I'm not. There's no one in the world like Mattie."

"Oh my god. That song is...."

"For you. He's simple yet confusing. His sparkling eyes make me weak and my words, the tremble..." Matt walks closer Sonny and kneels in front of him. "....Days seem like years in this month of December.The winter coldens me for I have yet to sleep and never will I give up trying because your everything to me." Sonny reaches over and grazes his hand softly across Matt's cheek. "I hope it's something worth the waiting. Thunderstorms could never stop me..." Sonny moves his head and whispers lightly in Matt's ear. "....cause there's no one in the world like Mattie." Matt shudders and pulls Sonny's face to look at him. " It's for you Matt. I regret not telling you but I didn't want to make obvious. You know?"

"No. Everyone knows I love you."

"Well, lets show everyone that I love you and you love me." Sonny presses his lips on Matt's. Matt, at first is shocked, but then kisses back. Sonny pulls Matt closer. Matt's cold hand goes under Sonny's shirt and onto his chest. Sonny gasps and pulls away. "Your like... cold." He laughs and kisses Matt's cheek. Sonny stands up and pulls Matt up too. " You love me right?"

"Yes Sonny. I love you." Sonny nods and pulls Matt to the From First to Last tour van. Sonny opens it up and pulls Matt in and lays on the seat. Matt shut and locks the doors. Sonny puts the backseat down. They both thought they knew what was coming next. Sonny jumps onto Matt, making him lay on the seat. Straddling him, Sonny puts his hands under Matt's tight girl pants. Matt groaned and arched his hips up. Sonny presses his lips on Matt's roughly. Sonny's hand sneaks under Matt's boxers and grabs Matt's erection quickly. Matt gasps and lifts his hips. Sonny smiles and pulls off Matt's pants, after unbuttoning and unzipping them. Sonny pulls off Matt's shirt,too. He looks down, running a finger down Matt's chest, making Matt shudder. "Oh god, Sonny."

There's a loud knock. "Unlock the door, Fucker." Travis yells. Matt grabs his shirt, while Sonny puts Matt's pants on him. Jon looks in through the window.

"Holy shit!"

"What?!?!" Derek and Travis say in unison. Matt and Sonny unlock the back door and opens it. Jon runs over to it and looks at them. Sonny smiles innocently and Matt tries not to obvious that he has a hard on.

"Oh my god. Sonny-we--I....." He looks at Travis and Derek and get into the back of the van, shutting the door. " What the hell? Sonny, you were suppose to bring him back not fuck him."

"But I love him."

"No you don't. You love Emily."

"No Mattie." Jon looks confused. "Think about it. Emily is for him not Emily. I made it for her 'cause she wanted me to but I twisted everything around so it could be about Mattie." Jon thinks for a minute and then smiles.

"Oh you do love him. but what about Emily, and..."

"Jon get out. We'll be out in a sec."Jon sighs and opens the door. He walks out and Sonny hugs Matt. "I'll ask Pete if we can use his bunk to finish this." He whispers in Matt's ear. Matt nods and follows Sonny out of the van.

"YAY! MATTIES BACK! come on we have fans at the booth that want to get autographs." Travis screeches. Sonny laughs and smiles over at Matt.

"I'm going to get my bike." Sonny says walking past Matt and brushing his hand against Matt's bulge. Sonny grabs his bike out of the van and gets on it. "Meet ya at the booth." Sonny yells riding fast past his band. He rides fast to the Fall Out Boy booth, that is almost impossible to find, unless of course you have been there so many times to see Pete like Sonny has been."LAND SHARK 2!" He yells sliding into the tent.

"SONNY!" Pete yells laughing.

"Whats up?"

"Nothing long line."

"Oh. I have to go to my booth but I have to ask you something." Sonny cups his hand around Pete's small ear. "Can me and Mattie use your bunk like tonight?"

"Oh damn. You told him?" Sonny blushes and nods. "Oh and he like you back?" Pete says a little disappointed.

"Yeah. He loves me. And Emily is gone through my eyes."

"Oh well, Sonny you should go.... um back to your booth."

"Yeah. But can we?"

"Yeah go nuts."

"Thanks, Pete." Sonny rides over to his booth. "Ok. Nobody worry. I lived." Sonny says resting his bike on the ground.

"Oh thank god. We thought the California heat would get you." Travis says laughing.

"Aww, you do care Travis." Sonny says waiting for there so called fans.

"I thought you said we had fans." Matt said a little mad. Sonny laughs as people start to come.

"Told ya, we had fans." Jon laughs.....................

3 months later~

"Sonny. Sonny come quick." Jon says in panic.

Sonny laughs. "What?"

"I think you need to see this." Sonny walks into the living room and looks at the T.V.

"What Jon? So there was an accident." Sonny says.

"....Yes it's hard to get away from a drunk driver. The driver of the red mustang didn't have a chance. The police has just informed us that that driver of the mustang was hit by the truck and flung forward. And not wearing a seat belt, got flung through the windshield." The reporter announces.

"No." Sonny whispers. He gets on the floor and scoots close to the T.V. "Its not Matt..."

".... The driver of the truck is in fact drunk and is being arrested. The doctors have just pronounced the driver of the Mustang dead...."

" Its not Matt. I just talked to him. Its our night. Our 3 month anniversary. Its not Matt. ITS NOT MATT. Tell me. Come on. TELL ME!" Sonny screams at the T.V.

" Sonny calm down." Travis says.

".... Ok the truck drivers names has been released to us. Its Buddy Markis. Oh and the driver of the red mustang was a Mr. Matt Good." The reporter says.

"FUCK NO! LIES!" Sonny cries out. "Its not Matt. Its not." Sonny cries. Jon walks over and places a hand on Sonny's back.

"Shhh." He coos.

"Fuck you Jon." Sonny yells getting up and pushing him.

"I'm only trying to help."

"Yeah well don't."

The next couple of months, Sonny goes into a deep depression, spending most of his time in his room. He and his new love of Vodka and his other friend, Mr.Razor, helped him through this.

2 months, December hit and Sonny couldn't take it. One night, he sat on his bed looking at a picture of Matt and him cuddling up.

'Sonny your such a camera whore.' Matt laughs

'But you love me.'

'Yes, of course I do Sonny. Always and forever.' Matt whispers. 'No matter what, we'll be together.'

Sonny snaps out of the memory. He closes his eyes as they start to sting. He stands up and grabs his picture frame holding Matt's picture in it. Taking the razor he knows so well and walking into the bathroom. He sits in the tub. "I love you, Matt. I'm coming, I swear." He whispers while slitting his wrist deeper then ever. Kissing the picture of Matt and then everything went dark.

Sonny Moore was buried next to Matt Good. On his tombstone it read: A joy and Fun. Going to be with his love. Always and forever. Sonny Moore. R.I.P. 1988-2005.
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This is from 05 also...