Status: active (ps: tell me if you like the new layout)

When I'm With You


School is going to fucking suck this year. Shit. Those were the first thoughts that came to my mind as I sat down on my bench the first day of school, as I watch all the idiots that surrounded me in my homeroom. Just my fucking luck.

Not only had my best friend since kindergarten move out of the country to Ukraine or some shit like that (no offense to any Ukrainians…), but my homeroom was invaded by a few idiots from the chess team, the two dumbest cheerleaders I’ve ever met, some of the socially handicaps from the drama club, and a bunch of idiotic jocks. No normal people around me.

Just my fucking luck, I thought again as I moved a strand of my naturally red hair out of my face.

Mr. Baker, our homeroom teacher that year, entered the room and called each of our names, which he read from a paper, to make sure everyone was in the room. When he reached to this girl called Anne Taylor no one answered. I supposed she was new, since I had never heard that name before.

Poor girl, she is probably lost, I thought as Mr. B repeated her name

“Anne Taylor? Anne?” said Mr. B for the last time. “Oh, well.”

Suddenly the door opened and a girl of about my height, maybe a little shorter, entered the room. The half upper part of her wavy brown hair stayed perfectly tied up on her head, even though her breathing revealed that she had been running to the classroom. All the eyes on the room turned to her and her cheeks turned pink. She lowered her head and walked towards Mr. B rapidly.

As she reached the professor, she whispered some words to him. I could see from the way her lips were moving that she was speaking quickly.

“Kids, this is Anne Taylor,” Mr. B told the class. “She just moved here from Maryland and I want all of you to be nice to her. Now, Anne, you can sit next to, umm, Meghan Wright,” he said this last sentence motioning the girl to the empty seat next to me.

“Okay,” she said quickly and in a low voice as she walked rapidly down the aisle between the benches until she reached the one that now belonged to her.

“What’s up?” I said trying to be friendly. I mean, who else could I talk to in that class full of stupid teenagers? “I’m Meghan,” I said with a smile. Please, tell me you are not as smart as a cow that’s eating grass like the rest of the people in this room.

“Anne,” she said smiling back. “Not much, just being force to move from the other side of the country and away from my friends to a place I don’t know at all, and going to a new school full of people I don’t know. I know, my life is wonderful. What about you, Meghan?”

“Well, I just met a girl that came from Maryland and she is proving to me that she’s not as stupid as the rest of this class’s students, who, may I say, have their brains smaller than an ant. Oh, you can call me Meg if you want to.”

“So these people are stupid? I sure didn’t expect that coming!” she said in a sarcastic tone and with a surprised facial expression that made the remark funnier than it should have actually been.

“Meghan Wright?” Mr. B asked as I laughed because of Anne’s previous comment.

“Present, Mr. B!” I replied to my professor. “You are a life saver! My God, I swear I would have killed someone if a normal person like you weren’t in this class,” I said talking to Anne again.

“Stop the drama. It couldn’t have been as bad as you think if I weren’t here,” she said with a straight face. “Maybe it could have been even better!”

Two seconds later we were laughing hysterically.

“Yeah, right,” I said still laughing a bit.

“Class!” Mr. B said loudly so that all the students would stop talking and begin paying attention to him. “Good morning, kids. For those of you who don’t know me I am Mr. Baker, but you can call me Mr. B. Since it is the first day of school I am going to let you talk to one another about your summer, but stay sited and don’t yell, please. Okay, kids?”

“Kay, Mr. Baker,” the class replied in unison.

“Perfect, now you can continue your conversations,” he said smiling at all of us.

I turned just to see Anne looking at the students that surrounded us; she seemed to be studying them. I don’t blame her for being curious, since these people were the type you’d see on the Discovery Channel if they had a high school documentary called “Predators and Preys of the Hallways” or something like that. I mean the jocks were big idiots filled with testosterone that enjoyed bulling others, while the nerds and the drama freaks were the one bullied.

The chess club members were usually more scared by the jocks than the actors. As soon as some jocks came near them, they would asked what the jocks wanted and give it to them right after their answer, then the nerd would run as fast as he could to join the rest of the chess team, who were already shitting their pants.

The drama club freaks, on the other hand, made a scene when they were bullied. It was so annoying! Plus, they began using those weird words that Shakespeare used on his plays. At first they start talking about how they can defend themselves because they are strong and that the underdogs will be triumphant or something like that. Then the jocks would push them or yell at them and that’s when they start shitting their pants.

The cheerleaders were just stuck-up, rich, bitches who thought they were better than everyone else because of their ability to do flips, cartwheels, and splits. But, come one, they are right. I mean, all those acrobatics will obviously come in handy when they are older! Oh, if only I could be as flexible as them… not really.

“Hey, Meg,” Anne said in a low voice so that only I could hear.

“Tell me,” I answered her. She was still not looking at me, but instead she her attention was set on the cheerleaders.

“Who is the blond girl, the one with the straight hair and the shorter skirt, or should I say shortest?” she asked, laughing a bit at her last statement.

“The head bitch, Crystal Mayer,” I answered Anne, who was still looking at the blond with a disgusted expression on her face. I hated Crystal, just saying her name felt like poisoning venom was coming out of my mouth. “I hate her,” I murmured to my friend, anger pouring out of my mouth with every word I said.

“Why do you hate her so much? She’s obviously a bitch, but that doesn’t mean you have to hate her,” Anne proceeded to ask turning her face to the right so she could see me, but I was now the one that glared at The Bitch.

“I’ll tell you some other day, because if I say it now I’ll just get angry and go kick The Bitch’s butt,” I said looking back at Anne, who for some reason started laughing. I really didn’t understand what she had found so funny.

“The Bitch?!” she said laughing in between words. “So that’s her nickname, ah?”

“Well, she is a bitch, so why not name her ‘The Bitch’?” I answered, trying to contain my laughter, but you know that laughter spreads quicker than the flue, so I couldn’t help myself and joined Anne.

“Girls! Please, lower your voices back there,” Mr. Baker said looking at us.

“Sorry Mr. B,” said Anne as she stopped laughing. I was trying to stop, but kept giggling. I hate not being able to stop laughing. Mr. Baker sighed and kept on reading son papers and stuff like that.

During that period Anne and I talked about everything. We became instant friends.

“Hey can I see your schedule?” Anne asked me with curiosity.

“Sure,” I answered as I opened my bag and search for the small piece of paper that contained all my classes. “Here you go,” I said to her after I found the schedule inside one of the bag’s pockets.

“Thanks,” she said as she took the paper. She then proceeded to dig inside the pockets of her washed out blue jeans and revealing a piece of paper I supposed it was her own schedule. “Hey, we have all of our classes together except for music!” she said happily.

“That’s awesome! I’m taking art class instead because-” I began to say, but was cut off by the bell that told us we needed to head to our next class.

We picked up our stuff and walked to the science room, as the large masses of students filled the hall making their way to class.

“Hey I’m gonna go to the bathroom, you keep going to class. See you in a few, okay?” Anne said to me when we were near the science room.

“Okay, go ahead. I’ll save you a seat!” I shouted to her, since she was already making her way to the bathroom.

“Thanks!” she shouted back as I saw her disappear between two giant boys that blocked everything behind them with their bodies.

I turned around and entered the room, taking a seat in the back as usual. At least I knew my freshman year wouldn’t suck, or so I thought.
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leave a comment telling me what you think about Meg :)
also tell me what do you think will happen to her? Will it have something to do with the guy I mentioned on the story's summary or with Crystal? Tell me in a comment!