Too Late

Things aren't the same anymore. This world I've been thrust into is falling apart. If I could even do anything, I'm not sure what I would do. We're in too deep. No one can save us now. I couldn't be the hero this time. I couldn't be the one to save the wizarding world at its darkest hour.

I have no say, no chance of getting involved in this. The problem is out of my hands, but people refuse to understand that. And now they have me believing that this is all my fault. If I could stop destruction once, why can't I do it again?

Some nights it gets so bad.

And some nights I get the feeling like I could wish us all back. Back to the studying for OWLS, to looking across the great lake, to worrying about the next Quidditch match, to sneaking out to go to Hogsmeade. But then I realize, if we went back, the pressure would be back, the constant hope that I could save them. And then the feeling goes away.

Any characters or settings used in the Harry Potter series belong to J. K. Rowling.
Plot and other chracters belong to Giraffe; and Am I Your Winona?.