‹ Prequel: You Found Me
Sequel: Blind

Time Will Tell.


I smiled, waved at the crowd, before gripping Aunt Eliza's hand as I walked onto the stage. The clicking and flashes from the cameras of the press was making me more nervous, and the screams of excitement from the crowd, was no helping either. Actually it was annoying as hell. And not to mention I needed to pee, had a craving for swedish fish, and the baby was moving so much it was practically somersaulting. My personal stylist, was having a hard time disguising the slight bump. It was noticable, but only like I'd put on abit of weight.
I was just going to have a swell time once it gets bigger.

I gulped, tried to smile abit and then glanced back at my support team: Nick, Aunt Eliza, Uncle Frudrick, my manager; April, and surprisingly, my brother; Josaline.

I cleared my throat, and then my eyes glazed over under the pressure. "I have some big news to announce, and thought it would be the sain, and right thing to do for my fans, and people who admire my music," I paused as my hands shook, and then glared furiously down at my cheque cards, "I called this press conference, because I want to get it over with in a huge hit."

The cameras errupted even more, and there was some sort of supernatural buzz, as they all anticapted my news.

I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes. "I'm...pregnant."

I guess I really did have to get it out with at some point. I was going to be as huge as a whale at some point. I was going to have to raise my little Jodie, even though I was still a kid myself. But it wasn't the words I knew everyone was going to call me, or the fact I was going to give up some of my teenage years; It was the fact those disgustingly vile press, brought Nick into it.

I could understand their connection. I could see their story. We'd dated for quite awhile, broke up and then gotten together again. Of course, they didn't know about Aledreo. I'd dated him, long before I met Nicholas. Before we had our first date, or first kiss. But the thing was, we drew the line at that. A kiss was a kiss, and it never went to anything more. And to be frank, I was beyond happy with just that.

"Is Nick the father?"
"How far along are you?"
"Have you been sleeping around?"

The last one was like a fresh slap in the face. I glowered, and it took every ounce of self dignity to not jump of the pap and beat him into a pulp, squish the pulp into a fine juice and feed it to my fish. I smiled fakely. "No, I have most certainly have not been sleeping around."
I gazed back again and bit my lip. It was better to tell the truth...It was better to tell the truth...Think of Aledreo not running back...He won't come back... "And the father is not-"
"Anyone but me."

My eyes widened, and I slapped my hand over my mouth. Oh. My. G...
Nick took my hand and held it to his heart. He lied...For me. Because I was selfish enough, to say I never wanted Aledreo to find out. I couldn't ruin Aledreo because of this... But I could ruin everyone else, who were baised enough to believe in me.
"I'm the father," He said again, calmly into the microphone. "And I'm proud to say, Sam is five months along and we are hoping for a baby girl."

He said it so easily, without wincing once into the camera. I could tell it was hurting him. He tensed abit, but still was selfless enough to feel me stressing, and draw calming cirlces into my hand. He drew them huge and distressed, and he seemed unfocused.

"We wanted to come out to apologise if this had caused any contraversy for anyone, but also celebrate with everyone our joy. Thank you."

He then ignored the shouts, smiled and then toutly turned on his heel and quickly marched me off the stage and into my SUV. I jumped in the front seat, and then looked back, pinched myself three times and then sat extremely still. I could not comprehend what was happening. That was the most amazing thing anyone had ever done for me. Nick climbed in, grunted and then pulled out of the drive.

"Nicholas..." I tried, distroughtly. I grabbed his arm and then gazed at him. "Why'd you do that? Have you gone completely mad?"
He didn't answer me, he kept his gaze forwards and sighed.
"Nicholas...II-I never wanted you to think you were going to be forced into a situtation like that...I wanted you to be seen as the father figure, not the actual fath-"
"I love you, Sam, alright? I just wish I could've been in that situation sometimes. I'm not saying I'm old enough to think about having a huge family, but of course I've thought about
a kid. You know, this is really hard for me to admit. But since Jodie wanting a child, and you agreeing to me being the dad... I wanted a baby with you."
I frowned and then it turned into a sigh. "I- Me too. An I know we're only nineteen. We have so much time... I mean I'll admit I always think about your kid... But when I found out I was with Aledreo's it gave me a whole new aspect to the word, at all. I don't think I'm ready at all to have childern. I'm not perfect, let alone I have no idea if I'll be the perfect mom. You're just too nice to me..."

I smiled and then twined my hand with his. "I know it's hard for you to say how you feel, hell I'm not as nearly brave as you are. And that's the thing I admire and love the most about you."

He inhaled sharply. "YYY-ou...do?" He stuttered. He let out a sigh of relief. "You do love me?"
"Sure," I said, before kissing his cheek. "I like you alittle bit," I joked, before grinning and punching his arm.

I looked up at him and the light framed his face perfectly. Curses his good looks. "Thank you...So much," I breathed. "That was the best, most amazing - but crazy," I added quickly, giving him a stern look, " That anyone has ever done for me. Thank you, for saving me and all my selfishness."

"I will protect you," He said, before blinking back a glint of frustration. "No matter the cost."
He gritted his teeth and then continued ahead.

Then it clicked, as I gazed out the window. This was definetly not the way to my house. Infact I'm pretty sure this is the way to...
"Nicholas, where are we going? Is this the way to where I think we're going?"
He looked down at me, and then handed me a pocket book. "If you're thinking we're going to LAX, then yes, you're right. We're going to see my parents."

This was even more random then his outburst.
"We're going to see my parents."
"What? I honestly can't hear you properly. You're parents are positively going to kill me, Nick."
"Well," He gripped the wheel tighter and then turned into the carpark. "You'll have to learn to deal with it."
♠ ♠ ♠
Is this abit dramatic? Lol. Excuse the mistakes. I prrrooommise to fix them tommorrw. I'm tired now. :) haha. Comments please?