‹ Prequel: You Found Me
Sequel: Blind

Time Will Tell.

Bad News.

I rocked slowly in the maple chair and stared down at the bump I portectively cradled. What joys could a chile possibly bring me? I was soo young. Too young? What grief could it bring Nick? Every possible grief it could bring forth when you're in the publics eyes.

It was nice out, and not a sound stirred. The light flickered across the room in emblazed gold and tingled my cool skin. I can't remember the last time I've been this undisturbed. Nick was downstairs talking to his parents. Against my better choice he thought staying with his parents was not such a great idea. I stared out the window and continued rocking gently.

I stared at the huge oak tree with wide stretching branches. Kids would've climbed them so many times. Maybe Nick could put a tire swing there and Jodie Sophia could sit there in the cool afternoons and blow bubbles. And I could come home after work and make some lemonade and chat with Nick's mom... Maybe we could buy a house in New Jersey...Maybe I could have a proper family of my own...

Kick. I looked down at my stomach and scrunched up my nose before rubbing the spot where it hurt. I laughed and tapped my foot against the ledge.

"Hey Jodie. No I didn't think you'd like that idea...I'm just trying to do what's best for us...For all of us. Especially Nicholas."

Another kick. I frowned and tapped my stomach in a soothing way and then stopped my soft rocking. "What baby? What's wrong? We can live in LA or New York... or New-"

My eyes widened. There was wetness where there shouldn't be. I slowly and painfully rose from my seat and waddled as fast as I could to the bathroom. Surely I did not just wet myself.

Taking deep breaths, I quickly turned on the taps and knocked over some scented soap and a candle on the way. I stared at my frenzied wild reflection in the mirror. I looked a right mess and I didn't even know what was wrong.

There was a padded blue toilet seat. I stared at it and for a moment I forgot why I was worried and giggled. What guy had that in their unsuite? Wait... how does that explain the candles and scented soap? Ugh let's just not question him right now.

I sat on the seat and pulled down my panties to find a dark red stain. That defintely wasn't supposed to happen, right? I mean I know I'm not excactly good at this mother thing - Or infact know much about it, but you can't bleed if you're pregnant.

I pulled them up and made my way to the sink again. Oh god, Oh god. What if there's something wrong with the child? What if I've hurt my baby?

I stared in the mirror and my eyes were transfixed and crazy. This made perfect sense. I've hurt my baby! The one mistake in my life that could make everything perfect! My Jodie Sophia!

My breathing backrapid and uneven. You didn't bleed unless you had your period... Or if the plalenta...

I rattled the door knob and it rattled but wouldn't budge. What the fuck had I done? Why the hell wouldn't the door open? I swear I didn't lock it.
"NICHOLAS!" I screeched even louder. "Nick! Help me!"
I pulled and tugged at the knob but it wouldn't budge. Slowly the tears trickled down my face. I can't let her die. Lord please have mercy on my baby!
"Nick! She's dieing-She's-" I stopped my sentence and burst into jaw clenching sobs.

Thankfully I heard those padded feet run up the stairs and into the bedroom.
"Samantha! Sam where are you? What's wrong?"
I scratched the door in disbelief and banged continously. "Nick! Nick I'm in here! Help me please! Help me!"
"Sam! What's wrong?" His voice pleaded from the other side, before I watched the knob being tugged from the other side. "Why is the door locked?" He shook it some more. "Sam why is the door locked?"
I screamed in frustration and kicked the door. "SHE'S DIEING NICK! JODIE SOPHIA IS DIEING AND- AND I...I can't get out!" I choked as the tears continued to run down my face.

There was only the sound of my crying.
Nick obviously kicked the door, because there was a huge grunt and a dent left in the bottom of the door.
"It won't budge! Why did you lock yourself in?" He stressed, before he grunted and began frantically shaking the door again. "Sam you need to let me in! Open the lock!"
I checked the switch but it wasn't locked. I had not locked the door, just like I had thought. The only other way I could've been locked in was if someone else had locked it from outside...

"Nick I can't! Someone has locked me in! I need to get out! Do you hear me? Get me out NOW!!"
"Go open the window." He yelled. "I'll be standing outside and I will help you out."
"Okay." I agreed, "Just hurry, Nick. Please.."
I waddled over to the window and pushed the curtains away hastily and greedily. I unlatched the lock and pushed it as far open as it would go. It was at least eight feet down. I stared down at my stomach. And how excactly could I climb down smoothly when I'm fat? And Nick followed through on his promise and was waiting for me underneath. Gah. Why'd my life have to be so dramatic? Oh yeah, because this is what god calls entertainment. Serves me right.
Nick stared at me with wide eyes."Alright, you need to sit on the window ledge and slowly ease yourself down. I'll catch you."
"I weigh like 400 pounds Nick! I'm fucking pregnant! Are you out of your mind?!"
"I'm not going to let you stay in that fucking bathroom if there's a chance Jodie can live!"
"She's already dieing!" I sobbed, before doing as he said and sitting on the window ledge. It wasn't that far down, but without his help I would fall very easily.
"Just ease yourself down slowly, Sam. I'll catch you, I promise."
Nick stood there holding both his hands out for me to hold, and gently tugged me towards him. I watched him wide eyed and let out a squeal of fright as I slipped from solid to thin air.

I dropped and as he said; He caught me swiftly, grunting in the process. He then frowned and kissed my hair as I began to shake uncontrolby.

"I need to get to the hospital...now!" I choked, burying my head further into Nick's shoulder.
"Now," He agreed, before quickly pulling my hand and tugging me towards his car. He opened the door for me and let me slide in. And as always, everyone chooses the wrong time to interrupt.

"Nicholas!" Mrs Jonas' voice rang out loud and clear. "Samantha! Where are you going? What's wrong?!"

"Not now mom," Nick said quickly, before opening his door too. "I need to get Sam to the hospital. Jodie Sophia is dieing."

He solemnly closed the door and started the car. "We'll meet you there."
She nodded her head vigourously before running into the house shouting after her husband.
Nick's eyebrows furrowed before he pulled out and the speed off.

I looked down at my bump and rubbed it. "Don't worry, Jodie. You're safe. I love you and nothing is going to hurt you."

But even I wasn't convinced. And she didn't kick back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Drama! So I need you to help with the next chapter. Comment if you want to keep the baby or not. Thanks for reading :)