‹ Prequel: You Found Me
Sequel: Blind

Time Will Tell.


In a way-Wait scratch that, I am very childish. I still love to buy nerf guns, buy batman figurines and have sword fights with rubber swords. Is it fun? Hell yes. Do I have a batman duvet cover? Uh..Yes.

Over all, this has taught me about the way I was bought up. We were taught to express ourselves, and so naturally, you have to find out who you are first.

Through rubber swords, well...there's no big code in that really, they're just really fun to hit people with. Charming..yes, very much so.

Batman was my normal super hero, and I had an super obbession with him when I was six. Batman notebook, pencilcase, backpack and pens. Not much had changed really.
Batman, was pretty much who I moulded myself into- Well a girl version anyways. In this time, I found out, who I really was, in the respects of my mid teens. I wasn't scared to be my own person anymore, to not know what my friends would think- And ultimately, this made me popular and a snob.

I'm glad I've changed. I'm glad I've found my real self again. I'm glad I can see how lucky I am.

"Sam-an-ta," My aunty stared calmly. My head snapped up and I turned my whole body to her direction, out of instinct. "Il y a Nicholas,"

My eyes widened and I dropped my cereal spoon. "What!"
She shook her head and smiled, continueing to cook Uncle Frudrick's breakfast. "II y a Nicholas," She repeated, before sliding bacon and eggs onto a plate.

I narrowed my eyes and pursed my lips, before shrugging my shoulders and picking up my spoon. Noone and I mean noone interrupts me when I'm eating. I quickly shoved the spoon into my bowl and then pushed a heaping spoonful of lucky charms into my mouth.

My cheeks bulged. And, of course always catching me at the worst of moments- Nick walked in and made a face after taking one glance at me. "That's uh, a nice look for you Sam."

I swallowed quickly, glared and pushed past him to put my bowl in the sink. "Yeah, cause' girls love hearing that," I muttered sarcastically. I walked out of the kitchen and into the lounge connected to it, before plonking onto a chocolate sofa and sighing.

"I mean't your, uh, pajamas," He muttered, scratching his head. I watched as he sat on the opposite end of the sofa.

I looked down at my singlet and batman boxers and shrugged. "So?"
"You don't get embarrassed easily do you?"
"No, glad you figured that one out on your own. I wear pajamas around people alot, so it just feels kinda...I don't know...Normal."

"I would hope so. I mean, most people blush when you see their batman boxers."
"I love batman!" I defended, pouting and glancing down again. "And that soo doesn't give you permission to stare, so stop."

He chuckled slightly, before rubbing his hand down his face and giving out alittle yawn.
My head found it's way to the sofa armrest and I plunked my feet on his lap. Did I care? Hell no. Could he start a business as a personal arm or feet rest and become very successful? Yuh-Yes.

"So what's up?" The yawn jumped from lips to mine in a contagious manner. He leaned back more. "I uh, dunno," He sighed, rubbing his neck. "I just want to know if you want to come bowling with me."

I closed my eyes and hummed. "I don't know..."
"It'll be fun," He chimed. "Besides, It's kind of deserted...A once in a life time opportunity."
For us. Being famous sucks.
"But fans follow us everywhere. Plus I don't really want another headliner reading that we're dating."
"No one knows if we are or aren't. And this isn't up for discussion. I'm not asking you to come, I'm telling you, you are."

I raised my eyebrow at him and pierced my lips. "Oh really?" I sighed and slumped when I saw his serious expression not even twitch. "Kay, whatever," I mumbled, sighing and rubbing my temples. "When?"
"Now." He concluded, smirking at the face I pulled, before I sat up properly.

"You suck," I glare, before sticking my tongue out and walking up stairs. "That means you'll have to tune my gutair for me, while I get changed!"

I poked my finger in the air in victory, when I heard him grunt and then slowly follow up behind me.

Kicking open my bedroom door, I walked in, feeling better I actually took the time to clean it yesterday. In the middle of the room stood the huge window sill, and in the right corner right beside it stood my mahogany bookcase, with the victorian made fairytales. At the end of the room was my bed; Four black posts held roses at the tips, all stretching up into a ball like shape to meet with my white canopy. Spread on my bed was my batman cover and a sliver comforter.

Next to my bed stood a dresser and across from that was my walk in wardrobe- And it's not surprising to say that the door was covered in batman stickers, as well as my gutair case.
And then standing in the last corner, almost curled up as if trying to hide it's exsitence, stood my grand piano, that used to be my cousin Julie's, untill she died tragically in the fall of 08'.

I pointed at my gutair case, just in case Nick was having a special moment, and then walked into my closet. Bowling? I suck at bowling. I frowned at my sudden revolation, before closing the doors tightly. Why'd I have to give in? Reminds me of the way Aledreo got his was when he ki- I stopped my thoughts short and sighed, letting my head be engulfed with thoughts on what I should wear. Dress or jeans? Since when was it so hard to decide?

I sighed and gave up, shrugging out of the singlet and boxers untill I was standing in my underwear. Jeans will be fine. I generally don't care what I'm wearing- This isn't a date.

I grabbed a pair of jeans and flip flops before pulling on a Laker's shirt and twisting my hair up into a ponytail with a side braid. Peach gloss, foundation, eyeshadow and mascara later... I was ready. Even though most people liked rocking the natural look, the...whatever the other look is, suited me just fine too.

I frowned when I couldn't hear any music or off notes. Then, when I listened closer I heard the keys of the piano...Even worse, he was playing the song I was working on.

I let my eyes widen, before bursting open the closet doors in a very dramatic fashion. With me, this is not unexpected. He kept playing. I frowned, and grabbed my phone off the windowsill and edged closer. Please don't...

"Under cover with your lies
Kill them all with flirting eyes...

I quickly caught his fingers as he played on. "Please don't," I pouted.
I watched as his eyes ran down the page before stopping on something desirable.
Run, Run, Run as fast as you can.
You can't beat me I've got you cornered-

I let out an annoyed squeak, before doing the only other thing I could think of-Kiss him. Best distraction in my book. And it worked, because his eyes closed and he kissed me back. It felt right- Not good. Stop what you're doing Samantha, right now. I frowned at myself. I always ruined a perfectly good friendship. They all acted as if they couldn't help but be attracted to me.

I pulled him off the stool and pulled away. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. I sighed. "Sorry,"

He rubbed his neck and ducked his head, to let his hair pour over his face to cover up his flaming cheeks. Didn't work- Whatever he put in his hair, wouldn't allow it.
"It's fine," He told me, before looking back up. "Infact-It's more then fine."

I squinted almost alarmed at what he was saying. Did he...want me to kiss him? I sighed and shook it away. No...We were only friends... Wait, were?! What on earth is happening?

"Let's just...Go." I managed to stutter, before walking out the door. He followed me closely, muttering a "Sure," sarcastically behind me. So what if I was trying to avoid this? So what if I didn't want Jodie to be right? But even I couldn't hide it very well from even myself anymore.
It was plainly clearer then this pristen say: I likedhim. And as much as I didn't like it; There was no way around it. No looking back, or clearing my head now, it was much, much to late for that now.

I trudged down the stairs, and then quickly into the kitchen, grabbing the bottle of water Uncle Frudrick just got out, from his hands. He scowled me, before opening the fridge and getting another.

"I'm going out," I tell them, reaching up and kissing each of their cheeks. "I'll be back by three, and then I'll take the little devil out for ice cream."

Aunt Eliza smiled, before turning back to coo at little Jacob, and then feed him some sort of stewed fruit...or wait, is that vegetable?

"Bye Mrs Gilding, Mr Gilding," Nick muttered before pulling me gently by the elbow and waving slightly at my aunt and uncle who had taken on the role of becoming a mother and father figure.

I smiled fakely for them and waved too, before letting him drag me out the front door. Once again, my amazing un-canny predictions were right. Papparazzi were here. I sighed, and nudged Nick in the ribs, before pulling on a pair of sunglasses. He groaned, and then held out his hands. I tossed him the keys to my SUV softly, before reluctantly taking a grasp of his warm hand he held out for me.

Everybody was getting a kick out of that one. I swear more swarmed around us, trying to get photos of us holding hands. And just alittle FYI, I realllllyyy don't like PDA's very much. Nick held open the door for me, and I slid in quickly, throughly disturbed how much people were here. Did they like, have something better to do then camp outside my house or follow people to their friends houses?

Nick sighed and then climbed into the driver's seat. "I'm sorr-" He began, I quickly cut him off by putting my hand over his mouth. He was immediately quiet.

I glared. "Do not say you're sorry. If you value my sanity, then you will not say that you're sorry." I lifted my hand away, and sunk back into my chair over whelmed;as the papparazzi began to yell even louder.

"But I am." He muttered. "I mean you told me-"
"Nick." I interuppted quickly. He caught my gaze. "Yeah?"
"Shut up and drive."

He leaned back and smiled. "Aye, Aye captain."

[&&&&T I M E. will. T E L L&&&&]

I watched in disbelief, as I got another strike. It seemed I could thank all my lucky stars...And bumper lanes. I walked back to the seats with my eyes bulging. Nick laughed as I fell down beside him. "I thought you said you couldn't bowl?"
"Well I thought I couldn't!" I laughed too. "Thank god for bumpers!"

This made me laugh even harder. I was a terrible bowler- Bumpers practically saved me. Lame? I think not. For childern? Child proof.

"This was fun," I informed him, smiling at his grin. "So, thank you."
"I offered a fun time, and it looks like I stayed true to my word."

"Not quite," I muttered, tapping my chin. "There's still one more thing I want to do..."

[&&&&T I M E. will. T E L L&&&&]

"Nope, you're crazy." Nick muttered, looking down the lane in disbelief, and back at the counter to find it empty. This place really is deserted.

"Clarified that along time ago," I mumbled, walking over to him and pouting. "Besides this will be fun. Come on, please?" I grabbed him by the hand and pouted at his resistance.

"Sam..." He whined, "You know that really isn't fair."
I pouted more and innocently added, "What?"

"That." He muttered, touching my cheeks and pointing at my lips. "Stop pouting."
I rocked on my heels and in a high trilled british accent remarked, "Well I really don't think I can really," Before pouting some more.

"But we might get caught," He added quickly, as I pulled him to his feet and to a lane.
"Don't worry about it." I laughed. I steadied myself and got into a stance. "Ready?"
Nick glanced at me nervously, as I gazed down the lane. "Y-Yeah."


Running, Electric sliding and the rolling as a human bowling ball, was one of the many ways we used to get to the end of the lane to knock down the pins. The scary bit? You had to move quick to get out of the way of the machine used to sort the pins back in line. Otherwise you'd proabably get you're head cut off. Well...close to anyway.

"Sorry Sam, but I win." Nick grinned. I raised my eyebrow, before squaring my shoulders and standing infront of him. "Oh really?"

It wasn't much really- He close to six foot and I being 5'3, trying to scare him, wasn't really going to work. I laughed at my werid humour. "Kay, so what's the price?"

He glanced at me and grinned. "That we can do this again one time."
I smiled and held out my hand in a chessy deal sealer. "You've just claimed your prize. Please play again if you want to win another."

Nick shook his head and then glanced down at his watch. "Nope, sorry but it's almost three. You've got to go home."

I pouted. "Okay... I've got to take little Jacob out for ice cream. Do you, uh, want to come or something?"
He clasped his hands together and pierced his lips before shaking his head. "Pass."
I pouted. "Okay, whatever."

He shook his head and smiled as we walked out to my car. "Of course I will." He laughed, before opening the door for me. "I feel like peaches and cream."

I glanced at him suspiciously as he smirked. I looked down and into my handbag before pulling out my lipgloss: Peaches and Cream.

I smiled and slipped on my wayferers. I put the lipgloss away and snuggled into the chair. "I think only cherry and mango's on to offer. What do you think about that?"

"It's perfectly fine with me." He laughed, before putting his sunglasses on and reversing out.
"Cherry and mango sounds just fine."

I shook my head, before leaning over and pecking him softly on the cheek. I can tell that things are only going to get more interesting...
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