‹ Prequel: You Found Me
Sequel: Blind

Time Will Tell.

Part Two

“Going out in public sucks,” I stated, watching the boring white lines running in front of me. Driving is so boring- if it’s the same scenery everyday that is. Paris sucks to drive around in- Especially the crazy driving there, and America sucks even more; Even with two lanes.

There really is just no pleasing me, obviously.

I smirked and re looked at the rear view mirror and whispered ‘Jacob.’
He turned and saw what I did: Jacob upside down in his chair, mouth hanging open, with his thumb inside, snoring loudly with my batman figurine in his arms. HEY! I KNEW ONE WAS MISSING!

“He’s so adorable!” I giggled, biting my lip and then turning my attention back to driving.

Nick smiled. “Yeah, cute kid.”
I punched him in the shoulder lightly. “You should man up more. There’s no betting that kid.”
“What are you talking about!” He stressed. “Are you telling me, that I’m not a guy, Sam? Because I thought you already had the puber-“

“Ah, Ah, Ah!” I shushed him quickly, covering his mouth with my hand again. “Don’t go all serious on me, or I’ll kick your ass with my solid ninja moves.”

He scoffed but let me have that one. “Whatever.”
I glared but continued to drive to the gates of the chateau and then up the driveway.
“Fun is an understatement.” I muttered. “I’ve got it! I should event a new word…Yes, that’s brilliant! How bout Superfantastical? Yes, this was Superfantastical!”

I parked the car and grinned. “You’re so tense. I honestly did pass my driving test, just thought you should know.”

“Good to know.” He rolled his eyes and unclipped his seatbelt.
“Well thank you and you’re uncanny convincing skills- Er, forcing…umm well the bowling.”

I watched Nick carry the sleeping Jacob out of the car and smile. “You’re welcome.”
I grinned. “I shall take this up with the suggesti-demand box.” I stopped short, as Aunt Eliza opened the door. She looked me up and down and then flicked her head towards the house, as if saying, ‘I’ll-talk-to-you-later.’ I gulped watching her retreating figure disappear. Oh god, I’m so going to get it now.
Nick shook his head and kissed my cheek. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks like hot fire, and before I could stop myself, I found myself pouting.


“Bye,” I mumbled quickly, giving him an ultra huge fake smile. “Pip pip, tata, cheerio!”

“What?” He repeated, tilting his head.

“Nothing,” I whined, stretching the word for emphasis.
He raised his eyebrow and pinched my cheek. “Really?”
“Really,” I grinned, before poking my tongue out at him.
“You’re lying,” He told me, before leaning forwards some.
I decided to be brave, smiled sweetly and leaned forwards too. “Prove it.”
He winked. “Bye Sam,” He said shaking his head and muttering something under his breathe. I laughed and waved goodbye, then walked into the château.

“Samantha, come into the living room. Your aunt and I need to talk to you.”

I slumped and sighed before walking into the living room. Why do they call it that anyway?

I put on my cute and innocent face. “Yes Uncle Frudrick?”
He folded his paper and then dropped it onto the coffee table. That wasn’t a good sign. Uncle Frudrick always held the paper almost protectively against his chest.

“Sit down, young lady.”

I winced at his tone of voice, but obeyed.
“Now,” He said, staring at me hard in the face. “Why are you and Jacob wet, and why the hell are you turning up late with that-that boy?”

That boy? I frowned. I knew my Uncle wasn’t exactly very friendly to any boy I hung out with, but he had never been that rude before. “Jacob and I are wet because he ran into some sprinklers and refused to get out-I had to go and get him,” Wow, I really love my quick thinking. Plus I actually sound believable- and trust me my acting skills suck eggs. “ We got ice cream- like I promised Jacob. And ‘that boy’” I quoted, “Is very nice.”

“All of them seem nice Sam; George, Orlando, Hugo…Aledreo. And look what’s happened! Pregnant at eighteen!”

My eyes widened and I suddenly felt very, very small. How on earth did they know?
“H-hh,” I shivered and shut my eyes tight. I coughed and tried to clear the lump in my throat. “H-how?”

“The test,” Frudrick answered in an equally small voice. “Your aunt found it in your bathroom bin while cleaning it.”

“But,” I paused and frowned. “But the maid does that. I was so sure it wouldn’t be found. I-I,” I blinked and gritted my teeth. “I wanted to tell you myself.”

He sighed. “Really, and how long would it have taken you to do that? Untill the bump is too big to hide anymore?”

I glared. “Just the reaction I’d expect from you. I love you Uncle, but there are just something’s you don’t understand.”

“Oh yeah, like the fact you’re with child and famous under the constant watchful eyes of the harsh public who will call you a whore! And where’s Aledreo? He’d no where to be found and it’s his responsibility too!”

“I loved Aledreo!” I defended. “And he loved me! And I don’t have to put up with this right now, especially coming from you. You choose to leave Morgan with baby Josaline, you’ve said so yourself! So if anything, you have no right to tell me about parenting! This just- we just shouldn’t even is having this conversation!”

“Well we are,” He told me. “You know what contraception is for. I can’t believe you could be so stupid! And don’t mention Morgan’s name again.”

“Why can’t I? She’s Aunt Eliza’s sister. The mother of my brother. My mother. I have every right. She gave birth to me.”

“You know why we don’t say her name in this house.” Frudrick grunted. “She cheated on me with that-your father.” He finished. “Our relationship was almost broken down. It was the icing on the cake when I found out she had been sleeping around. I moved out, but we did not divorce. Then she fell pregnant again and tried to say the child was mine-But she’d been with so many men it could’ve been anyone. As bad as it sounds, at that point I didn’t care if Josaline was mine or not, I just had to get out. Morgan was only using me- Josaline was her last chance of getting me to stay and she knew it. I divorced her that week.”

“I know.” I whispered. “I know. I know my mother is a liar, a cheater and neglecter. I don’t need you to tell me that either. Josaline rubs it in as it is.”

“A very spoilt child.” My Uncle muttered, titting and shaking his head. “Trust Morgan. Trying to get to me, because I didn’t feed into her lies anymore. I’m sorry Samantha how everything has turned out for you.”

“Oh poor Sam,” I said sarcastically. “Oh poor pitiful Samantha. A father who hates her, and mother who hates her too. Knocked up and the father nowhere to be found. Cry, cry, tear, tear.”

Uncle shook his head and frowned. “And another thing. Love has nothing to do with anything, you’ve had lots of love and it’s never been enough for you. I’m asking where he is! Where is Aledreo when you need him the most?”

My eyes blazed with red-hot fire. No one mentioned…him. It was a touchy subject and no one dared mentioned it around me. Well, unless you wanted your tongue ripped out and me yelling down your throat.

“I don’t know!” I burst screaming, making the veins in my neck show through my pale skin. “I honestly have no fucking clue where Aledreo is, and to be frank I don’t care! I broke up with him long before I found out, I’m pregnant and I don’t plan on telling him either!”

“It’s his right! He’s the one who got you like this- it’s part his!”
“Not as long as I’m its mother,” I hissed, placing my hand over the small defined bump defensively. “And who says I’m keeping the child?”

“Not…Not…” My Uncle’s voice broke off shaky and then he swallowed. “Please Samantha. For the love of all things holy, please tell me you aren’t…” He shivered before spluttering, “Ab-Killing it.”

“I wouldn’t dare!” I shrieked, completely outraged he’d suggest I’d do something like that. Other people make choices for themselves, but it wasn’t an option for me. I would not kill…it. I couldn’t. It was completely wrong in my opinion and if I had kept my promise to god, I wouldn’t be in this position in the first place. “You think I’d abort my own kid? You’re a bastard for even suggesting I would!”

“Samantha!” My Uncle roared. “How dare you!”

“How dare I? How dare I?” I screamed in disbelief. “How dare you!”

“Tat-e-ough!” My un-English-speaking-aunt yelled at the top of her lungs.

My eyes widened and immediately my attention was hers. But obviously my Uncle wasn’t done.

“And as for Nicholas-“

“I like Nick, and you better get used to it, because you’re going to see him around more often, wether you like it or not!”

Uncle Frudrick stood up; I quickly copied him, in effort in trying not to be intimidated. “ No you won’t Samantha. You’re going to ring him, and tell him you never want to see him again.”

“And why should I?” I demanded, holding my ground.

“Because if you don’t, we’ll kick you out, and you’ll have to live with your parents.”

Whoa. I gulped and my eyes doubled the size to almost saucers. My bottom lip trembled, but I still refused to give in. “W-why Uncle?” I pleaded, tears pricking the corners of my eyes.

“Because-Because…” He paused and his head hung. “BecauseIcan’tletyougethurt.”
I scratched my head at how fast he said it. “What? You think he’ll…” I paused and tried to imagine it. “Hurt me?” It came out in barely a whisper, and I scrunched my eyes as a horrible image flashed across my eyes. I shook my head to try and rid it of the disgusting words.

“Everyone is not what they seem. His wife died Samantha. Only just under a year ago. Have you ever considered the thought you might just be a quick fix? A rebound?”

I actually had never thought of it, untill he mentioned it. It made perfect sense. He was using me. He didn’t like me. He didn’t care about me. I can’t believe I could be so stupid.

“I’m so-“ I couldn’t even finish my sentence, before the tears fell from my eyes. I was still feeling defensive and I knew being so was silly. “I don’t have his number,” But my voice gave it all away.

“Now,” Uncle demanded. Aunt Eliza, tilted her head in confusion, at what he was saying.

I pulled out my phone. “Fine,” I whispered.

I scrolled through my contacts, untill I spotted his name. The rings were agonizing. I couldn’t understand why this could bring out so many emotions. But the one I felt the most was anger. Why did I have to end my friendship with Nick? Oh yeah, because he’s a user. Pain shot thought my chest. I’d never been used before and it hurt.

Maybe what Jodie said was right…everything about this was tough. Everything was falling apart.

After seven rings, he picked up. “Hello?” He sounded slightly distracted.
“Nick,” I whimpered.
“Oh, hey Sam. I uh, just got home.” I heard some muffled noises in the background, which I assumed was him changing ears. “I was just about to call you actually,” He admitted. I felt even guiltier and knew I shouldn’t. Why was this so important? Was Uncle trying to teach me a lesson? Was he right?

“Oh?” I tried to sound remotely interested, but really I knew doing so would be like a slap in the face when I announced the news.

“It’s my last night in Paris tomorrow, so I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner with my family?”

I gulped, and glanced up at my Uncle who gave me the same stern look. Who was he to tell me what I was going to do with my life? I’m still young, and I just want to have fun with what time I have left. Is that so much to ask?

“Samantha,” My Uncle demanded, tapping his foot impatiently. Pricks pinned my eyes. I blinked back the tears. I didn’t need to cry. Why should I cry? I’m going to cut away every bad mistake. And this is obviously the biggest of all.

“I-“ I watched my Uncle and felt the tears run down my face unevenly. Aunt Eliza, lowly rised and walked towards me, while I held my cell phone so loosely, it was close to dropping.

“Stop,” She turned to Uncle Frudrick, harshly. My eyes widened at her clear pronunciation. “Don’t hurt her,”

“But Eliza,” My Uncle mumbled quietly. I stared at him in shock as I heard him pleading softly with her, and a soft twinge of fear on full display in his eyes. “If this doesn’t happen, we’ll all be hurt.”

“Sam.” A voice repeated worriedly on the other end of the phone. “Sam what’s wrong? Who’s hurting you?”

I gripped the phone tighter and pushed it against my ear. Another tear rolled down my cheek, when I knew exactly what I had to say. This should be easy.
“You are.” I choked out.
There was a pause before, “W-what?”
“I wanted you to know that I-“ I rubbed the tears away and played the best lie he’d believe. “I don’t really like you. I love Aledreo and I always have.”
“Sam, I-I don’t understand. I thought we were friends…” He trailed off and then paused. “I like you.”

A noise escaped my throat that I couldn’t hold back. “I’m sorry,” I croaked, “But I don’t. I never have…I-I,” I stopped. “It’s not true. But I’m pregnant, Nick, with Aledreo’s child. And even though I hate Al for what he’s done to me- for breaking us…” My voice broke off when the word us escaped my lips. There was an us, right? “Not enough to take away his child from him. I’m going to find him,” I continued. The worst bit about lying through my teeth was, he would believe me so easily. More tears. He used you. He lied to you. He deserves the pain you feel. “And you’re hurting me, by continuing this on, when you and I both know, that there is no spark or anything that is needed in a real relationship. I know you were using me. Congrats, you’ve made it through, by cheating Jodie’s love for you.”

There was movement heard on the other end. “I-“ He stopped and cleared his throat to prevent me from hearing the breaking. A knot tightened in my stomach. “Fine.”

The phone went dead. I listened to the noise echoing through it in horrible rings filling the silence in the room. What did I do with my spare time now? Who would make me laugh, when they knew I was lonely? Who was going to turn up just as everything was falling apart?

I gazed at my feet and was blank. I didn’t know what to say. What to feel. What to think. I walked to my room and closed the door. A terrible sob escaped my lips.

What was my life? A huge big fat lie. And it was just getting worse.
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:) Sorry it took so long to post.