‹ Prequel: You Found Me
Sequel: Blind

Time Will Tell.

Back Together.

"I hate being pregnant." I yawned, before plonking my feet into Nick's lap. "It sucks."
He winced. "I would think being preggo would suck, Sam. I'm just glad I'm not the one pushing that thing out of me."

"Ha...ah." I paused on my laughter and pouted. I then groaned and rolled around, sighing my head off. "You are seriously pissing me off. Now all I can think about is all the pain....ughhh. Gross."

Nick laughed and patted my shoulder. "It's going to be okay, Sam."
I grinned deviously. Oh, yes everything will be just fine alright. "Yep, just peachy, Nicholas. Because when I'm in intense pain, you will be right there, having your hand squeezed the living day lights out of."

He frowned, and then looked at me in wonder. "You mean I'll actually get to be there?"
I bit my lip. "Of course. I mean if you want to...I'm not going to force you into anything..."
"I'll be there."

I smiled. "Good. Then you will get to see my baby girl."
"It's going to be a girl?"
I scrunched up my nose and then threw my head back. "I don't know. I just have a feeling."

"Well, are you going to find out? You're supposed to go to the doctors soon, right?'
I sighed. "I guess I will have to go to the doctors..." I sighed and then pouted. "But I hate the doctors. They always have sharp pointy needles."

"Stop being such a baby," Nick said, before leaning back onto the sofa, and letting out a a little yawn. "And who says they're going to prick you? A little needle is nothing."

I frowned and then snuggled against him. "Easy enough for you to say. You have to, everyday." I looked down and fiddled with the collar on his shirt. Grrr, why did he have to smell so good? "And I won't have to find out the gender of the baby," I stated matter-of-factly. "Because I'm damn sure it's a girl."

Nick laughed. "Okay, Sam, it's a girl." He smiled and then kissed my hair. He paused and twirled a curl of my brown hair aorund his finger. "Do, you, uh...Have any names in mind?"

I looked down. Did I have any names? Now that I thought about it, I hadn't really choosen any. I always used to talk about naming my baby girl Rosalind Jamie Isabella, but I never inticapated in having a baby so early.

"Not really," I sighed, before closing my eyes and taking everything in.
It was peaceful for awhile. Nothing moved, and the TV, buzzed on quietly in the background. Noone was home, because my uncle wasn't excactly thrilled about us getting back together.
Nick continued to play with my hair. "You know, Jodie always wanted a baby girl."

A tear rolled down my cheek. Oh, yeah Jodie. She was crazy, innocent and too manipulative-without-trying for her own good.

"Yeah." I whispered, before taking a deep breath in. "I always imagined she'd get a brown curly haired, green eyed girl."

"Jodie had more blue eyes than green."

"I know," I yawned, before looking up, smiling and then resting my head into his neck. "But I don't."

He stiffened abit, but then relaxed just as quickly and then held me closer to him.

I sighed, and then opened my eyes and bolted up right. "I've got it!"
Nick straightened some, but then pulled me back into him. "What?"
"I know what I'm going to call my baby." I said, before watching as his hands slid to my belly. At just that moment, the baby decided to let us know it was there, and kicked. I let out a yelp, and then clutched the spot it just hit.

"That kid's just as impatient as it's momma." Nick smiled, before placing his hand over mine. I grinned, and rubbed my stomach lovingly. "I love you, little Jodie."

Nicholas stiffened, and his voice went all quivery. "JJ-" He swolled, and opened and closed his mouth like a goldfish. "You're going to name her Jodie?"

"Of course." I smiled. "Jodie Sophia Isabella. Do you like it?"
"I love it," Nick grinned, before leaning down and pecking my lips. I smiled, and then ran my fingers across his cheeks. "Did you know I love your name just the way it is? It's much better then Nick...Brick...Stick!"

He grinned, and then kissed me again. "And I like yours - Sam. It suits you way better then Samantha."

"Well, I guess I can understand that..." I paused and let my words sink in. "Nicholas..."
He then frowned and tutted mockingly, before seizing my sides and tickling me.

And that's the way I wanted us to be for a long time to come. Happy, playful and just loving being teenagers. I wanted my little Jodie Sophia, to be beautiful, and I wanted her to call Nicholas her daddy.

Even though Aledreo didn't know, I knew he wasn't suitable for parenting anyway. He was too quick to not keep it in his pants, but he hated responsibility. That was his one flaw in being perfect.

But I didn't need him anymore. I had Nick.
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:) Comments, please? a HUGE thank you to Jodie, (Never Walk Alone) for writing the last chapter. THANK YOU!! :) XX