Status: Entry; completed.

Daisy in a Box, Heart on a Sleeve

Part One

You said forever.

As I played my guitar, the tears fell and wouldn't stop. I wanted to break it, to smash it. Did he even know how much he'd hurt me? Did he even care? And I had to live with this... without him.

Drew had no idea that it was his. I thought of his face as I ran my hand over my belly.


I flashed back to the summer. Had it really only been two months ago? I could still feel the sand beneath my toes, and the oceans waves splashing and soaking me. I remembered Drew picking me up, running into the water, and throwing me in. I screamed and we laughed, and we kissed. Then I shoved him under the surface. It had been the best summer of my life. Eating ice cream, dreaming about starting college, and laying on the beach staring at sunsets together... it was all magical.

Drew and I had met in kindergarten. We were in the same class in the same school in South Carolina. I was short and skinny. I had a gap between my two front teeth, and wild blonde hair. He used to call me a squirrel! I hated him. He’d make me cry. In first grade, however, we were stuck sitting at the same table. We both wanted the same cup of Play-Dough, so we had to share. We made this great dog-thing. We’d been best friends ever since.

I suppose growing up together was good for the both of us. When we started high school, people honestly thought we were related because we were so close. If a boy broke my heart, he’d get so angry, and want to kill them. I guess you could say I became a swan when I hit puberty, with the aid of having had braces and hair product. He never told me the real reason behind his protective actions. He’d been jealous of them for dating me, and hurt that I was hurt.

He had slept over my house after we went to a graduation party. We were so excited that we were through with high school! I still don’t know if it was the booze that gave him the courage to speak up, or if he had planned it, but we were laying on my bed, and the lights were dim, and the moon was out. He looked at me with his piercing emerald-green eyes. Just thinking of them made me shiver. He rested his hand on my cheek, and smiled.
"I need to tell you something," he said. I tilted my head and grinned. He pulled me into a hug and buried his face in my hair. "I’m in love with you."

For a second, I was in a state of shock from surprise. But the next thing I knew we were making out. He had climbed on top of me, with one hand on my lower back, and one hand in my hair. I was grabbing his face and pulling him closer. I didn’t want there to be any space between us. I wanted him so bad. After what felt like hours, he pulled away, panting. He stared deep into my eyes. I felt like he could see my soul. I looked up at him. He was so perfect. I took in his chiseled body, his curly dark hair, his perfect mouth, and his strong chin. How could I not have realized before? We belonged together. That night, I fell asleep in his arms.


I blinked. When I turned my head, I saw the picture sitting on my bedside table. It was a picture of him, looking like a Grecian god, with me hugging him. I didn’t want to remember the summer. We were smiling. I felt a tugging sensation in my chest. I turned the frame over so I couldn’t see it. Maybe now I could get some sleep.


We stayed at the beach in a house. It was just the two of us. The first time we walked through the door of that shack, we put our bags down and he picked me up and carried me off. My legs were wrapped around his waist and my fingers were running through his hair as we kissed with infinite passion. Tonight was the night. He brought me to the bed and laid me down. He climbed over me, and ran his hands up my shirt, never breaking the kiss. I reached up and tugged his tee-shirt off of him, throwing it aside. Within seconds, mine had joined it on the floor. He kissed my neck and touched my breasts. I gasped, and closed my eyes. God, it feels so good. He took of my shorts, and I unzipped his jeans. Soon we were staring at each other in just our underwear. This was our virginity, and we would lose it to each other. He took my hand and placed it onto the front of his boxers. I could feel that he was getting hard.

He leaned over and unbuckled my bra. My breasts were revealed, and he kissed them. I licked my lips. I grabbed his erection and he let out a soft moan. "Amy..." Soon, we were naked, together, making love for the very first time. He got inside of me, and at first it hurt, but soon he was rocking me and it felt amazing. He managed to hit all of the right places at all of the right times. He pressed his mouth to the side of my face when he started thrusting harder. I moaned. Drew. He was getting there. He was going to come. The static of my own orgasm hit me hard. I clutched his face and pulled him closer and kissed him harder than I ever had. After, we were both covered in sweat, and were gasping for air. I had never felt so incredible. The next day, we went to the beach, and just sat on a blanket for a while, kissing, napping, tanning, and as happy as can be.
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Wish me luck! :)