You're Only Market Value

Show Antics

I'd have never guessed that those guys could ever have played live as amazingly as they did. Bert ran the show. He fed off the crowds energy, and the crowd of his, lord knows theres enough to go around. Quinn got insanely into every note, and Jeph paralelled him.

But I'm sure it would have been better if I were watching from a shorter distance. Instead of from behind a flimsy table, with sweaty teenagers throwing money at me in exchange for cheap concert swag.

But beggers can't be choosers, and its better than jail.

About an hour after the show, while I was packing up, the guys came out.

"Hello" Quinn said smiling, helping me with the box I was lifting full of hoodies. He still had sweat lining his forehead, and his shirt looked damp.

"Ew, you're all sweaty." I said, playfully schrunching up my face.

He laughed, "Yeah but thats okay because we got a hotel so I can shower!" He said, clearly excited. But I can't lie, I'm excited too. It's the first time ill have showered in like four days.

He helped me lift the final box, and collapse the table.

When we were done, the rest of the guys came over.

"Suuuuure, now you come over, after the work is done." I said teasingly in the direction of Bert.

Bert exchanged looks with the other guys, and smirks appeared on all of thier faces. Then they all looked at me deviously.

I narrowed my eyes, "What?"

Then they all closed in, smooshing me in the middle of all of them in a huge hug.

A tight, very very sweaty hug.

"Release!" I cried, but no dice. So I had no choose but to stand there being hugged by four guys, feeling the contact sweat seep through my already dirty clothes.

Then they all let go, but I stayed where I was at, unable to move.

"I. Smell. Like. Boy!" I screamed through gritted teeth.

Quinn looked back with his signature smirk plastered on his face.

"Look at it on the bright side Peyton, at least you get to shower tonight."

Thank god.
♠ ♠ ♠
eh, its a filler.

comment are muy appreciated :]