Never Go Back

Having People, Listen To Me

The very next day, Alex didnt say anything to anyone when she got up.
She had so many questions, but so many thoughts going around in her head.
Flashbacks kept showing up in her head.
She got to school and saw one of her best friends, Lila.
"Hey Girl, Whats happening?" said Lila.
Alex said nothing.
"You okay?" said Lila.
"Yeah, I just had a scary dream last night. Im not talking like you walk in a semetary and die, I'm talking about cold shivers and whispers coming up in my ear." said Alex.
"That dosent sound that bad." said Lila.
"No the creepy part is it was almost like I was watching myself sleep and no matter what you do you cant do anything to help it."said Alex.
" I have never had that feeling before so I can't relate." said Lila
Alex waved and walked away.
Boring school went by slow, and deathful. Alex finally got through the day.
She started to walk home.
" Hey, Alex!" said Jacob.
Alex turned around and acknowledged him in a polite manor.
"We are gonna go cheack out that old restaurant place that went out of buisness like fifteen years ago!" said Jacob.
"Why does that fasinate you so much to see that?"said Alex.
"Reporters on the news said that it has been officially closed down and not for sale because of ghost sightings!" said Jacob.
" Wow. How are you exactly going to get "in" this "haunted" place?" said Alex.
"Eh, I've got my ways."said Jacob
" Sure you do." said Alex.
" So are you in?" said Jacob

"I've got nothing better to do. Sure see you at 12:00"said Alex