Status: Cross your fingers that I win!

Stake to the Heart


He stood and watched her. He had been following her for the

past few months now. Watching her every move making

sure she was the one. She was.

She stood and watched him. His strawberry blonde hair was

A mess upon his head. His green eyes glistened even in the

Dark bar. A smile played on her lips. Her prey was in site.

“Can I get you a drink?” she stared up at him. He wasn’t as

tall as she expected. The diamond stud in his left ear shone

giving his appearance a bad boy look. His nose was crooked also adding to

that effect.

“Sure,” she answered coolly.

He signaled the bartender, “Jake Daniels on the rocks.”

“So Hun, what’s your name?”



He smiled showing his dimples,“I like it, its unusual.”

Ophelia smiled, “Well I’m an unusual type of girl.”

Numerous drinks later, they found themselves in the dark alleyway behind

the bar.

“You know, I’ve been watching you for a long time.” Vince planted sweet

kisses along her neck.

“Yeah I saw you watching me across the room.”

“No, I mean longer than that. A lot longer maybe a few months even.”

Ophelia laughed awkwardly, “So what? You’re like a stalker or something?”

His grazed his fangs along her neck searching for a vein, “Not exactly.”

He felt her stiffen beneath him, “What-“

“Don’t bother the dumb act. I know who you are. Ophelia Martin, Vampire

Huntress. Kills vampires almost as easy as you take a breath.”

She inhaled sharply as he pressed his fangs into her throat.

“And now I have you. Cornered. Any last words?”

“Yeah,” she whispered lightly in his ear, “Bite me.” Then, without a second

thought plunged the sliver stake into his heart. Vince fell sputtering for air.

She shook her head in disapproval as he withered on the floor, ‘It was nice

that you did your research Hun, but that speech ran a little too long.”

She pulled her stake out of what was now a pile of ash. She chuckled to

herself as she walked out of the all, “When will they ever learn?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry If It sucks major eggs. I really didn't have many ideas for this contest :/ Also sorry for the weird gaps.