Sweep Me Off My Feet

Think of You Later In My Empty Room

Skylar was having a great time everyone that Jess had introduced her to, were nice and funny. The way she interacted with the party people would have shocked those who knew her before. Sky was getting the feeling that being around them would bring her out and make her happy. 
As the party went on into 12:00 Skylar was still the only sober one making her want to get out of the hot house. She pushed through a couple of kids walking throughthe kitchen to the dark backyard. The air was cool compared to inside of the house, no one was out there with her leaving Skylar to her thoughts. She sat there looking up at the visible stars in the sky not paying attention to the sound of the sliding door opening and closing. 
"What are you doing out here?" A voice sounded from behind her not scaring her at all just causing her to snap her head around. 
Standing behind her was John Gomez, he had a look of curiosity on his face. 
"Just getting fresh air and thinking." 
John had been watching Sky the whole night taken aback at how pretty she was. 
Her smile made him smile, the way she laughed made his heart melt. It was unusual for John Gomez to feel this way about a girl since his break up with his girlfriend of 2 years, Mackenzie Henderson. But Sky gave him the feeling that she needed someone there to help her with whatever it was that was keeping her from talking, keeping her from being the outgoing girl he knew she was. John Gomez was falling hard for Skylar June Bellant and he'd only met her. 
The loud music from inside of the house was muffled as the two sat outside on the porch in silence. For some odd reason Skylar felt more comfortable being alone with John than she had with Stephen, but Stephen had that charm to get her talking, even if it was just by asking her random small questions. John on the other hand had the effect to make her feel at ease with her thoughts. 
John wanted to ask her so many questions but their surroundings were perfect and he didn't want to ruin it, so he stayed quiet. 
"Why aren't you inside with your friends?" The sound of Skylar's voice was soothing to John's ears. 
"Its hot in their, plus it's not like they're going to miss me." He chuckled. 
"Yeah, everyone is pretty wasted. Do they all just crash here?" 
"Sometimes unless the ones who are wasted were smart enough to bring people that wouldn't drink along as their DD."
Sky laughed. "Welp I guess I'm one." 
"As am I."
Skylar got home at around two in the morning with the help of John. She followed him home in Jess's car since she was compleatly trashed along with Kennedy Stephen and Josh. They'd all passed out with in 5 minutes and she only had to get John's attention to pull over so that Stephen could puke on the side of the road. 
"That was an adventure." John said helping Skylar take Jess to Alaska's house for the night.  
"It really was, minus all the puke. Are you sure I shouldn't clean that up it's going to smell horrid." 
"Nah, Jess will kick Stephen's ass after her hangover."
"She's not going to freak when she wakes up is she?"
John shook his head as they pushed through the front door and up the stairs to Skylar's room. John's eyes got wide as he examined Sky's neat colorful room. 
"Alaska didn't know what I liked so she had it painted like the sky to match my name." Sky admitted as they plopped Jess onto her bed. 
"What do you mean she didn't know what you liked?"
Sky was silent then a smile crept up on her face as Jess curled up into a ball holding on tightly to one of her pillows. "Earth to Skylar!"
She turned her attention back to John. "It's 2:21 am I'm tired I'll tell you later." 
John didn't force it out of her, yet, but he was determined to get into her head and figure out what kind of pain she was hiding behind those big brown eyes of hers. 
"Sky I need water pronto."
The sunlight leaked into the bedroom casting a harsh glar onto Sky's face and to make it worse, she felt like she'd only slept for ten minutes before Jess woke her up from her slumber asking for water then hurting off to the bathroom to puke. 
The digital clock from the ihome dock flashed 12:12pm. Sky groned getting off her bed walking down the stairs to the kitchen. 
"Did you have fun?" Skylar jumpped at the sound of Alaska's voice. 
"You're not mad?" She questioned abound eye contact with her sister. 
"About going out or coming home at two in the morning?" The corner of her lips twitched as she tried to hide the smile. 
"Why are you smiling?" Alaska sighed in defeat. 
"I was trying to be serious but it's kind of hard knowing that this was your first run of being a teenager."
Skylar was confused at her statment. "Wouldn't any other guardian be mad?"
"Yes but I'm not just your guardian, I am also your sister that wants to see you live a little. Key word a LITTLE." 
Sky just stared at her, grabbed the bottle of excederin, a glass of water for Jess and a glass of apple juice for herself ignoring her sisters statment. 
"Here you go." Jess whispered a thank you laying back down. 
Next door John woke up at around nine in the morning pacing his bedroom pondering on what Sky had told him about Alaska not knowing what she liked. What older sister didn't know what interested their younger sister? Why hadn't he ever seen Sky ever visit years before? Better yet why hadn't Alaska ever mention having family, she always claimed that the only family she had was Adam! 
John stopped taking a glance out his window. He had a pretty good view of Skylar's bedroom and from the looks of it to him  Jess and Sky had still been sleeping. 
Stephen on the other hand sat in his bed typing away silently on his mac computer chatting to Justin about how much he liked Sky. The way she was so mysterious about herself, the way she got really nervous when he'd sat down next to her and the way she blushed under the moon light. 
Though on the other side of town another boy lay on his bed shortless with eyes wide open looking up at his white ceiling following the fan as it rotated slowly, thinking about the beautiful girl with medium length black hair, big chocolate brown orbs, pink lips that just called for him to kiss and a smile that could brighten up his day on a cloudy day. 
♠ ♠ ♠
oooolala! who is the mysterious thrid boy? MWAHAHAHA you'll never know!
Okay you will but not yet at least.
HOLY BONKERS!! 8 subscribers? you guys are awesome!!
I love you all dearly (: