Chasing Stephen


I looked up and stared into Jay’s eyes. They reflected the disbelief in mine. My stomach was knotting and flip-flopping. This had to be some weirdly sick joke his “murderer” was playing! It just had to be!

We both jumped up and ran through the church to the door. I jogged down the steps and nearly tripped on the way down. Luckily, I made it to the car without dying.

“What are we going to do,” I ask, climbing into his car. I wasn’t sure how we would handle this. Should we treat it as a joke? Or will we say it’s real and try to tell people that he wasn’t dead?

“I haven’t the slightest idea,” he laughed and turned on the ignition. Just then his cell phone rang again. I watched eagerly as he checked who it was. The brilliant smile on his face told me that it was Stephen.

“Hey, was that Stephen? What’d it say? Why is he only texting yo-”
He cut me off by saying “He asked if we were going to try and find him or are we too scared.”

“Haha! Even when he’s supposed to be dead he still jokes,” I chuckled. He was such an odd guy. “I just don’t get why he hasn’t texte-” . I was cut off again by the sound of his phone vibrating. I picked the phone up this time and checked the called ID. I dropped the phone again and picked it up again with shaking hands. “Its S-” He interrupted me again. I was getting fecking tired of that!

“I bloody know who it’s from. But what does it say,” he asked, his voice rising. I flinched at the tone of his voice.

“I don’t know! I-” I gave him the look to make sure he didn’t interrupt me. If he did, I was going to blow up. “I’m gonna check it right now. Ha! Dang, he knows me way too well. It says,

‘Don’t worry, Kota, I didn’t forget about you!’ And there’s a little smiley face at the end, see!” I shoved the phone into his face even though he was driving. He texted me! He finally texted me! Yes!

“Here,” he said, handing him his phone, “Hit reply and say, ‘No, we’re not scared . . . Just confused. Where are you?’”

“Ok, he just texted you back . . . He said that we have to guess.” NO! That wasn’t fair! No way! There were so many fecking places in America! And then he could always be somewhere else! Ah man!

“Tell him that that isn’t fair. Tell him to give us a hint or a clue,” Jay said, mirroring my thoughts.

I typed that into the phone and got a reply in less than a minute. “He says life isn’t fair.” Jay rolled his eyes at that. ‘Life isn’t fair.’ That is BS. Life may not be fair, but its up to people to make it better. Stephen wasn’t making it any better!

“Well, tell him that life will be even more unfair when I get a hold of him,” he smirked, a sly smile coming across his face.

“He said ‘Haha! I’ll believe that when I see it!’ And there’s a picture of . . . Hey, Jay, pull over,” I said, gazing at the cell screen intently. I was trying to make out what the picture was. I had a few guesses but I couldn’t be sure.

Jaykob pulled over and turned to me. “Let me see,” he said excitedly. He grabbed my phone and studied the picture. “Oh my goodness! He made it all the way to bloody Vegas?!?” Ah, so I was right. He was in Vegas! At least he wasn’t all the way across the world!

“Are we going to try and find him?”

“Of course we are, he’s my- I mean our best friend, why wouldn’t we?” must be hard for him to be nice to me. After all, we didn’t really see eye to eye. I don’t blame him for slipping.

“Oh, yeah, road trip,” I yelled and did a happy dance in my head. Not only were we going to find Stephen, but we were also leaving the state! Then the problem dawned on me. “Wait, do you even know how to get there?”

“That’s what GPS is for,” he said with a smirk. “Stephen get ready, we are coming for you!”

I smiled to myself and leaned back on the chair. My fingers curled around the phone in case Stephen texted again. The car was silent as we drove except for the hum of the car and the noise of the GPS. Soon I felt myself drifting to sleep, the memory of Stephen floating in my head.

As I slept, dreams haunted me. I kept imagining myself as a cool kid. The look on Mason’s face when he was being beaten up. It still hurt me to think about it. I wanted nothing but to take it back. Take back every bad thing that I’ve done. I wanted to scream. The new me was nothing like the ruthless person I was.

I felt Jay’s hand on my face and him asking me if I was alright. I didn’t even remember waking up but I could feel his skin on mine. “I think I…” I trailed off, losing my train off thought to sleep. “Hmm…Where are we? How long have we been driving?” I looked up and saw how close his face was to mine. I drew back a little and flushed. Ah! He was blindingly bright!
“we’re in….Uh, im not really sure,” he admitted. “I’ve just been listening to directions from my Tom Tom. As for your other question, we’ve been driving for, like, two and a half hours.”

Ok, so…” I couldn’t think of what to say. I was still dizzy from taking a nap but even if I wasn’t, it would still be awkward.

“So how was your nap,” Jaykob asked. “Did you have any interesting dreams?”

“Um….uh, nope,” I lied. “None that I recall. Wh-why do you ask?” My voice rose a bit. Damn, I hope he doesn’t find out that im lying. It would be bad. I don’t want him to know that im still crazed over what I did to Mason. He wanted me to forget it but I couldn’t. I really couldn’t.

“I was just trying to make conversation. Kota, I’ve come to the conclusion that you’re a lot more fun to be around when we’re talking like friends . . . Er, well it’s more like civilized people than actual friends. Anyways, you’re more fun to be around when we’re being nice-ish, than you are when we’re fighting.”

“I know what you mean. I’d much rather be around Happy Jay than I would Depressed Jay or Psycho Jay and I’d definitely rather be around Happy Jay than I would Crazy-Psycho-Bite-Your-Entire-Bloody-Head-Off-If-You-Say-The-Wrong-Bloody-Thing Jay!” I was actually glad that we weren’t fighting. I liked it better this way. It made me feel better. Stephen would also be glad if we became friends. That is, if we ever got over our old rivalry.

“Haha! You said bloody twice in the same sentence! But I totally understand what you were saying about my multiple personalities. I too would much rather be around Happy Jay than I would with the others,” he told me, a sort of shy smile on his face. “Hey, are you hungry?”

“Nope,” I said, shaking my head, but then my stomach growled, betraying me.

“Are you sure about that?”

“Positive.” My stomach growled again. Man, why does everything fecking hate me!?

Ok, well you might say you’re not hungry, but your stomach is telling me otherwise. There are
a few different restaurants coming up, so I’m going to come off the highway at the next exit. If you’re truly not hungry then don’t eat. But I’m warning you, if you don’t eat, then I better not hear you bloody complain about being hungry . . . Damn, I sound like my bloody father. You know what, forget what I just said.”

I did my best not to laugh at him, which was very hard. “No, I changed my mind, well, actually my stomach changed it for me. I’ll eat.”

“OK, where do you want to eat? There’s a McDonald’s, a . . . Subway, an Applebee’s, and . . . Um, ooh! There’s a barbeque place! Do you want . . . Oh, I forgot, I’m feeding a vegetarian.

”That’s Jay for you. Forgetting one of the most important things about people. ‘Oh you’re a vegetarian.’ Really now? That weirdo! “Um, so where would you like to eat? Because I have no clue what places have vegetarian friendly foods.”

“Um, is there a McAlister’s around here because they have pretty good food for vegeheads like me and I think that they have good food for meat lovers like you.” Gosh, I hated to be around meat eater. But it’s not an easy thing when your friends are. I wanted nothing more than to bash their heads against the wall and make them forget about meat.

“Um, I don’t think so...Ok, so no McAlister’s . . . What else sounds yummy to your rumbling tummy?”

“Um… What about Buffalo Wild Wings?” It was an odd suggestion by the look on Jay’s face. He didn’t seem to have expected my answer. I mean, the name said MEAT in bold letters.

“Are you bloody insane? “You’re a bloody vegetarian; why in the bloody Hell would you want to eat at Buffalo Bloody Wild Wings? Not that I’m complaining because I love hot wings. I could literally live off of them but it’s meat and you, Mr. Dakota I-Still-Don’t-Know-What-Your-Bloody-Middle-Name-Is Laine, are a bloody vegetarian! Do you not bloody know what a bloody vegetarian is? Well let me tell you, if you’re a bloody vegetarian, it means you don’t eat any bloody meat!”

‘Whoa, whoa, whoa! Jaykob, calm down.” I was surprised. I didn’t even think he cared about me or what I ate. Although, it seems like is visitations to restaurants needed to be improved.

“What? Why should I bloody calm do-.

I sighed and cut him off this time. “Buffalo Wild Wings has a vegetarian burger on the menu.”

“Oh,” Jay said, a bit defeated. And he thought he was smart! He punched our destination into his GPS. I curled into a ball and fell fast asleep, no dreams haunting me this time.

“Hey, Kota, wake up.

“Vegas,” I ask, yawning.

“Yes, Dakota, we drove to Vegas in the five minutes that you were asleep.”

“Wow, you have a fast ca-“ I stopped in mid-sentence. It was a joke. He tricked me. I thought he was serious! ”Bastard.” I opened the door to his car and stepped out, only to trip and fall.

“Ahhh! That Fecking hurt!”

“What hurt,”Jay asked, walking around to my side of the car. His eyes danced with laughter when he saw me tangled in the seat belt. “How in the bloody world did you manage to do that?”

“Shut up,” I growled. Jay came closer and tried to help me out of this mess. I slapped his hand away. “Stop! I can do this by myself! I don’t need you help!”

“okay, suit yourself,” he said and started walking away.

I tried to untangle myself from the seat belt for a few seconds with no luck. In fact, all I ended up doing was getting into a far worse mess. “Jay, where the hell do you think you’re going? I need you to help me!”

He chuckled, turned around and stalked back to me. He attempted to untangle me but it was not an easy task. “Dang, you’re really twisted up in this thing.” He worked on it for a few more moments before he muttered “Ok, I got it,” and was freed. The seat belt snapped back into the car and I fell. Jay caught me before I landed on my face. He closed the door with his foot and carried me towards the door.

“Jay,”I whined. “Put me down, you big oaf!”

“Why should I,” he asked, a sly smile on his face.

“Because people are looking at us funny,” I said, pouting. I swear, if he didn’t let me down, I was going to kick him harder than anyone ever has. I did his brother in, so why should I be able to do the same for him? Ah, bad thoughts, Kota. Bad thoughts.

“I don’t care,” Jay said. “Give me a better reason!”

Ah damn him! He is such an ass! How the hell was Dakota friends with him? However, I had no right to say that. I was not a good person either.

“Um, because you’re the nicest person in the world?” He stared at me as if I was crazy. And I pro’lly was for even suggesting it. Jay was anything but nice! “Because you love me?

“Because you love me? Because I love you? “Uh, because I said so . . . Yeah, I didn’t think that one would work, but it was worth a shot. OK, if you put me down I’ll give you a hug.”
Jay watched me for a second and put me down gently. “Ok, where’s my hug?”

“seriously,” I asked, bewildered. “Why the hell did he want a hug?”

“Yes seriously! Now I can carry you again, but I should warn you, if I carry you again, I’m going to throw you over my shoulder like I did earlier.”

“No, thank you,” I said and glomped him. He nearly fell over with the force. I smiled to myself for doing that.

“OK, not that I want to break off the hug or anything, but I think we should go in and get something to eat before our stomachs eat themselves.”

“Yeah, good idea,”I said and walked toward the building with a slight blush on my face.

This burger takes like sand,” I muttered to Jay as we sat eating our food.

He took a sip of his Root Beer Float and stretched his arms. “Don’t complain. You where the one who suggested this place. The food isn’t the only problem. That stupid chick wont stop bloody flirting with me.”

“You like it,” I huffed. He really did. Jay loved attention. Girls drooled over him wherever he went. This was no exception. As much as he denied it, he “bloody” loved it.

“I do not,” he denied, like I knew he would. Just then, the waitress came over. She smiled and batted her eyes at him. “Hello, there.”

I rolled my eyes at his smooth voice. He was such a player. No doubt he was trying to win her over. That wasn’t nice for me. I didn’t want to be waiting out on the curb while they got it on.

“May I get you anything,” she asked.

“Define anything,” Jay flirted back.

“I have a definition,” I intruded. “Another coke, please.”

The waitress sent me a dirty look and ignored my request. “Well, I can take care of anything you need.”

“A coke for my friend,” Jay said simply.

“Oh, alright,” she said, disappointed. The waitress walked into the bar counter and brought me a coke. She set it on the table, glared at me, and walked away without another word.

“Thank you,” I muttered, ignoring the straw and taking a big gulp. The cold liquid ran down my throat, chilling and sweet.

Jay patted me on the back, making me choke on the ice in my mouth. “Don’t worry about it, Kota. Its just a little flirtation so we wont have to pay the bill.”

I rolled my eyes at that. “You’re so rude.”

“That’s not true,” he said. “Okay, okay! I may be rude but I know how to handle people. Unlike a little boy like you.”

“I am not a little boy,” I protested.

“Youre a child, Dakota. It’s a wonder your mother doesn’t slap you around a few times for not growing up!”

“She wouldn’t-” And then it hit me hard. My mother. And father! I hadn’t called them before we left! They must be worried sick! “Jaykob, my mother!”

He waved a hand in dismissal. “Don’t worry your bloody little head. I called them while you were in the bathroom. They said everything was fine. Well, you’re dad did. You’re mum, however, nearly ripped my head off.”

“Oh, thank god,” I sighed. “I didn’t want Mum going crazy on me.”
Jay rolled his eyes. “You just didn’t want her to take your music away.”

“That’s not true!” He shot me a look. “Okay fine… but I like my music!”

“So do I, but I don’t worship musician like you do.”

“Whats wrong with thinking Andy Six has an amazing voice!” That’s bastard, if he dare say anything about Andy ill make sure he pays! And not with money! Andy Six has an amazing voice. And I loved all he stood for. I met him last month at a concert and I have a picture of him giving me a kiss! On the cheek, of course, but it was still awesome! I also have him number! Yeah, its rad!

“Nothing at all, Kota. I like him too, but he’s nothing compared to Chris Coma!”
It was my turn to roll my eyes. “You’re so obsessed…Hey, you, I can pro`lly get you to meet you. I still have Andy’s number!”

“Have you ever called?”


“Then you never will.” Before I could protest move he stood up and said “Ima go get us free lunch. Be back in a second!”

“Stupid whore,” I muttered under my breath.

“I heard that,” he called over his shoulder, flicking me off.

“I hate you…” I rested my chin on my head and sighed.

“Was that your boyfriend?”

I jumped three feet in the air. No, make that five. II knew it wasn’t Jay because I could see him. Instead, standing right in front of my table was a tall boy with shaggy black hair and hazel green eyes. He was tanned, looked to be sixteen, wearing a “Dirty” t-shirt, and black jeans. His pouty red lips made him look a bit sad. Right now, he looked to be shocked.

“Oh, no,” I answered, wondering where he showed up from. ”He’s my friend.”

The boy looked disappointed. “Too bad. I was going to go beat him for you. I mean, he’s flirting with that chick. I really hate her. She always messes with my boyfriend. It pisses him off, but Kennedy is such a gentleman. Mind if I sit with you?”

“Um, go ahead,” I said, not wanting to seem rude, even though I didn’t know this boy.

“So what’s your name,” he asked, taking a seat. His belt caught in the light, nearly blinding me. I blinked and tried not to move away. I, unlike Jay, was not rude.

“My name is Dakota.”

“Oooh, nice name. I’m Klay  ,” he introduced himself. “Klay Drago. Its spelled with a K. Isnt that cool? My mum was a little high when she named me. But its all fine! Do people call you Kota? I have brother named Kristoff but we call him Kris. Oh, we could be KKK, only not mean and stuffy! Ah, I hope you don’t think im racist, because im not. I say the stupidest-”

“Klay, shut up!”

Another voice startling me. Another stranger to add to the mix. This boy was tall, blue eyes, spiked black hair, and snakebites. He was wearing a short sleeved Escape The Fate t-shirt, half of a tattoo on his upper arm poking out. His legs were covered with skinny jeans and tightened with a belt. Clunky Doc Martin boots were on his feet. A black bass was slung around his shoulder.

“I did it again, didn’t I, Kennedy,” Klay asked, looking down at the table.

The boy, Kennedy, laughed. “Yeah, you did. Is this your new friend?”

Kennedy, this is Dakota,” Klay said, pointing to me. “Dakota, this is my boyfriend, Kennedy Reed. Kennedy is the most amazing bass player in the world! He is playing for a band called Destroy The System Of Life. Kristoff is the singer. He has an awesome voice, You should hear them play! If you have time! I mean, are you passing through or staying-”

Kennedy grabbed Klay by the shirt and yanked him to his feet. Without so much as a hesitation, he kissed him. I waited, a bit surprised, for a minute before he let go of him. Klay plopped down in his seat, seeming to be dizzy.

Kennedy turned to me, an apologetic smile on his face. “I’m sorry but that’s the only way I can get him to shut up.”

“Its fine,” I chuckled. “That seems like a fun way to have someone quiet you.” I was glad that he did it. Klay had a mouth. Not just one for Kennedy to kiss. He sure could talk.

“It is,” Klay confirmed. ”It just makes me dizzy.”

“I can see that, Klay,” I said, biting my lip to try not to laugh.

“Ah, so this is where you two were!” This time I wasn’t surprised. I sort of expected there to be another boy.

This one was the same height as Klay but his hair was longer and streaked with brown. His eyes were the same green as Klay’s and rosy lips. Their facial structure was a bit different and showed that this brother, Kristoff, was older. He wore a snug white t-shirt and red checkered jeans. His pants were half hidden by black converse boots.

“That’s my brother K-,” Klay started to say but I cut him off.

“Kristoff! Come join the party!”

“Thanks,” Kris smiled and sat with us.

“No problem. I could use the company!” Already I was forgetting the fact that Jay ditched me.
♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry it too so long! Please forgive me!