Status: New and probably slow

Dear David Schmitt, You're Just a Letdown

Secret Love & The Fastest Way To Loneliness

My head was pounding.

It felt like someone was taking a hammer and hitting it against my head.

Hangovers are a bitch

I groaned and rolled over on my side only to be facing a big window whose curtains could not contain the amount of sunlight begging to break through the thin sheets of fabric.
This cause my head to pound harder and another groan escaped my mouth, this time louder.

I felt someone move next to me pulling some sheets along with them. I peeked one eyelid open to glance at the figure next to me.

He looked fairly attractive, a mess short almost fohawk like dark brown hair, tattoos everywhere, snake bites and nose piercings, oh and you can't forget the gauges. Not usually the type I initially go for, but who the fuck cares? I was drunk, we fucked, I leave. That;s how things go.

I rolled over on my side and faced an alarm clock blinking 10:00 AM in big red blocked numbers.

"Shit." I whispered to myself and quickly got out of bed as quietly as I could which didn't end up to well...

Well I ended up on the hardwood floors white bed sheets wrapped tightly around my naked body; which isn't too discreet and caused my one night stand to wake up abruptly.

I was lying on my back looking up at the white ceilings, that is until the face of the dark brown haired cutie came into view.

"Uhm...what are you doing?"

"Staring at your ceiling." I replied nonchalantly.

"Because...?" An amused look in his eyes.

"Because I'm so fucked and I don't know what I'm going to do and I'm already late and I'm too lazy to move and I have no idea where the fuck I am and she's going to kill-"

"Okay okay stop! Breathe." He stated which was probably a good idea seeing as I was rambling and running out of breath but I was still willing to keep going.

"Where do you need to go?"

"Beverly Hills Hotel." I stated out of breath. I looked into his dark brown eyes and he gave me a soft smile.

"Alright then, get ready and I'll give you a lift." He stated casually and rolled back onto the bed disappearing from my line of vision.

"What?" I'm so confused.

"I said. I'll drop you there."

I'm not retarded you don't have to speak slower for me.

I would have stayed and kept questioning like the annoying persistent fucker I am, but I was already late and time was being wasted by just standing there and doing nothing. I should be grateful that he was willing to help.

I shot him a look of suspicion but none-the-less went on a search for my clothing. My bra was on the lamp shade beside his bed, continuing on I found my black dress near his bedroom door, and spotted my heels in his foyer.

Where the hell is my underwear

I let out a quiet groan and went on a mission. I looked everywhere possible. I mean how tricky could it be to find a pair of underwear. It's not like we fucking hid it to go on an Easter egg hunt later. I think we had better things to do with our time.

"Ugh fuck it." I stepped inside of his bathroom to make myself look slightly more presentable. I raked my finger through my hair to get out some of the knots and made myself look more acceptable and less 'I just fucked last night.'

I looked at myself in the mirror, it was the best I could do right now. I quickly ran out of the bathroom, grabbed my purse and popped a few mints into my mouth to freshen up my breath and grabbed my shoes heading towards the front door where what's his name was waiting.

...But no seriously...what's his name?

We stepped out of the apartment and within two minutes we were in his black Range Rover.
The silence wasn't awkward, but it wasn't comfortable either. I pushed any thought of him wanting to kidnap and rape me because...well if he wanted to do that he would have done so already and it's not considered rape if you're willing so...

Besides, he seemed like an alright enough person. I think we were both experienced in how these things go, which is why it startled me when he said he's give me a ride.

And I didn't mean that in a perverted way. Trust me he did that last night.

It was a usual hot sunny day here in California and in no time he was pulling up to the hotel. Now for those of you who have never seen or heard of the Beverly Hills Hotel, then I'm surprised. It's fucking beautiful and hosts the rich and famous but let's not get into that.

"And we're here."

"Thanks uh..." Oh na na WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR NAME!

"Travis." He replied back giving me a playful smile.


He gave me a genuine smile in thanks and said, "well have a good time Savannah."

"Yeah maybe I'll see you around." And I wouldn't mind either.

1.) He was hot.
2.) He seemed like the type of person I would get along with

I grabbed my purse and got out of his rover and just before I closed the door he replied, "highly unlikely but sure." He gave me one last knowing smile and I shut the door and watched him leave. I turned around sighing and walking towards the front doors. I was probably well over an hour late but I didn't care anymore. She would just have to deal.

As I was walking I replayed the words Travis had said highly unlikely.

'Highly unlikely' is right.
Unfortunately I wasn't paying much attention to where I was going and I accidentally bumped into a stranger.

Only it wasn't a stranger, and I swear on my mothers grave it was him.

It was highly unlikely to meet Travis again my chance when this city has well over thousands of people and tourists daily. Just like it was highly unlikely I would ever get back my favourite pair of panties or highly unlikely I would ever be on time for anything.

And it was highly unlikely I would ever see him again.

Or so I thought....
Life always has a funny way of fucking with you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi, new story. Should I keep it or...?
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