The Year 2109

The Year 2109

I woke up this morning at home and the calendar said 2109. I was shocked! I had actually

gone forward in time. There were so many little things that I didn't know about the future. I

hope there is plenty of time to find new things in life that are different now.

First I looked outside to learn that I was floating. There was no ground whatsoever it was

amazing! There were also flying cars; there were rockets flying up to different planets, there

was no school! It was simply amazing. Everything was perfect. There were new kinds of

food, superheros and everything I had ever wanted. It was like a dream, an amazing thing

that I couldn’t explain. The people wore there clothes inside out and the dog leashes walked themselves.

I was just looking around saying "o my gosh this is amazing". I could just barely explain how

I felt that day after looking at the new buildings. There was all kinds of new architecture and I

was just amazed! When I went past the movie theater, I found out that the 20th harry potter

movie had come out also I found out the 50th batman movie came out. I went in to the

theater and watched them. I had some popcorn and really enjoyed myself. Then suddenly a

robot came in and started to watch the movie. It was so strange to see a robot like that,

because back in 2009 there were no robots.

So I got out of the movie and went to go get some dinner. I found a new restaurant, went

inside and discovered the menus were holographic. It was just simply incredible. So I began

to order and got something new. When I took the first bite I said, "Wahoo!" it was awesome

and I really enjoyed it. So after that, I went back to the town, and looked around. I said “what

grate thing is this!” Then suddenly I saw a museum. It had all the old Harry Potter characters

as statues. So I went to the gate and opened it. The guard came up to me and said "You

don't seem like you are from around here"? I replied, "Yes you are right, sir, I am a time

traveler from the past." He said "How did you get to our time?" I said “I don't know. I fell

asleep and the next thing I knew, I was in the future." Then he said, "Well I hope you enjoy

yourself here, time traveler." I replied "thanks, I will", and walked off in to the museum.

When I opened the front door, there was a big Harry Potter statue that was moving. Suddenly

I woke up and realized it was all a dream. So I went back to bed and tried to go back to the

future where I had enjoyed the best time of my life.
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This was a English assignment but i thought you guys might like it!!