This Is Gublerland.


"I can't do this anymore..."

"Of course you can. You went to college for this. You studied to become this."

"Become what?! A broke-ass 25 year old with no job? No life? No house? If I'm not staying here with you I'm staying in some sleazy motel just trying to get by! I will
never become an actress. I'm always going to be nothing..."

"It's always haunted me.... My dreams... Do you know what I mean Chad?" I reached for his dramatically.

Don't mess this up...

He reached for my hand in return and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Yes... I do know what you mean Kathryn. You mean the world to me, and I will do anything to help you conquer your fears."

"Okay! Cut! That's all we need!" The casting director called. I pulled away from the stranger that I pretended I knew and sighed. I did bad. I just know it. I looked at the director and he smiled at me. "Sandra! Baby! I think you have a shot here! We'll give you a call okay?"

"Y-yes sir. When would that be?"

"If you got the part? Tomorrow... Oh and happy birthday." He said in a bored monotone. I frowned a little bit. They always said they'd call...But they never would...

"Okay. And thank you Mr. Boole." He just nodded his head and asked the assistant for a cup of coffee. I walked off stage and grabbed my bag. I was lead by a security guard to the back door. I followed the signs to the parking lot and searched for my car. My beat up, old, 69 red mustang convertible. I was never giving up this baby. No matter how poor I got.

I drove to my house... Well rather my parents house. seeing as how I never landed a part in any movie or TV show I had no money. No job, no nothing. So my parents let me settle in their home. For now.

They told me I had only 6 months to find a job or they were kicking me out. Which was understandable. I turned 26 today. Pretty damn old to still be living with my parents.... Understandable right? Yes it is...

The part that I just auditioned for? Some movie called "Valentines Day." A part I wouldn't get, I was running up against Taylor Swift and Emma Roberts the last time I checked. They were too young, but apparently I looked young enough for one of the parts they were auditioning for, so I got a call-back. I'm not getting another one any time soon, I could tell you that much.

When I got home, I was alone. Parents gone. Just myself and a gallon of cookie dough ice cream. Yum.

I was in the middle of watching "Never Been Kissed" when my phone went off. Stupid text messaging. I hated it, but it was handy when you didn't feel like talking to anyone.

Peter- Hey cutie. There is an audition for some TV show called "Criminal Minds" you interested?

My mouth dropped. Criminal Minds? My all time favorite crime show?

Sandra- Of course I'm interested you dummy! You know I love that show!

Peter was my agent who helped me find casting calls for anything and everything. And I didn't have to pay him... We had been friends since 8Th grade.

Peter- ha-ha I know! Well casting call is in two weeks. You better be ready... ;]

Sandra- You bet! I love you you big freaking' teddy bear!

I jumped up from my seat and started dancing around my room. I screamed out loud with pure happiness. This could be my big break! Even if it's just one episode. One episode could equal to more episodes or more TV shows.

This could be the one....
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