‹ Prequel: Lore of Anteria

Pawn of the Gods: Treasure of Gael

Chapter Ten

Uri stepped into the bunk-room; all eyes were on him, as he sat on his bunk. He was remembering the tale of Shadow Slayers forging.

A Light Elf swordsman forged the blade from darkness; He'd found a material harder then diamond. Gael had supposedly forged Dream Slayer from the very same material. The Elf had poured his soul into the forging of the blade, so that future wielders would not lose knowledge of the past.

"Balazar," Uri murmured, gripping the hilt. Balazar was the Sword smith who had forged Shadow Slayer in the War of the Drakaedian.

Adarian, Zerimon wielded me with a faulty hand, the shade whispered. I advised him against storming the Citadel of Night; he would not listen!

"Balazar, Adarian is dead. He has been for nigh on 10,000 years," Uri said. The shade, Balazar, froze.

Adarian's blood is in you. His spirit is with you, aiding you in wielding the blade. It takes more power then I can give to defeat a Demi-God, Uri was aware of people staring at him as he muttered quietly to himself.

Wield us better then Zerimon did. Should we fall into Dark Elf hands again, untold horrors shall occur. Uri nodded sharply. A warrior strode out of the bunk-room.

"You're sure he said 'Balazar'?" Adara asked. The warrior nodded. "Balazar is the Light Elf who forged Shadow Slayer, it was said he forged his soul into the blade, using forbidden magic. It might explain how he beat me, a 30,000 year old warrior soul possessed him," she trailed off, tapping her bottom lip with her index finger.

"It doesn't make sense! He was aware the entire time. His eyes never changed. He was Uri of the Fallen Wood. How?" Adara stood, snatching Viper Sting and Snow Lily as she stalked out of the command tent. Perhaps if he uses a different blade, she thought, hefting Viper Sting in her hand.