‹ Prequel: Lore of Anteria

Pawn of the Gods: Treasure of Gael

Chapter Twelve

Before Uri could step forward, Kasimir charged him. Uri barely had time to side step. Balazar woke up, taking control and bringing Shadow Slayer up to meet Kasimir's Scythe, Soul Stealer

Even Zerimon didn't clash with Kasimir when he was mortal, what would possess you to fight him when he's a God? Balazar asked wearily. Why do I keep getting handed to infants? He grunted as Soul Stealer grazed his arm, flames erupting and heating searing his face. Kasimir brought his scythe around, sweeping Uri's legs out from underneath him.

Uri was panting, Balazar had fled after the flames. He looked up at Kasimir, praying for it to be quick. The squeal of steel meeting steel resounded through the air. Uri's mind couldn't comprehend who stood in front of him.

"Radek said not to kill him, Kasimir!" the person shouted.

"I wasn't going for the kill," he sulked.

"The hell you weren't! Just because he hurt little Adara, doesn't mean you should kill him! In fact, you should be praising him for his prowess, even if its thanks to Balazar that he's still alive," Uri was focusing on the person in front of him, reprimanding the God of War. She turned to him. "Uri, are you okay?" she asked, one gold eye and one silver eye winking at him.

"Mistress Laila," he choked out, trying to stand. She held out her hand to him, her daggers at her waist. Her long black hair was tied up and wound around her head. "You look... stunning, beautiful... ah forgive me!" She smiled softly, catching his hand and pulling him up.

"Forgive my brother. Kasimir never had any manners to begin with. Thank you, for choosing me over Gael, not many aspiring heros do so," She kissed his brow. "It was, ultimately, that which saved you," His forehead tingled where her lips had touched it. She had given him her Blessing.

"Laila, Radek is expecting us. She's already gone ahead," Kasimir said, pulling Adara's head against his chest. She looks so vunerable, Uri thought, crossing to Kasimir.

"Lord Kasimir, may I have your Daughter?" Kasimir looked down at him, anger hardening his soft features. Laila tilted her head at him, wondering what his game was. Thunder rumbled in the sky as Kael laughed.

"She may travel with you, upon the journey I see before you, if she so wishes it. It will be full of peril. If you cannot protect her and she dies, I will have your head upon a silver platter," he growled, fire dancing along his skin.

"Do you wish it, Adara?" Uri asked of her. She stepped towards him, sheathing Snow lily and slipping Viper Sting in its sheath on her back.

"I will go with you, Uri of the Fallen Wood," she held out her hand and clasped his fore arm. Laila smiled, as if she knew a secret neither of them did and Kasimir glared at Uri, vanishing.

"Kasimir interuppted my observations, of whether or not he was the one!" Gael snapped, her anger causing her features to twist hideously. "And of all the nerve, he chose Laila over me!" she roared.

"Maybe he doesn't care about beauty," Laila sneered, sitting on her Throne of Daggers.

"Oh, easy for you to say! He stammered and showered you with compliments," Gael pouted.

"Enough, children! When will you bestow Dream Slayer to him?" Radek asked Gael, rubbing his temples. Radek was tall and well muscled. Dark brown hair hung in his face and hid his green eyes.

"The world can wait for another hero, I'm going to wait until something kills him,"

"So petty, sister," Laila hissed. "You always were vain." A shrill note of music hit them. Cano had started playing the Dawn of the Hero.

"Cano's right, they need a hero now," Radek sighed heavily. "Laila can always take over the Hero Duties, Gael,"

"I forged it! I made it! Besides, he has her blessing," Gael snapped, sounding like a petulant child.

Radek's eyes opened. "He has your blessing, Laila?" Her hands went instinctivly to her belt. She nodded warily. "Then he must receive a weapon of yours, to be named a hero. You didn't know the concequences of your actions. He is your responsibility now, Goddess of Theivery," Radek said.