‹ Prequel: Lore of Anteria

Pawn of the Gods: Treasure of Gael

Chapter Fifteen

Uri closed his eyes as Lyre's silver wings beat under him, the wind pulling his hair from his face. Hyre's red tail twined wih Lyre's.

Lyre's ears twitched, eyes sparkling. The tips of the Wyre's wings brushed the tree tops beneath them. Hyre lurched forward, the shaft of an arrow protruding from his wing.

Dark Elves! Lyre hissed.

"Adara!" Uri shouted, Hyre was falling fast as more arrows pierced his wings. Uri jumped off Lyre's back, an arrow whistled through the air by the Light Elfs face. He wrapped his arms around Adara, pulling her off Hyre's back and shielding her with his body. They landed hard underneath the tree tops. Adara crawled out of under him, his body curved around hers. He went to stand but fell back to the ground. An arrow stood between his shoulder blades.

"Lie down," Adara murmured. He winced with pain and nodded. Adara grimaced, placed her foot on his back and pulled the shaft out. He screamed once and fainted. Adara tore the bottom of her tunic into strips, tying it around the wound. She spat, throwing the barbed arrow away from them. "Now what? I have an unconscience Light Elf, a horde of Dark Elves after us and we seem to have lost our transportation," Adara sighed, staring at Uri.

His body was slim and muscular. His long black hair hung to his knees, silken strands that were always braided. His blue eyes flickered around behind their lids. She moved over to him and set his head in her lap, unbraiding his hair and combing her fingers through it.

It was sometime before he woke up, his hair neatly braided into two seperate braids and Adara's hands lay palm-down on his chest, holding him to her lap as she slept. Uri reached up a hand, pushing her red hair from her face. She murmured in her sleep a little and tilted her face into his hand, sighing softly. His back was in agony, he tried to sit up, without disturbing her.

Her fingers grasped his braids, pulling him back down. "You shouldn't move until it's more or less healed," she said. "I'll go find water, stay," she stood, striding out of the little patch of sunlight. Uri watched her go, her stomach showing. He touched his bandages, picked up his tunic and threw it at her as she came back, with a waterskin full. She caught it and looked askance at him.

"Wear it," She shook her head, throwing it back at him. She pulled on his coat. It hung on the ground, but it buttoned up, covering her abdomen.

"It'll keep dirt from getting into the wound," she said, bringing the water skin to him, and tilting it back. Cool water rushed into his mouth. She gently unwrapped the wound, washing it out with water and wrapping it back up. She was a warrior, she didn't know how to treat wounds."Lean back," she instructed.

She laid a hand on his shoulder and he gripped her arm, pulling her into him. He wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her hair. She sat stunned and stiff for a moment before she relaxed against him, allowing him to hold her. He's not had a mother for a long time, no womanly touch in memory, Adara thought, fingers wrapped around his shoulders.

She woke up, not knowing why she was so warm, then thoughts of the previous night came flooding back. She slipped out of his arms. He was so hot. She laid her hand against his forehead. Bahir, what do I do? He had a fever.