‹ Prequel: Lore of Anteria

Pawn of the Gods: Treasure of Gael

Chapter Sixteen

Adara heard the snap of twigs as she brushed Uri's hair out of his face, pressing her wet cloth to his forehead. She'd torn another strip from the bottom of her tunic, wetting it with the waterskin. The blood of Kasimir raced against her mortal blood, tearing her between flight and fight. Uri groaned, fingers searching for something. When his fingers closed around hers, she picked him up under his arms and drug him into a hiding spot.

"I can't leave you..." she murmured. He muttered something, so soft and delicate she couldn't believe she'd heard it at all. "What was that, Uri?" She leaned close to his mouth.

"Mother, don't leave me. I love you," quiet sobs broke through his fever-closed lids. "Mother, no! Don't," his hand reached out. Adara's heart broke, watching him. She'd been raised by her Mother and her Father, God or not. She hesistantly reached out her own slender, calloused hands, ensnaring his in her grasp. His breathing calmed, but his skin was on fire. Bahir, God of Night, cloak us in your shadows. Protect us until Uri is well, Demons Hounds snuffled past, their masters at the end of the leash as the Dark Elves sauntered past. Adara let out a deep whoosh of air. A Demon Hound turned and started baying.

Adara drew Snow Lily from her hip and Viper Sting from her back. She hissed with the fury of a God. It charged, Bahir's shield breaking as Adara revealed herself. She leaped at it, teeth bared, her body between it and Uri. Uri was weakly trying to sit up, Vanity in his hand. His face was pale and sickly as he got his feet under him. He hissed, his perfect white teeth bared. The hounds hand them trapped, forming a circle around them. Adara struck out with Snow Lily, it side stepped her blade and ran into Vanity.

"Shadow Hound," Uri croaked. The Demon Hound was foaming at the mouth. Uri saw there was no reasoning with it. The Dark Elves watched, silent. They only fought if their pets were defeated.

Oh Gods and Goddesses, I feel weak. What happened? I remember the arrow and Adara... she was holding my hand... Uri glanced at the Warrior who stood at his back, twin swords drawn, teeth bared, protecting him. He had the rediculous urge to pluck the leaves from her hair. How are we going to get out of this? Whoa... dizzy isn't good...

Adara whirled as Uri fell to his knees, a Demon Hound lunged. Shadow Slayer danced through the air, a hooded character standing over Uri. The figure growled and spat out a few words in the harsh Dark Elf language.

"Blasted cousins always getting hurt," the figure said to Adara, the Dark Elves were leaving. "Well, don't just stand there! Help me pick him up, the cottage isn't that far," Adara hesitated.

"Who are you?" she asked. The figure pulled off it's hood, revealing a woman with emerald green eyes and hair like spun gold.

"I, I am Alwinera, the Mistress of Time, first cousin to the Destruction clan. I am here to help you,"