‹ Prequel: Lore of Anteria

Pawn of the Gods: Treasure of Gael

Chapter Nineteen

They entered Luvaria, hand-in-hand and he pulled her behind him, shielding her from the city.

"We should split up and look for Talin," Adara murmured, gently tugging her hand free of his.

"Adara, she did say to beware the twins, they guard her," Uri's ears twitched as the sun set and a flute began to stir. Adara's eyes glazed over and she stumbled forward a few steps. "Adara!" he yelled, grasping her shoulders. Even Balazar seemed smitten with the haunting melody.

If you follow the music, you will find her. Follow the sound of Cano's gift to his Daughter. Uri's shadow swayed and Uri picked Adara up, her eyes closing sleepily. She fell into his arms and he cradled her close to his chest, walking towards the inn where the haunting music was spewing forth. He silently pushed the door open with his foot.

There she stood, by the fire, long white hair standing out sharply against the black robes of her trade, a flute in her delicate fingers. Her eyes flickered over to Uri, an eyebrow raised. Uri looked up, she had one blue eye and one silver eye. Her ears were faintly pointed, but not elven-like, the robe fit snug around her slim body. A pendant hung on her forehead, the symbol of the Song God, Cano. Uri had only ever seen it in books, and his eyes widened as his mind registered what he saw.

She tilted her head in his direction, blinking slowly. He was seized from behind.

"Fight us and we'll slit your pretty little throat," a male hissed to his right.

"Agreed," said one to his left.

"Mistress Talin, we come from Alwinera--" one of the men struck him.

"Only speak when spoken too," one of them hissed. Talin just sat there, by the fire, flute in hand, mezmerising the people of Luvaria. After a few minutes, Uri grew weary of it. He set Adara down, very gently. Quickly drawing Vanity, he swung at the twins. His back ached from the arrow wound but he pressed forward, Adarian's hand guiding him.

Parry. Feint right. Slash! Slash! Retreat! he ordered very calmly. Vanity hissed through the air, silver light streaking after it. The twins danced around him, poking and prodding him with the tips of their swords. Talin's music slowed and eventually stopped.

"Stop," she spoke in a high clear voice. "You say, Alwinera sent you? Show me proof," Uri, bleeding from the various nicks in his skin, withdrew the golden flute from his pocket.

"Adara has the pendant," At that moment, Adara groaned, a hand reaching up to rub her forehead groggily.

"Uri?" she glanced around. Her eyes landed on him, taking in his figure. A snarl twisted her lips and a fierce growl tore from her throat.